Why do millenials work entry level jobs?

Why do millenials work entry level jobs?

Why do you associate steve O with these posts

Because most of us are idiots and takes gender studies or some useless art shit

because i smoked pot in high school fuck you

Im sorry im a faggot

Same. No shame, yet.

Because im mexican

Because they don't have the discipline and work ethic to work real jobs.

Your generation hasn't moved up yet because, in the end, its all about attrition.
Congratulations on choosing to work, though.
Stick with it.

I don't, I'm NEET.

I did work entry level jobs, then I got a job as a web dev which I actually didn't want (got bullied by my mum's friend into taking it basically)

Then I ragequit that and now I'm NEET

Being NEET is pretty fucking awesome.