ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION This might sound crazy but it may just hand Trump the election.. We need to start a "grassroots" conservative movement against Gary Johnson. I'm talking phone banking and everything. Hear me out: If we can create a narrative that the liberal establishment (Gary Johnson and Hillary) are running two candidates against Trump in order to make him lose, then we can split the democrat vote and maximize the votes for Trump. It's reverse psychology utilized to the fullest. PLEASE, let's get on this. I'm already doing my part-started an anti-Gary Johnson Twitter account, alleging that he is an anti-gun liberal who the liberals are using to double-team against Trump. There's like 15 black, would-be Hillary voters, who've told me "hey nigga, the more you talk trash bout Gary Johnson the more you make me want to vote for him. lol your propaganda ain't workin. #NeverTrump" and they fall right into my plan.
At this point in the election cycle nobody knows about Johnson, really. So if we can get a head start and mold him into a "Dude weed, dude gun control, dude open borders" then we can split the Hillary vote. This is SO important guys. Let's get to making anti-Gary Johnson memes from an uber-conservative perspective. ...
>create grass roots conservative movement >support a liberal democrat
Luke Scott
also whats ur twitter account
Joseph Hernandez
#RideTheJohnson or get off my board!
James Wilson
Johnson has no eyebrows
Jace Brooks
Reading this post made me realize how desperate Trump fags are.
#RideTheJohnson fags
Kevin Thompson
Shit, you're right
Asher Sanders
God damn he is fucking ugly.
Fuck Weedman Johnson, he will never be president. I'm on board, OP.
Lucas Watson
Desperate? come on famalam just look at the polls
Ryder Roberts
>he hurts hillary more than Trump
Lucas Nguyen
>trying to hurt third parties yeah nah fucking kill yourself cancer the only way this country will ever improve is if the democrat and republican superparties get broken up and their leaders arrested, and the massive amount of shit trump got from party elites is proof of this
Brayden Davis
Juan Torres
Seems interesting
John Carter
Actually no. Technically were helping third parties. The idea is to boost Johnson as a liberal so much so that he steals a significant amount of votes from Hillary. come on user. You know we can't say that here.
Brody Morris
Already started boys, post this on your normie book:
A lot of people have been asking about the libertarian party after the republican and democratic conventions. Here is a clip from the libertarian convention:
Gary the retard is actually hurting Hillary more than Trump.
Noah Moore
Yessss. The goal is to use reverse psychology on lib's and tell them not to vote for Johnson because "muh Christian values, muh legal drugs, muh immigrants. Totally psychs them out, and forces them to make a choice between Clinton and Johnson, as if they were in the same party. Meanwhile, republicans look as if there is no other alternative, thus splitting the vote 2:1, giving trump the victory in November, the same way Clinton won thanks to Ross Perot splitting the republican vote. Let's get on it lads
Cooper Cruz
Lincoln Bailey
The ultimate goal is to cement the idea in people's heads that "Gary Johnson=Hillary 2.0" by any and all means neccesary. Will split the vote.
Justin Gray
Jayden Howard
Not the gun control part no but otherwise yea pretty much.
Benjamin Lopez
Gabriel Wilson
Alexander Bennett
Have another bump, this is an important project
Sebastian Cruz
Maybe one could make memes on how he drugs himself before a debate, or the inane idea that socialism is OK as long as it's voluntary?
Michael Davis
Don't have any social media accounts, but I'll help by bumping
Jeremiah Ross
Check this out guys. It's stupid but libs eat "memes" like these up. Oh and bump for importance.
Logan Harris
hated that faggot ever since i saw him on redeye
grind his bones into the dust
Thomas Bailey
>open borders
William Johnson
put the hillary progressive in quotes
Jayden Cruz
Haha great one. Will do. Just create a gmail account and sign up for Twitter. It took me like 5 seconds. You don't even have give your info or phone-number. It's soooo easy.
Cameron Davis
This is brilliant. You're right, Gary Johnson presents a risk in encouraging Republicans to defect. In making points to make conservatives hate him we can make bernie bros love him.
How can I help on twitter?
Leo Price
Easier to just promote the fuck out of jill, she appeals to the Bernie bots like crazy
Owen Morgan
Promoting Jill leaves Johnson open to stealing republican vote. Done
Adam Johnson
I guess I need to come up with some kind of fake persona?
Jace Lopez
I don't disagree, he needs to be somewhat BTFO
But in addition, Jill gains almost no traction from conservatives and is Bernie in woman form >woman vote check >socialism check
Nathaniel White
Juan Turner
Sure. Whatever you seem necessary My worry is she's only polling at like 4%, so she's like dead in the water right now. No chance at showing up in the debates.
Adrian Gray
Yea.. She's pretty garbage, but Sanders supporters have no issue throwing their vote away, threatening to write in Bernie and shit. I'm just saying that each person you can get off Hillary and onto Jill is one less person you have to get off Johnson (they seem more resilient than Hillary or Stein supporters)