What happened here?
What happened here?
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the United States being a republic
Bush's have ties to a company that counts votes. Election was rigged in favor of Bush.
Then they did a terrible job, you retard, since the popular vote shows him losing.
He won because of the electoral college.
>mfw i realize that a bunch of fucking cucks in Florida sent this nation in a downward spiral that we may never recover from
hard to read english in poland?
I guess you completely forgot about what happened in Florida and the recount.
>51.2 percent turnout
Wow, Americans sure do love their politicians.
Jeb rigged Florida since he is governor there.
>thinking Gore would have been better
Wew and here I was thinking that Merica was the worlds biggest democracy.
I wish we still had the Electoral College.
Here Peronist niggers in a small provincial county like La Matanza (the size of New Jersey) have more weight than entire Patagonian provinces like Chubut (a territory the size of France).
Well you see more people may have wanted it, but the United States is the size of a fucking continent. So just because more democrat liberal fags in Cali wanted Al Gore doesn't mean the vote is an actual accurate way of representing the countries interest in total, that is why the electoral vote is a thing.
elections are won based on the electoral college, not a direct popular vote. It's a series of winner-take-all mini-elections that tally up points.
For example, let's say hillary won california with 51% of the vote. She'd earn 55 electorates. If she won the state with 99% of the vote, she would still get 55 electorates.
we are a REPUBLIC
The popular vote essentially doesn't matter anymore.
It's all about the Electoral College.
l2 American politics.
If your skull didnt have the density of concrete, your dumbass would comprehend that he's criticizing our rigged voting system, and rightfully so.
The obvious thing that can happen when the total votes of a country don't matter because it is divided among states that award electors based on a simple majority not proportion. Seriously it's impressive this doesn't come up more often
Our founding fathers set up the system to help mitigate imbeciles voting en masse. Of course we fucked everything up allowing non-whites and women to vote. There are now more imbeciles than people who actually realize what's going on in the world.
>people still actually believe America is a democracy
Florida happened.
We're a constitutional/democratic republic
Niggers? I thought Argentina was white. Guess im mistaken.
It never fucking mattered! It's always been this way and the states used to be able to ignore it even more in the past
Do you know what that word means burger? Having an electoral college system does not automatically 'rig' an election.
The Electrical College.
Anyone not white here is called a nigger.
La Matanza is a working-class Buenos Aires suburb where mestizos are the majority.
>completely forgot about the recount
>mentions the recount in his post
pick one
>native polish people should have an innate understanding of the electoral college
only shitposting leafs take it upon themselves to understand the american election system
the electoral college is a remnant of when states didn't have a high enough population to actually be represented in the election. everyone thinks it should be removed when it fucks over their favorite candidates, and everyone thinks it is okay when it wins their candidates the election.
>"recount" gets thrown out of court after three attempts to make it look like gore actually won
>he didn't
If Gore had won, Obama wouldn't have happened because Republicans would win for decades after his fuck-ups.
Really makes you think.
>Not understanding the history of his own country
That's kind of cute.
Popular vote means shit. Majority of people around voting time don't even vote or their underage
Computer must've glitched when he typed that. Weird typo or something.
No, you are a democracy, sadly.
If you guys stayed as the aristocratic republic your Founding Fathers meant for you, you would actually be the greatest country in the world.
Representative Republics are a form of Democracy, Indirect Democracy. Unless by Democracy you meant a Direct Democracy.
You cucks are unreal. The point of the electoral system is to try and put all the states, from the largest to the smallest on a more even playing field in terms of votes. This way California can't outvote one sixth of the country by itself every election. That is the point of the electoral system. If you have any goddamn common sense then you want this system, liberal or conservative.
Don't kid yourselves, you're an oligarchy
>Anyone not white here is called a nigger.
This is the first result when I search for "whitest man in argentina"
We haven't cracked 60% since 1968.
America died.
Democracy is a perversion of a Constitutional Government.
>If you have any goddamn common sense then you want this system, liberal or conservative.
I preferred the 3/5ths system. Made sense to me.
What a beautiful Aryan specimen
Looks 100% German Argentine descent
Electoral college. What happens is that in America, you don't vote to represent yourself, you vote to represent your state. Your state has a certain amount of votes that it gives to an individual.
You're a fucking idiot. The electoral college is anti-democratic to its core. Who cares if a person lives in California or Rhode Island? We're all americans who should have the same say in out government
Gore lost. Where the fuck have you been for 16 years?
See, that is what I hate about democracy. Barely a majority of people even turned up to vote, so it isn't even rule of the majority at this point, it is the rule of a voting minority.
And how is this voting minority selected? By opportunity cost. How much is the time it takes you to go to the voting office worth to you? That is the price that you must pay to vote. If you are working class, you have cultivated skills that give you a high opportunity class. If you are a successful businessman with an incredible sense for unspoiled opportunities, you will have an incredibly high opportunity cost.
Yet, if you are a leech, whether you are a bum who commits welfare fraud or a hipster marxist with a trust fund, you will have a very low opportunity cost because you have had no incentive to develop skills that increase your opportunity cost.
Simply put, democracy is inherently biased against the rule of the clever and industrious.
I thought that Peronism was pretty much fascism? What exactly don't you like about them?
his nigger-tier retarded brother rigged the election for him.
Owning niggers is not profitable anymore. Now they think they have rights and such and they are harder to control. It's just easier to dispense narcotics in their communities and lead in their water. Not to mention the abortion clinics that the leftists gave them. Christ this world is sick.
Rectangled in hot pink is the stat that really matters.
How would it be fair at all for 30 states that didn't want gore to win be overseered by goverment from a guy that was only backed by 20 states?
>you now realize California, New York and Florida get to dictate how the rest of the country is ran
fuck the jewtoral college
Not anymore, Justin.
And, if we were anything other than a constitutional republic, you would be right.
We're not any less fucked up than we were 200 years ago. Just less transparent.
>I thought that Peronism was pretty much fascism?
More like its whitewashed, toned down, socialistic retarded cousin.
Also, I'm a libertarian. I voted for these guys.
>candidates with less vote wins
>muh democracy
>muh freedom
Is the electoral college really necessary to be a constitutional republic?
Democracy is a cancer on civilization.
Scalia taking over the case from Florida with a decision so bad it says right in it that it should never be used as a precedent.
Republican Supreme Court justices, ladies and gentlemen.
peroism is a joke. some peronist are cool facist guys and the bast mayority are corrupt lefties.
the funny thing is that all of them are peronist and belong to the same party.
absolutely not.
Typical First-Past-The-Post bullshit
Electoral college is okay.
The Winner-Takes-All principal is not.
Democracy aint even great. We just use that as an excuse to invade people. It can only work after a group of people have been subjugated to a well-discipline authoritative government after a long time and have been installed values and virtues by said government, and then loosen gradually overtime -- with increased educational and literacy rates happening interim. Only then, when they experienced prosperity and stability a long enough, that a populace can successfully make a change without a lot of repercussions and backfires. Installing it in third world nations and underdeveloped countries, by us, was a meme. We either know we had puppets installed or that they would just vote for corrupt incompetent leaders that would destabilize their country.
It's more of a joke to even try to rely on it now in our current State. However lists Democracy as a virtue is a retard; it's -- at best -- the least destructive solution in certain cases.
I don't believe that. I believe that there was a time when people strove to be decent and punished those who were not. I do however believe that it will get worse.
Not all republics work like this though
If Al Gore wasn't such a huge loser that he couldn't carry his home state (Tennessee), Florida would have been irrelevant.
Either way, the Founding Fathers were wise to create the Electoral College, otherwise states like California would have way too much sway.
The electoral college not being proportional
It's still a republic, not a democracy.
State rights.
Gore wouldn't have worked out for the NWO
That's why in the pledge of allegiance we say "...and to the Republic, for which it stands...."
yes, i meant direct democracy when i said "democracy", that's what the average person thinks of when they refer to said type of government
Electoral college prevents the larger states from dominating the smaller states by giving smaller states a larger relative rate of representation, and a safeguard against another Civil War.
Rest assured, there are multiple layers of cheating that go both ways, like Gerrymandering and voter fraud and the push for a Popular vote to disregard state specific totals making the election easier to rig.
Its a hairball, you can't pull at one without pulling them all or wilding throwing off the balance by solving only one issue before another.
How is your Chinese Lesson going Bruh?
America is a republic the same way rome was
it's a democracy, but only the votes of a certain minority matter.
gerrymandering is only an issue for congressional seats. Not the presidential election.
>Electoral college
It's a pretty good thing, I'm glad faggots won't abolish it.
>Billionaire businessman born to enormous wealth
>somehow not an oligarch
end yourself, tyrone
A democratic republic, yes. That's mot what I was getting at though.
This describes the Canadian election perfectly
Lets just say lots of electoral ridings were changed mysteriously before the election (bribes anyone?)
>yes, i meant direct democracy when i said "democracy", that's what the average person thinks of when they refer to said type of government
Nobody else is that retarded just you.
>Live in America
>Define democracy as a direct democracy
>Think America fits that definition
>Somehow don't realize that I never got to vote directly on major issues
why are you repeating that shit like a parrot?
that doesn't even mean anything
>the US being a Republic doesn't mean anything
Top kek Negro
>if Trump won by electoral vote
"We need to scrap this awful system of electoral votes and the electoral college system"
>If Hillary won via electoral vote
You know it in your heart to be true
>that switch from current slow bureaucratic oligarchy to fascist dictatorship and eventually totalitarianism under Trump
Oh yea, Trump will save us!
It does mean something.
It means the result of this election doesn't matter since what the majority of people think are irrelevant.
They don't vote for the president, they vote for elected educated people who vote for the president.
that is not a democracy, it's a republic.
That is some nasty shit
This is why Trump won't become president. He'll never be able to secure enough votes from the electoral college.
This user get it.
Individual states need to change their winner take all crap through their legislatures.
Jebby helped fix the election against AL GORE. Many people believe we live in a split time line where if Al Gore would've won we'd be much better off.
It's because the US is an union of states, rather than a single state. This simply means that Bush had won more states in total, but Al Gore had some land slides in several states. The person who gets the support of most states wins, not always the person with the most votes.
That's a big leech
The electoral collage happened.
>The average person thinks 'direct democracy' when they hear 'democracy'
what the fuck is that?
That's one tasty ass looking burger.
Biggest disaster to ever happen to the republican party and the US.
It turned the US against republicans.
>Not an oligarch
>"an oligarch!"
Fuck off Justin, look up your own fucking vocabulary.
>fascist dictatorship
Look up your own fucking words and realize how retarded you sound, faggot. The president can never be a fascist or a dictator. Nice try though, retard.