Is he based?
Yes I know he shoved a butt plug up his ass but let's look past that for a second
Is he based?
Yes I know he shoved a butt plug up his ass but let's look past that for a second
Other urls found in this thread:
he's ok, got some banters.
Seems like an average conservative pundit when he isn't shoving things into his own ass or folding his dick or something.
Yes. He's beyond based. In fact, he's a fucking Super Saiyan now. Here is his new form.
>Is married to Non-White
>has mixed race kids
>works for a Jew
So if you ignore all that he is a pretty cool guy.
A grumpy old man in a 30 something hipster douche's body
>adults shouldn't play video games anyway
Fuck off, don't play them if you don't like them, but don't tell me what to do asshole
Not too many people have Jared Taylor over for dinner and feature him on their shows:
>putting things in your butt automatically makes you gay
The insecurity on this board is actually hilarious.
With that said his Joe Rogan podcast made me not like him very much
He get pretty wasted, and ends up admitting he enjoys drunk driving.
That's an actual good reason to not like the guy.
>muh degeneracy
Brainwashed fools that can't think for themselves. They have the audacity to call themselves red pilled too.
Sup Forums is pretty bad about this too.
hes alright, although kind of annoying. I dont get the backlash to him being a "degenerate" here since most of you fucks fap to chinese cartoon traps
He should go back to his country
>putting things in your butt automatically makes you gay
Who are you quoting?
>The insecurity on this board is actually hilarious.
Right on.
as a gaymer, I didnt really mind this. Hes just taking the piss out is all. And I like that the at least stuck to his guns and didnt try to pretend to like video games for more viewers like Milo did
I like him. He's a race realist even if his wife is a different race she's submissive to him. Freely hates Muslims and insults bland nearly his entire show most of the time. He's also advocating relationships and strong marriages. And he's not thrilled about homos but will do shit for a laugh. Most of you forget that he's also trying to be funny and entertain.
Milo a shit.
Gavin's great though.
Milo is a fucking fag, he will never be a real conservative
I don't see what the problem with race-mixing is 2bh, if I find a cute Asian girl in my life I'm going to impregnate her with my strong powerful white seed
He's 40-something mate. And really, adults shouldn't play video games, that's fucking sad.
Gavin is the best.
No, he can stay, Mr Chang.
Blacks* not bland.
>With that said his Joe Rogan podcast made me not like him very much
>He get pretty wasted, and ends up admitting he enjoys drunk driving.
>That's an actual good reason to not like the guy.
Come on mate, we've all done it
And it is pretty fun
t. my wife's son fucks my ass on the daily
>Gapin McAnus
t. insecure virgin
>tfw you're such a contrarian hipster you become a dumbfuck conservashit
he can lay down the bants every now and then but his opinions are pretty much infantile trash
Typical pseudointellectual Youtube celebrity who only does things for fame
Angry Foreigner is the only one with good insight and ability to judge things, you can tell how much more intelligent Nordics are compared to Brits/Americans
He is a fucking political commentator. And he shoved a dildo up his ass for some cheap 30 second joke. I don't care if he shoves things up his ass in the privacy of his home but how am I supposed to bring this guy into an argument when he has so thoroughly embarrassed himself?
You sound like a faggot.
he dont eben got skol
He buttplugged himself???
He's a proud boy.
>putting things in your butt automatically makes you gay
Yes you're right, normal straight people are constantly inserting foreign objects into their assholes.
Fuck off, retard.
Milo fuck off
The Canadian anarchist punk who grew up with hippie nudist perverts and drug addicts figures out the well dressed Christian conservatives aren't so bad. I don't relate to him, and he's still a faggot, but he is occasionally entertaining like only a deeply emotionally disturbed person can be. Still don't like him.
Redpill me on buttplugs.
Are the enjoyable? Are they degenerate or have times changed?
>The insecurity on this board is actually hilarious.
How come you make typical lgbt leftie "arguments"? go back.
Hey Milo, why did you lie about the real reason you didn't go to Sweden?
Oh right because you're just a barking dog.
i dont really care for people like this
theyre all attention whores to me
If Gavin and milo were allowed to have a prime time show it would be the end of the left. Too much material.
Best thing ever from him
Well, how do you know if you're really a faggot until you've had something up your ass?
>dumbfuck conservashit
Where exactly do you think you are right now?
>his opinions are pretty much infantile trash
Care to justify that?
i like him
t. I like my roses red and my waffles blue
Why would you look past that? Past performance best predictor etc etc.
>dumbfuck conservashit
Is probably a shower and not a grower.
>Everyone who dosent stuff things up theirs ass is a virgin
You freaks disgust me
fuck off Milo
Unhinged faggot. They're all the same.
Markets himself as an edgy counterculture alt-right pundit.
In reality, he's yet another cuckservative degenerate racemixer with no morality or values.
Welcome to the Gavin McAnus show, folks
He's a degenerate closet gay "conservative," like Sup Forums and tons (most?) of conservatives/ perhaps more appropriately, right wingers. Kisses men, and cant resist his raging gay urges to bend over and spread his ass and show his asshole to the world, so he stages an opportunity to do so, and with another dude at that.
Yes his shows are staged.
Cumia is Italian you wop.
This guy is a fucking degenerate.
>Adults should do adult things in their spare time. Like... ?????
hes a tunisian knife fighter
he has a very stretchy foreskin
that foreskin bouncing back and forth gives the illusion of length
Don't you have a school faculty to harass
He's apart of ISIS now
> > putting things in your butt automatically makes you gay
> insecurity
2/10 made me reply
He's a whiny hipster who loves dildos, you tell me
>with my strong powerful white seed
>Strong white seed
Perhaps 100 years ago but no anymore.
NOT based at all
cana-nigger first off
Co-Founder of "Vice" aka Beta Male Monthly
Started the whole faggot beta beard/tattoo/dress like a lumberjack style
I hate that cana-nigger Gavin McFuckFace or whatever his inbreeder name is.
>He's a degenerate closet gay "conservative," like Sup Forums and tons (most?) of conservatives/ perhaps more appropriately, right wingers
Why are Americans so fucking stupid? Why are they more prone to making stupid fucking broad-brush outrageous statements like that?
Because i rustles smug, poncy britbong jimmies
Fucking nig-adian inbreeders.
I HATE this nig-adian faggot. Just look at him.
he started the whole plaid, grow a beard, get a Stars War tattoo for 80lbs beta faggots.
I'd love to kick the shit out of Gavin McKidFucker or whatever his nig-adian inbreeder name is
he sold vice that's why it's SJW crap now. he didn't start any fashion, no one has even heard of him
Be soooooo funny if the person posting this thread was the nig-adian faggot himself.
Hey Gavin McKidFuck! Everyone thinks you're a faggot piece of shit.
You're only admired by MGTOW nerd weakling faggots who took your "fashion" cues.
Hope you die Gavin McButtFuckFaggot
not bad
This kind of insecurity reminds me of a woman with a slutty past trying to downplay what a used up whore she was.
>Whatever, its not like I knew at the time it was degenerate, it was only that once or five times. YOU VIRGIN STOP JUDGING MEEEE
I was around when Vice first came out.
It was always shit.
It was that nig-adian writing about doing drugs and trying to be edgy.
There was always a fashion "dos and dont" page which he edited.
Gavin McCockSuck should comb the cum out of his beta male beard.
Fucking cana-niggers................
Grow a beard
Wear an ironic 1930s paperboy hat
Wear plaid
Be a total cuck faggot like Gavin McCuckFuck
Die you cana-nigger shit stain
Methinks thou dost protest too much, Gavin..
I don't even know what that's supposed to mean
So? Ryan Dunn shoved a toy car up his ass, does that make him a faggot?
No, I'm just making an educated guess he's an insecure virgin
I'm not a fan of putting things in one's arse but Gav did it as a fucking joke
RIP Ryan Dunn
Sports, the gym, fucking women, drinking
How's that "Deutsches Reich" going for you Hans?
ryan dunn deserved to die
>hurr durr he's so pathetic
I think he's worth millions of dollars, and he's married with three kids
Jealous much?
Why did he do this?
cuz he is cuh-razy bro XD. only a totallty epic 4 de win journalist would be insANE enuff to stick a butt plug in his but XD
Because his ass felt uncomfortably vacant.
His wife won't peg him and Milo's saving his virtue for Trump.
He's reformed liberal scum. Depending on how the election goes we may see a swing in the "hip" and "edgy" ideology and he may just as well go back to being a pants-on-head regressive liberal.
Something really creepy about the guy, I just can't pinpoint what. Him flashing his asshole on his podcasts along with shoving things up it probably doesn't help.
You've been sucking his tiny cock this entire thread, you craving something?
Nigga I'm trying to find someone to inspire me in life, and this guy ran a successful business and made millions off it, he got married to an ok-looking wife, he's popped out three kids, and now his day job is whinging on the internet about millennial morons.
That's not a bad life, if I can get that I'd be happy.
What do you have in life son?
Do you typically type like a nigger when you feel threatened online?
He fucked himself live on national television? This is worse than the Banana shit with the Amazing Atheist. How did he not get thrown off the air for this?
That video lol.
Jared got rekt for not bringing enough data to counter the wigger.
Pseudo intellectual who simply memorizes statistics and also either doesnt understand that statistics aren't always an accurate representation of what's happening.or just doesn't care.
He is as good as we're going to get. So whatever.