Nordic hate thread.
Nordic hate thread
Stay cucked with your african president
Fuck off
lol this ones good.
says the Europe's rape capital
You have no right on this fucking earth to call someone else cucked.
>Nordic hate thread
says the Turk rapebaby
are us Aussies the only whites left????
what'd i do?
Why is there so much hate? we need to spread love and positivity!
I am now #feelingthekaisich
if you count the descendants of thieves and rapists as normal white people i guess so
Nordics are pretty good people irl, it's the muh heritage Sup Forums autists that make them look bad. Like that retarded american saying that the romans didn't influence the germans at all
Reminder that Roman Civil Law will always be better than Germanic Common Law.
Reminder that Roman architecture will always be better than Germanic architecture.
Reminder that Latin/Mediterranean women will always be more attractive than Germanic women.
Reminder that even the most Germanic of languages have hefty amounts of influence from Latin and Greek.
Reminder that the Roman Empire lasted for well over a thousand years while the German Empire didn't even last half a century.
I wonder who's behind all these white people hate threads lately.
t. Abo
This picture cracks me up for some reason.
abos are white
>you're cucked
>therefore you can't call someone else who is cucked aswell cuck
Norweigan logic everyone, simply the best. Flawless.
user, just stop.
Do you really expect someone from a country that's been cucked for hundreds of years to not be butthurt?
lmao abos have blond hair and george soros has blue eyes. the meme is dead stormfags. t holocaust denier
aktiverar min neuroner
Somalians are not white people mahmoud
>A literal Islamic caliphate
>calling others cuck
wtf I hate nords now
To be fair, they haven't elected a muslim president yet.
I think you might have norwegian heritage.
I'm sorry.
anything but sweden...
Sweden, women are not allowed to talk in public in a caliphate, please hush.
Go fuck yourself, worthless kid. Whenever something happens you go up to your little “Sup Forums folder”, pick up UMAD.jpg and post it here, thinking you are the best, laughing behind your screen, flapping these adipous cheeks of yours while your wawa chocolate milk drips all overy your XXXL t-shirt. Fucking pederast. You rotten, disgusting slug, bucephalus leech. I hate you and your entire body smells like feces. Do you have any idea of how long you have been there, sitting on this same chair that because of some unknown miracle managed to withstand your massive weight? You have been there for weeks, months, locked up in your room that smells like Doritos and Wawa milk, jacking off to your Haruhi wallpaper and posting “UMAD.jpg” on this fucking imageboard. I don’t even know how you manage to type with your thick, greasy fingers, or how you still manage to find your tiny penis among all the fat flaps on your belly and groin area. You pile of shit, bipedal sperm-whale!!!
Who else /blonde hair with blue eyes/ here?
Pic related, your average Nordic hater
>"I'm going to pretend northern Europeans and southern Europeans are a different races because I'm a new world mongrel who thinks he is Spanish because he cannot come to terms with the fact he is just Mexican with Aboriginal and African blood"
What did OP mean with this?
Divide and conquer at its best
>Icelandic and Faroese has hefty amouts of greek/latin influence
ebin meme
Mesoamericans accomplished more than barbaric Nordcucks.
I'm not seeing pocahontas creating dynamite
Swedes. Celebrating cuckoldry as a point of pride.
>Stay cucked with your african president
>Saying this while Abdul is fucking your wife on your bed.
He's not actually a muslim, just diet Trudeau
Nords shat on the streets while Meds and Natives had aquaducts and practiced astronomy.
ITT: Americans think they are less cucked than Sweden
Natives shit on the street in 2016, you don't fool me Paco.
[Citation Needed]
>Mesoamericans accomplished more than barbaric Nordcucks.
Funny guy.
>mfw white ""people"" try to act superior around me
Nordics are the whitest crackers, the worst of the worse. Inferior hair, genetics, women, life, language, etc etc. Everything about nords is begging to be conquered by black and brown men and women. Without us, y'all would still be shitting in the woods and raping women on the coast.
How the fuck are we on that list?
How does it feel knowing you nor your offspring will never be white
Ah shit, where did Africa go?! topkek
> be abo female
> get semen from sprem bank
> hfw it was Trump's semen
I disavow swecucks and WE WUZ VIKANGZ nordicists
Stand tall and proud ALL sons of Europe
yellow skinned master race
Yellow haired as well
The niggers of europe.
>Reminder that Latin/Mediterranean women will always be more attractive than Germanic women.
Lmao Argies believe in "la raza" too?
>Divide and conquer again
I swear to fucking god
How ironic...
That is pretty funny.
says the barefoot, rot-tooth barbarian
Can we just change this to a Sweden Hate Thread instead of Nordic?
You know the Jews have found your culture once they begin flooding it divide-and-conquer themes.
idk senpai looks like anti-African propaganda to me
Calm down, mate. Scandinavia belongs to the Nords.
>mfw I look like the right one
WTF, am I white?
but where did he get the snake?
Mayans > vikings
Arjensimio indio del Norte vive en cuevas en Tucumán jajajaja
Guess the trap had a snake...?
Good question though...
Turks are based and white
Better--you're Mediterranean.