She isn't really into politics at all, she mainly cooks, cleans and watches Ellen. I've been trying to get her to watch some interviews with Milo or listen to a debate with Sargon of Akkad, but she claims to never has the time.
What can I do to make her Alt Right like me?
Pic related is a mum but not my mum
Landon Thompson
Send her to my channel.
Grayson Green
I've tried that also. She just doesn't care it seems, which is sad.
Jayden Sanchez
>alt right >Sargon of akkad
Not this meme again.
Nolan Smith
You can't really make a sheep want to be anything other than a sheep.
Eli Johnson
>claims to never has the time. grow up and move the fuck out she definitely isn't going to let a manchild "redpill" her besides educating old people will get you no where especially if they're not into politics
Elijah Howard
>educating old people
She isn't that old. Maybe about the same age of the MILF in the OP, so late 40s
Brody Gonzalez
I'm guessing you're in your late teens - early 20s. Honestly you'll get no where trying to convince her head on.
Just drop a comment on world events every now and then to assert your political leaning, if she doesn't object to your views then you know there's nothing left to do, if she does then you can get a conversation going and see where it goes from there.
You could be doing some actual political activism instead but that's your choice really.
Brody Baker
The girl in the OP can't be any day over 39.
Dominic Rodriguez
Please, please, please tell me this woman has done porn.
Noah Hill
>Cuckon of Cuckad >Alt-right
Kek,also don't get more women into politics,it's what began this whole mess on the first place.
Dominic Phillips
>all these faggots calling OP out for saying Sargon is alt right but ignoring him calling milo alt right because they are nothing but retarded faggots
Thomas Bennett
Milo is a subversive faggot I thought tht was common knowledge
Grayson Powell
I'll try to help. Let me hack into her computer m80
Jose Gonzalez
>make her alt-right >listen to Sargon
Kill yourself.
Jaxon Morgan
This board is basically milo's minions now. You know the people who used to larp being gay with him on twitter? Yeah, they're here now.
Ayden Reed
>Sargon Whats wrong with him
Lincoln Lopez
>You could have corrected the record
Nolan Martinez
he's the opposite of alt-right in every way?
He's a libertarian socialist and the alt-right is mostly fascist.
Leo Lopez
Nice tits.
Camden Kelly
>Older woman >Big tits
Post more please.
Christian Barnes
Is no one going to comment on the incestous undertones of OP's posts?
Absolutely degenerate
Nathan Martin
>Is no one going to comment on the incestous undertones of OP's posts?
What did I say that was incestuous?
Benjamin Stewart
tf he's disliked on this board for being an attention whore
Noah Williams
Not since he wrote that article on the alt right. Now he has convinced everyone that being alt right means that you're voting for trump and that antisemitism and ethnonationalism are just memes. He told all his followers that if they want to discuss gay conservatives and inclusion for everyone on the right, they should come to Sup Forums, and now they're everywhere
Nathan Ramirez
Why would you even want to do that? Do you really feel so insecure about your political view that you need your mom of all people to validate you in them? Grow up, people have different opinions.
Chase Murphy
Alt Right is a really new ideology. I'm not sure an older person would understand it.
Colton Johnson
God damn
>No big tit milf/cougar in your life
Fuck this gay Earth
Owen Wright
Talking about your mom but then posting a picture of a woman wearing a brah, I mean why
Juan Kelly
Cause she is a milf aka A Mother I Like to Fuck
Christian Nguyen
>tfw bit tit mum but she doesn't want /ss/
Ethan Murphy
Holy shit. How old is she and how old are you? That's a great looking body to squeeze another human out of.
To answer your question, I stumbled on the interview with Milo on the Rubin Report and that really sparked my interest in the Alt Right. Milo is a great intro to the subject because not does he speak about it intelligently but he's very funny and charismatic.
Asher Hughes
Leo Rodriguez
42 19
Charles Brooks
id fuc that so hard
Asher Hall
You can have a mum and still like milfs
Josiah Scott
I want to suck on your moms tits.
Andrew Sanders
I'd fuck her in the ass if you know what I mean
Anthony Bennett
That isn't her but I would too
Nicholas Cooper
Almost all women are retards who need to feel a part of the herd or else they get scared like a child scared of the boogey man. Don't bother it'll drive you insane.
Gabriel Gutierrez
>Milo >Sargon of Akkad AHAHAHAHA you fucking child
Logan Parker
my mummy
also my gf is 44 and has boobies like 20 year old :D i play with them wen she give me willy tickles and they are yum
im her baby :3
Ian Sanders
I convinced my mum to vote for Brexit but she only really did it because she was previously ignorant about the matter and wanted to make her son happy by voting for what he wants, probably not because she actually agreed with me. She's expressed some anti-immigration beliefs before but it was mostly in the context of Brexit and just a regurgitation of things I've said. Otherwise, she's pretty leftie and emotionally-minded like most women are.
TL;DR basically what said. The average woman, while easily swayed, isn't worth trying to properly redpill. In fact, trying to "redpill" your mum is pretty fucking cringey and will only result in her finding out you browse a Filipino frog painting board where kids RP Nazis.