America NO!

Get in here and vote, you Sup Forumslacks.

>NBC Poll : Should America Accept Over 200.000 Refugees In 2017?

>200.000 refugees
>just 200
What is the point?

outside of america, most dont use commas with money


In Europe they use a period instead of a comma, when dealing with large numbers,
For example:
>200.000,00 is the same as 200,000.00 in America

fuck you, ahmed.

Doesn't matter.

DNCLeaks have shown that the MSM is just part of the Democratic party.

I voted yes you can thank me later

>these fucking red pilled kikebook comments


You keep them

Came here to post this.
But now I'm posting this.

why the fuck is the rest of the world so retarded? Say what you want about dates, and fahrenheit, and inches
all of which I could articulate an supporting argument for that would make the staunchest commie reconsider their entire existence

but a period means stop no matter how you slice it

Imagine if this was a eurocuck poll lol god bless america

No, we not accept anyone sandniggers

I suppose this is karma for me mailing out BLM leaflets to the UK

Good lad. America needs it's fair share and that's 200k less in Europe

Also, 200k isn't very much considering murricas size.

20,000,000 at least

You only need a couple bad ones to slip through, though. But hey, fuck it, whats the worst that could happen??

The fact that anyone would even consider accepting 1 refugee baffles me.

I don't get the benefit for us by doing this.

>poll about America, by an American company, hosted on American servers, accessed from an American IP
>Oh they're using europoor notation
yeah, nah.

Good boy points with our bros, bro!




>"hehe 200k isn't that much"
>"here, have 400k, again, its not that much"
>"oh wait, here's 700k all up"
>"wait, I got more, have 1.5 million"
>"its only a small amount of them"
>"oy vey"


You can make posts on facebook talking about how humanitarian you are for theoretically supporting refugees.
Like the facebook equivalent of (you)s

Tax sucking refugees blown the fuck out

You don't sound funny, you sound like a stupid little shit.

Lol okay but we get to pick where they can settle. They can go to Detroit, Oakland, Atlanta, and East LA and South Central LA.

1 is too much

I voted yes. Don't fight your goy instincts, America. Let the Jews guide you, they know what's best.

I saw yes because America creates the instability that causes the middle eastern ones.

You're already lost america, help slow the death of the rest of us.

Oh, more yuropoor butthurt.
I'm sorry you weren't born in America.

I'm obviously going to vote yes because of all the recent anti-Canadian sentiment around here

It only takes one to blow themselves up and kill a few dozen people. I don't want 200k of these Muslim nutjobs running around.

I want to vote yes for humanity reasons but then I realize how most people who'd come here wouldn't be refugees fleeing war but migrants from Africa and Afganistan

So no, I don't see what the point is in simply increasing the number of terrorists, thieves, and rapists

Arabs would end up getting cucked by nigs and spics. I'd laugh my ass off everyday.

Keep swallowing our overpriced shit cause you know you can't produce anything worth buying, little tard.

Not when it comes to getting on trains though

I would expect this from Canada. But not Straya.


uhh are you guys really voting no? i can't even....


4 u

What is the cost paid in dead via terrorists attacks per hundred thousand peaceful religous people of the sand?

Uhm... grow up?

Cool I'll just find your location.



>made for nips to talk about anime and loli

Get off your computer, get off our video games, get off our website, and get off our internet you irrelevant lapdog.

>YES: 24%
>NO: 70%
>MAYBE: 5%
This won't do. It needs to go well beyond 90%.

>yet so many non Americans use it
Go back to your European websites
Oh wait

How would they even get here? I mean a few you could fly in, but are we gonna start diverting cargo ships just to ship shitskins here by the thousands that nobody wants anyways?

voted yes for the lulz

>implying voting no wouldn't get you more lulz

OH BOY I can't wait till Hillary gets into office and starts pumping out emotional montages to get all the women and numales to vote in refugees.

Sup Forums is always right.

It's not only the government that's (((corrupt))). It's also (((academia))) AND (((media))).
>Don't trust the (((media))).

that's not even nbcs website m8 what the fuck are you doing

Don't blame us that's our sheep shagging neighbor.

Why not wait to see how the election goes?
If Clinton wins, then yes. Might as well just pull the tube out of the IV drip and blow.

>getting this booty blasted over a simple joke

Get that stick out of your ass while you're at it

>voting No in 2016
Just get it over with faggots.
I'm calling J.G. Wentworth. It's my race war and I need it NOW!

Inform us

Also, what is this? did it start with votes?

It's a timeline of peope voting you nigger

Just voted no. Fuck those military aged male sand niggers and their sharia.

No shit, but when it begins, there are already votes, you would expect all three lines to start at 0

I voted Yes too, gotta help us with those poor people.

I don't think you understand how intervals work.

They released the poll at 0:10, then a bunch of people voted. Then the interval stopped at 14:40 and reset, and no one voted (or not many) all between 14:40 and 5:10, and so on. That's why you only see straight lines and no curves.

What the fuck is this website, even?

it doesn't even come up when you google it

Prevent kebab, remove kebab.

Sup Forums, Trump, and republicans B T F O

it's some fake data collecting bullshit it's not even registered to nbc

I think it's fine but only women and children and ONLY women and children. By children I don't mean the yuropee'an standard of "look under 30".

it didn't slip me any fucking malware did it

god damnit

It's like you want a new generation of towelheads and people hating America. Don't take anyone. That's the safest bet.

I don't know. The mudslimes are far more organized than the nogs and they aren't afraid to get violent. The spics might give them some trouble though.

Why not go back to Sup Forums?
Designed BY you FOR you anyway

nigga do you not use adblock?!

Of course I do, I'm just paranoid.

The original post was talking about how NBC, an American company, is using notation that conveys an entirely different meaning in this country. it should be obvious given the fact that .000 refugees doesn't make any sense, but I wouldn't be surprised if some idiots thought it literally meant only 200 refugees.

Not sure what any of this has to do with Sup Forums or Sup Forums

The wrong people were gassed in ww2

Voted no, for very obvious reasons


anyone think msnbc will actually report this survey?

Why don't we just overfill the boats like in Greece and italy so they all accidentally capsize?

Have you fucking ever watched msnbcuckolds?
>saint Hillary
>pope Sanders
>Hitler Trump

Kek I thought he was talking about Sup Forums there, didn't see who he replied to.

>only 200k
>trusting american politicians
When the government says its only gonna cost 1million dollars. It ends up being 100 million. When they talk about importing 200k people. It will be 1 million when all is said and done.

According to international law they are only refugees one country over from where they are fleeing. After that they're just immigrants.

Voted No

No winning 3 to 1

mama anthony is triggered that I can make my own pizza

Benifit: influence, once we fuck the shit out of isis the syrians will return and give us oil as a thank you.

Loli board when? Hiro lied to us.

>implying they will tell you and won't just silently do 10x of the job


I voted yes. America needs more Caucasians

Holy shit anons. Go to "Geographical Breakdowns" and scroll into the giant red circle on the eastern coast.

>jews confirmed