Capitalism Hate Thead

Capitalism only works by paying the worker less than the value of his labour and pocketing the difference.

States always protect capitalists and acts as their publicly funded henchmen.

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And in return you ants get free healthcare, so STFU communist, go build a business and stop sucking your local government's tits.

>Posted from my iPhone 5

But hey maybe one day it will be YOU pocketing the difference! Just work hard!

> a fucking leaf

Even though the soviet revolution was funded by private banks like jp Morgen stop confusing free market capitalism with corporatism .

When did you realize that for as long as there's a free global market, people with no regard for human life will always triumph over good?

Joseph Goebbels. 25 February 1945
>The democracies are not up to dealing with the Bolshevist system, since they use entirely different methods. They are as helpless against it as were the bourgeois parties in Germany over against the communists before we took power. In contrast to the USA, the Soviet system needs to take no regard for public opinion or its people’s living standard. It therefore has no need to fear American economic competition, not to mention its military. Even were the war to end as Roosevelt and Churchill imagine, the plutocratic countries would be defenseless before the competition from the Soviet Union on the world market, unless they decided to greatly reduce wages and living standards. But if they were to do that, they would not be able to resist Bolshevist agitation. However things turn out, Stalin would always be the winner and Roosevelt and Churchill the losers. The Anglo-American war policy has reached a dead end.

Anarcho-capitalists are not real anarchists

I'll level with you op. Bicycles are pretty hard to draw.

>andrew jackson jihad

Great band swedebro.

Ha, shoulda guessed your answer was Communism. Both systems are fag-tier.

The value of his work decided by whom senpaifamalamashitleaf

>posted from my Computer created in a factory through the Internet created and maintained by telecommunication corporations on a Image Board created by a kike for fun


>implying that makes it any less superior of an ideology

Get a load of this leaf, everyone!

You're right, we should resist capitalism by moving to a fucking desert island with no commodities to trigger us

there is no leftism, communism is a spook

>surefire way to stop /leftypol/

You know what drives innovation? Making a good product that will sell because people will love it. Not making a shitty product that will drive up stocks, is impossible to repair and breaks easily so people replace them more often and then throw a patent at it so that no one can compete with you.

You can't just call everything you don't like a spook

Fuck off go back to /leftypol/

Why do russians always have 1 black eye?

Why would someone buy garbage. Stocks are based off of selling retard

>Capitalism only works by paying the worker less than the value of his labour and pocketing the difference.

what are they supposed to do?

Not pay rent on the factories, not pay for utilities and transport, and not pay for maintenance and advertising?

>You know what drives innovation? Making a good product that will sell because people will love it.
but that's not true at all

> I want an echo chamber

That's why we try to take the best of socialism and apply it to stop the worst of capitalism

Give me a better system that will make me love long and drive cars

>Give me a better system that will make me love long and drive cars


Cars used to be a luxury item and now everyone has one.

Not to mention even poor people now have refrigerators, cell phones, and overall enjoy a very high quality of life.

>Wants to overthrow the state
>Disregards private property
>Thinks proletarian revolution needs to happen to overthrow the state

Works for me

I am agreeing with you baby

We don't want them.
You keep them.

This is a national socialist board. Go back to the 60s Israel with Ayn rand and Friedman and all the other Jews who have no regard for human life.

That's technology not a mode of social organization.

Capitalism isn't a social organization.

It's just supply and demand

your culture is what you choose it to be. Socialism is retarded because it assumes you can just make everyone equal

Stocks are based on nothing but the prospect of selling. All they do is hype up a new technology on tech blogs and shit but then they deliver a patented garbage product

On digital infrastructure developed by the government.

>national socialist
>regard for human life


>developed by the government.

top kek

You know when the government "develops" technology, they have private companies compete for the contract, right?

It's not made by the government. It is made by private companies.

>implying computers were invented by the government

Facism allows finance and commerce but it must serve the purposes of the people and the state.

Its a better system because it means - Business, Banking, and Finance are services to the people rather than the other way around.

You can still get rich.
You just wont get filthy rich.

Capitalists created the work in the first place.

And medieval peasants had higher agricultural yields than the Romans. Doesn't mean they had nothing to criticize.

Except it is.

Supply and demand is market forces.

Do you literally not know a damn thing you're talking about?

dude, we produce more food than we can consume because we are so efficient but we aren't all toiling away on the fields. We have machines that make it so a handful of people can feed a city

Thanks capitalism!

They slam the bottleneck into their eyes every once in a while.

You can get filthy rich but your wealth needs to be backed by labor and not by capital gains and usury. Meaning that in order for the state to buy your services and allow you to get wealthy they need to know that you're going to put your profits into good use. All savings should go towards job creation

>he thinks capitalism is just supply and demand
In theory it is, but it's entirely different in practice. That's when ownership of private property, wage labor, exploitation, and classes come into play.
>socialism assumes you can make everyone equal
That's bullshit.

Of course this threat is started by a low-life healthcare mooching nig-adian faggot.

What a low life country is faggots.

Cannot wait to see socialist shithole crumble into the true garbage it is, while I laugh from the USA with my millions of US dollars.

Die cana-niggers. You white trash faggots are a disease on this earth. As bad as islam.

Why would I hire a retard that can't do the job without my assistance for free? Why would I give them all the money?

Government-funded research and state support is essential to the current model of innovation.

>That's when ownership of private property, wage labor, exploitation, and classes come into play.

ok, and?

>That's bullshit.

top kek. The concept of socialism is forced equality and the destruction of social class. Humans are inherently not equal and hierarchical.

Capitalism allows for free enterprise, so why don't workers just create their own industry and take on the means of production themselves? They do not because they CANNOT. They lack both the resources and the skills to manage their own labor in a profitable fashion and therefore must find an industry in which they are willing to work for in exchange for an agreeable wage.

t. Assmad capitalist

>Government-funded research and state support is essential to the current model of innovation.
source: your ass

>a hurr a doi false dichotomy
Communism doesn't work either, retard.
We need to move to a natural law/ resource based economy.

Automation is a huge part of what Marx predicted actually.



Meaning my money. Not theirs.

and? The level of automation we have has only come about thanks to capitalism

Leftists love to do this

>Capitalism creates innovation and new technology
>socialists move in to hijack it and claim it's all theirs
>fast forward 50 years and they're using the same tech

It's easier to herd people together when they're separated by race, gender, language, ect. Ask Europe how their immigration situation's going.

Nope, I just hate nig-adians and love to shit on them and their retard ideas.

How's the cuntry faggot?
35 million people with 1.3 TRILLION of debt
Ontari-OWE is 300 BILLION in debt.

Ya, fuck capitalism eh cana-nigger?
If you have no money, you don't need to pay anyone back!
cana-nigger logic.

cana-niggers love their socialist shithole cause they're lazy fat pieces of shit with no ambition.

Ask Europe how their high taxes and high cost of living is going

their birthrate is dead. Socialism is one of the most successful ponzi schemes to ever exist. A country can't maintain it and has to bring in more suckers to help foot the bill, who then have to bring in more suckers etc. etc.

Then why do you live there?

>Socialism is one of the most successful ponzi schemes to ever exist
cana-niggers are too stupid to realize this though

>government creates money
>government pays themselves and citizens with that money
>government charges taxes to the citizens to pay their own salaries

It's a cycle that ends when someone comes to collect the real money.

You mean the strongly national capitalist government who had just come out of a war?
Or the government still engaged in capitalist imperialism and wars?

I don't think you appreciate the relationship between corporations and government in America.

Capitalism would have ceased to exist in 2008 if it wasn't for the fact most western countries have some form of socialism.
All those banks were bailed out with tax payer's money. If that didn't happened and the banks went bankrupt like every other bussiness with high losses, the entire monetary system would have collapsed.
It's like the saying goes. Privatize the profits, nationalise the debts.

Fuck capitalism.

The only correct answer

>Capitalism doesn't work
>Communism doesn't work
>Nothing has worked since the before 1600's

Born here. It wasn't my choice.
cana-niggers aren't allowed to immigrate anywhere with ease.
nig-adia is a socialist shithole, so only the "appointed ones" (aka government officials) make the big money.
Or someone with government connections gets a huge loan to start a company but must keep ties with the political party.
It's literally like Communist China here.
Except no exports, factories, manufacturing and is full of cana-nigger white trash.

Socialism is pretty dumb desu.

Explain to me how public ownership of the means of production is a good idea.

>Inb4 Nordic model

Social democracy =/= socialism

This is not the 20th century. Factory jobs are no more. Besides if we ever wanted a factory there are plenty of factories around, plenty of means of production to be seized.

>bail out inefficient companies so they can continue being inefficient and lose money
>this is somehow capitalism

are you dumb? Yeah, that is socialism, and it's fucking terrible.

> Capitalism only works by paying the worker less than the value of his labour and pocketing the difference

Kys retard.

do you have the NAFTA one?

Isn't Brazil cucked right now because of socialism?

I hear you guys have the government owning means of production and as a result nothing gets built or if it does it takes 20 years.

Well you have to give employers some incentive given the capital risk but it's true that globalization has caused capitalism to degrade considerably when it comes to workers wages. Marx was right on that much at least even if gommunism was fucking retarded.

If you like socialism, you're a cana-nigger and waste of life.
Make your own way in life you lazy shitstains.

>WAH everyone has to be equal so I don't have to look at my inadiquasies and see Im a fucking failure

Are you nig-adians are something?
Seriously, get off the planet if you can't support yourself.

The reason Goebbels was wrong on that was that he failed to consider the inefficiencies of central planning.

Every single time, the retards who hate capitalism lives in some of the best countries on earth and the reason they are that is capitalism.

How about you move to Venezuela and try out socialism for yourselves?

It's easy to sit in your capitalism home, eating your capitalist food browsing Sup Forums on your capitalist computer whining about how bad capitalism is.

Go fuck yourselves you retarded fucking millennials.

>Capitalism only works by paying the worker less than the value of his labour and pocketing the difference.
This isn't true at all. Do you retards really think that the guy who invented the hover board is as valuable as the guy making it?

Ruling party used to be socialist but its policies were not. We have (used to have?) some sort of "state capitalism" where literally all the rich people got rich stealing from the huge inefficient government, along with the crooked politicians. Sounds like the "fascist" economy people are defending ITT: a handful of "national champions" corporations in bed with the ruling party, supposedly in name of the greater good for the nation.

abolishment of any and all capitalism will lead to the death of humanity.
strong humans are only created by struggle and strife. Once we become weak nature will not hesitate to fill the gaps we left and with that destroy us all.
Man is not above nature, the law of nature is the highest law.

Look at the faggots flag.
He's a cana-nigger and wants his gibmedats
nig-adians are useless scum. That's why they're so happy to have "free" healthcare. They wouldn't be able to afford a doctor on their own.
They're all low-IQ white trash degenerates.

isn't that national socialism?

Nationalized industry and corporations and the government work together for the 'greater good?'

Yeah, because anarchists are retard-tier

That's where your wrong, spook

He wasn't wrong, buddy. You have significantly lower wages now. The only thing he was wrong about was that he underestimated how stupid the American proletariat really is. He thought that you would protest and resist your road to serfdom, but you didn't realize that it was happening

Yeah, something like that.

Corporations donate to politicians, get awarded contracts/bailed out/protected from foreign competition, bribe politicians again and so goes on...

Brazilian politics is somewhat depressing desu.

This is so fucking retarded. Communism is slavery to the government. It isn't a line its a circle.
what exactly are communists goals? World peace? Never going to happen. Ever.
Collectively working to advance humanity?
Advance how? And why?
>inb4 space
Space isn't that important. Just face reality. It doesn't matter what you do everything will die. World peace will never happen. Humans will never all work together to accomplish ultimately unimportant goals. We will never live in a society where everybody can do whatever they want without working. You communists are literally trying to fight nature but nature is the highest law. Nothing can defeat nature.

>Capitalism only works by paying the worker less than the value of his labour and pocketing the difference.

jesus christ

explain how people without money buy products

>Capitalism only works by paying the worker less than the value of his labour and pocketing the difference.
This is okay. After all, the capital that the workers need is itself created by labor, right? Everything is created by labor. So why can't the laborers just go out and build more means of production with their labor? Problem solved, right? I guess there wasn't any problem with capitalism after all!
Except there is a problem. The natural opportunities, the heritage of mankind and the children of our nations has been stolen by the capitalist. Without these opportunities which nature freely offered the human species, capital cannot be created. This is the real theft of the capitalist- he is not a thief for creating capital, he is a thief for monopolizing natures gifts.
The solution is Georgism. When all land and resources owned by the capitalists of the nation is taxed at the rate of interest, an increase in the value of land does not increase the amount of money made off the land. Collusion between the land owners will not increase the the value of the land, and the tax can fund a citizens dividend. Through this method, we can establish a free market and a minimal welfare state to ensure the freedom of the working class, without any income tax.

>the trend of history
>full world communism revolution

This is a national socialist thread and not a commie thread or a social market judeo-capitalism thread.

Economy is not a law of nature, especially not a capitalist one

>Complains about Capitalism not giving 100% representation of MUH workers
>Wants a system that values architecture as much as flipping burgers or blatantly doing nothing

Capitalism doesn't even exists. It's just a word made by lunatic "intellectuals" to contrast reality with their pathetic utopias.
There is no capitalist manifesto or capitalist party or whatever. Just the hard reality you are to weak to deal with.
See you hanging on a rope on the day of the happening.

TL;DR: The theft the capitalist commits is not of the value of your labor, but of the value of your natural resources.

That's called social market capitalism. We have that in Sweden to, hence our situation. In social market capitalism everything is privatized but the taxes are enormous. The only purpose of this system is for capitalists to plunder the treasury by whatever means necessary.

Socialism promotes technology development as a way to develop a better quality life. In socialism technology should advance faster than it would do in capitalism. I mean, you have patent controls and copyright laws that threat against technology and knowledge development. In other hand, you have equal rights to participation to develop and improve any technology you want to mitigate a integral need or a common need

But at least your public services (healthcare, education, transportation) work, don't they?

Here they are mostly shit, with a few exceptions.

>I mean, you have patent controls and copyright laws that threat against technology and knowledge development. In other hand, you have equal rights to participation to develop and improve any technology you want to mitigate a integral need or a common need
The whole reason we have patent laws is to centralize the reward for creation of new technology. We wouldn't invent as many things if the incentives were distributed. I agree that patent law is pretty much broken, but we do not yet have the culture to do away with them.