Why do millennials still live at home with their parents once they become adults?
Why do millennials still live at home with their parents once they become adults?
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I don't.
Can you stop?
Just stop
Why do yoy have to make this post every day
Why are Trump posts allowed everyday but this isn't?
Why wouldn't I?
>yes goy, move out and give a third of your money to Landlord Goldstein!
>don't you want to be "independent"?!
>when you are lucky with the genes passing on
Your retarded posts are allowed. They're just obnoxious, and everyone already knows all of the answers.
Lack of financial libido as Gavin McInnes calls it
we've been conditioned to think that wealth is not only nigh impossible to attain but also morally abhorrent
so instead of competing to acquire resources, millennials leech of their parents to survive and channel the human drive to compete with another into virtue signaling on twitter and facebook
we are the poorest generation ever, but at least we're the most "morally rich" :^)
This woman doesn't have a personality or soul. Look at her eyes. There's nothing. In the other OP, she took a picture of her glass of wine and a book titled "Stoner". She's an NPC, devoid of life.
I got banned for a month for making these and I make 1 post a day about millennials.
How is it conditioning? The US is the most ultra capitalist state on earth.
Well, if you got banned for it, don't you think that you should actually stop? Or are you a rebel ; )))))
>once they become adults
that's your mistake
I welcome these posts, because OP always posts a pic of that qt.
Hmm, let's see. In a western economic, in which you need a university degree to make a career which will grant you an average lifestyle at best, should I move out of my parents house/apartment in order to increase my already oversize bag of debt?
Brilliant idea.
Job security is a myth.
Nobody wants to stay home, but it's the economically sound option for most. Italians stay at home because 'mamma mia' and the fact that even a full time job might not be enough to pay for rent in most places.
Thank you :)
1% has majority of the wealth
>not wanting to move in with Soe's messed up family
>getting to bang Soe all you want while she considers sexually pleasing you as being of worth
She's the kind of girl that lets you bang her friends because you really love her
Yeah, that's how capitalism works.
She's not cute. She doesn't have a soul. Her eyes are lifeless.
I politely disagree
but dude bro what about all the drumpf posters ;) theyr JUST as bad right???
well, she IS used goods
>got dumped hard
>went from euro, homely quaint girl
>to short haired, tattoo'd, attention and cock hungry girl
Because it's too expensive.
t. 26 year old phd student with a stipend that pays less than minimum wage for the hours I work
cost of living is through the roof and wages aren't there yet so yea.
Like it's a choice.
I have a job as a software developer. I can:
1. Rent a place (no bank in my country is going to lend me money to buy a house), which would take between 60 and 80% of my wage.
If I take the 60% wage costing place I'd still have to pay taxes for a car and insurance and so on. So it´s 80-90% of my wage. I'm including food supplies and other necessities, gratefully. But even then I'd be saving just a 10% of my income at best, which will obviously go away in the fist 6 months because accidents happen. Your computer broke and you need it for work, your car broke, you need new glasses, whatever.
or 2. Live with my parents, save 70% of my income and pay for my food and help them with the 30% left.
the word 'millenial' is cringy. i liked it better when they were called generation y, and kids nowadays called generation z.
Is this really true? I've been out of high school since 2013 and have yet to met one person who still lives with there parents after graduating high school
Do you live in a rural or Southern area?
Why is OP a faggot?
Because the education system as well the economy has made it impossible for the vast majority of kids straight out of high school to get a job that pays enough to live independently and support a family.
>tfw I'm saving a fortune living with my parents while going to college
>glad I didn't fall for the independence meme
>op is just a lonely sack of shit who didn't finish college and works shitty blue collar jobs to barely manages to pay off the tax and mortgage on his shitty house and feels the need to make others feel as shitty as him by shaming them on Sup Forums
Good Goy OP
In the past people lived with their parents well up into their 30s. In some cases they never left and took care of their parents when they were old. In great parts of the world that is still common practice.
Not defending milennials, just saying this is absolutely nothing new, adults living together with their parents. If anything would be new it's the great influx of people moving away from their parents while they are still relatively young compared to when people moved in the past, if they moved at all.
Because cost of living is astronomical. 800 dollars for a crappy studio apartment that doesn't include electric, water and gas? Let alone cost of food, phones and internet or other things might happen.
Sure I could get a roommate, but why do that when I can help out my family instead? At least they appreciate it and they're the devil I know.
>Going for PhD that a job won't pay for.
You dun goofed
What's wrong with her family?
Trump = politics
Your autistic whining = shitposting
Housing is expensive, and a lot of millennials have to end up working two jobs just to stay in debt. Part of that is due to a lack of ambition and poor financial planning, but also a fair amount is due to most jobs either paying minimum wage at 10 hours a week, or requiring 5 years of experience in a field that's 2 years old.
A lot of people my age feel it's better to swallow their pride and live with mom and dad until they can get on their feet, rather than move out and risk living on a shoestring budget for the sake of independence.
Friendly reminder if you aren't a millennial you are far to old or far to young to post here
Trump threads are memes about keks.
He's a shill for the banks. They want to make more loans.
>Why do millennials still live at home with their parents once they become adults?
because they love home
They have flooded the job market with useless skills and employers don't want that. I own a liquor store, my manager is part time and makes $10hr, cash. He had a dual masters in art. I studied business and finance, Bachelors level. I don't insure him, give him more than 25hrs/week and he's satisfied with this because he's just like his peers, a talentless loser with useless degrees.
>once they become adults?
You don't become an adult when you play with your phone all day.
Shut up Canadian, the "Sup Forums is for 16-20 year olds" is a bullshit meme. We'll post wherever we want.
Trump=a presidential candidate relative to politics and discussions that change from day to day
These threads= "Why do Millenials x?" followed by the same "Jews/Boomers" answers every single fucking day.
> why don't millennials enter debt slavery
Beats me Malakai
>parents were able to move out at 18 rent was 1k a month
>try to move out now and be in a area that has jobs
>atleast 3k a month in the ghetto.
>living in NYC or SF
>you can control where you are born!
>just move out to the middle of no where so you cant get a job unless you change your profession and/or settle for lower pay
>just spend 2/3 hours a day and 200$+ on gas each week to drive to a job!
>25 miles north of NYC
>directly on the Metro North line into GCS
>river views, pool, tennis, on-site laundry, doorman buildings, private terrace, free security
>not taking in a roommate to pay half of everything
$750 a month sounds nice to own a luxury condo to me.
millenial here
is free
OP you are autistic as fuck. Stop posting pictures of the same girl every day on this board and get a grip of your life. You make a thread like this to rally against people you consider pathetic but you yourself are leagues more pathetic than those you mock.
Pull yourself the fuck together.
>GOYIM! You are 18 now. You must buy a house!
>GOYIM! You are too poor to buy in cash, but don't worry, I will give you a loan
>GOYIM! You're children are now 18. You must tell them to move out.
>GOYIM! You're children have taken a loan from my bank to buy a new house. I thank your family for continued business.
Teh job industry considers them lazy and not every good at work, and more automation and illegals doing jobs.
Also lot of men won't marry women anymore considering 50 percent of the nation is not married and 70 percent of men under 34 are not. So the women live on welfare with their parents or welfare on themselves.
Lot of women are leaving the workforce too, there's more Canadian women working compared to USA.
Baby boomers are the last generation to get what they want and work hard no make stuff that's actually matters to the world.
In a sense USA has peaked. Only a trump style govt could fix this with bans and dictatorship.
People get weaker by the generations when life gets too easy and lazy.
I played with this witch in the closed beta.
She's a complete piece of shit who goes out of her way to ruin teamwork if she doesn't get to look like she's carrying everyone.
If you want a superior video girl try Lethena. She's not as cute, but actually knows how to play OW without injecting cancer into her team.
>if I can't live in NY or LA I may as well kill myself
This shit is why the United States is falling apart. This bizarre cultural force that brainwashed an entire generation to believe there exists nothing but a literal wasteland between New York and California.
Fucking typos. Have some boobs.
>people cant move
>there are only jobs in Jew York and San FagCISscum
>I am not willing to make slightly less than in a major city in exchange for much smaller cost of living expenses
>if you dont live in Jew York or San fagCISscum, youll have to commute 100+ miles
Not to mention
>Yes Goyim, cleave to weird otherkins nonfamily, forsake your parents and grandparents
>But still plop out enough kids for the state, lest Jamal does it for you ;)
no one said that.
but good job assuming you know what you are speaking about.
you see jethro outside of bumfucknowhere there is this thing called "traffic".
if i was talking in side SF i would be bitching about 10k a month.
>you see jethro outside of bumfucknowhere there is this thing called "traffic".
Pretty damn good reason to leave the city if you ask me.
>if i was talking in side SF i would be bitching about 10k a month.
>mfw this is my rent and utilities for almost 2 years
>someone dares to point out that there exists a place outside of NYC and LA
>redneck hillbilly racist jethro flyover state ignorant
I need to make a flowchart and just post it because you retards are so rigid in your arguments that its like someone programmed you all with the same code on how to defend your narrow view of the USA
yea thus why i dont live in SF.
i live infact about 35 miles outside of SF so im not that close. yet rent is high as fuck.
all because Chang, Ackmed, and Pahjeet.
>i live infact about 35 miles outside of SF so im not that close. yet rent is high as fuck.
So move farther away from SF?
PROTIP- The farther you go from major cities, the cheaper rent gets.
I don't know about others but I'm going to live with my parents for as long as I can while accumulating studying/accumulating wealth. I won't leave until I'm more than financially ready to buy a house and support myself. I see no reason apart from peer pressure to throw myself out into the street/live in a car/burn money on rent while working a miserable job with a shitty salary and simultaneously busting my ass studying to get a degree so that I can hopefully improve this awful situation when I have other options at my disposal. I do have pride but I'm not a fool. So you'll call me a loser for living with my parents in my 20's. I don't care. I'm only interested in long term success. Petty accusations and insults mean nothing.
just explaining why it is stupid to commute to work when you work in a suburban sprawl between two large cities with the center of tech world right in the middle. traffic is terrible.
Tolerance to mediocrity education
" what is important is to give your best honey"
Commuting isn't bad at all, especially when a house in the burbs costs half to mortgage than a roach infested shithole in the city you work. Fuck that shit into the river and drown it.
This .
Why do East Indians become land and businesses owners everywhere they emigrate? Because they work together and pool thier money as a family unit.
Breaking up the family is a construct of consumerism s it equals more (((sales)))
You do know that a millennial is anyone up to the age of 30 right?
If you post here past 30 you are a miserable failure
Remember: You're here forever
and then i would have to spend the money i save on rent on gas/tolls plus spend hours sitting in traffic every day.
i infact hate SF and dont go there unless i have to.
I'm 32 and doing quite well as a business owner with children. Dead wife, feels good man. Why don't YOU have kids and a business?
Because less than 1% of millenials are adults lmao
Especially since none of them were born on the turn of the millennium. It's just so dumb.
When in the past was it common to live with your parents until your 30s? The historical trend has been people leaving the home later and later. Once upon a time you were an adult at 16.
You're right that lots of people never left the home, but that was usually in poorer areas and the parents kinda retired and one of their kids took over the house upon reaching adulthood. That way the parents could be taken care of and no money would be spent on buying another house. It wasn't like now where the parents are still the primary income of the house.
Banks don't give out home loans to millennials. They expect gigantic down payments from them, which none of them can afford.
Millennials aren't 16-20, they're more like mid 20s to mid 30s.
They're miserable failures because they have free time, some of which they spend engaging in online discussion?
Because they post on Sup Forums or reddit all day.
Probably because most of them have been playing world of warcraft for 10 or more years, and now that they're approaching 30, they find that they still have the brain of a 16-year-old. At least that's my excuse. After high school I kind of just wore pajama pants every day for the last 10 years and screwed around online. Now that I'm approaching 30, I don't really know how to do anything. I've watched hundreds of tv series, played tons of games, and I've ejaculated over 5000 times. I haven't really gained any skills other than basic 3d modeling so I can make a few bucks selling 3d penises on second life. I've never driven a car, and I haven't really had an irl friend in over 15 years.
I'm really lazy, I procrastinate a lot and always say maybe tomorrow. I don't know, I only have myself to blame, but my parents weren't really hard asses about it and kind of enabled me. I guess 10 years can pass by pretty fast, and time doesn't wait for when you're finally ready to play real life. Maybe I'll attempt to discipline myself instead of relying on that random burst of motivation that never lasts more than a few days, maybe I'll do it tomorrow. Yeah, tomorrow.
Rent market jew shill thread