Other urls found in this thread:
5 days until we talk about judy
Will Phillip Jeffries be in the next episode?
How will Jacoby keep up with the shovel demand?
this True Stories flick seems pretty neat. Recommended?
>tfw no one itt has washed their hands
>we're not going to talk about Cossacks
What to do to pass time till sunday
>yfw Dominic gives you the ol' spicy formica ring
Rewatch episodes 3-5.
Oh, I'll sit down. But not one of us is going to shitpost until OP washes his hands!
watch anime
Go to work a few times. Post here a few more. Leave Judy out of it.
Been a while since I heard that one
What did he mean by this?
Lynch lost all artistic integrity to me when he caved in to this woman's demands and blurred her genitals on the DVD (and Blu-ray).
>AKSHUALLY you can't even see anything even without blurring
Then why blur it in the first place? I very much noticed something was blurred and it took me out of the movie as in real life genital areas aren't blurred.
fun and games
...Don't do that, she doesn't like that
l y n c h e d
What is wrong with his chin? He isn't that fat but his throat is being overcome with fat. Its so off-putting...
where is this from
*steals your hat*
Didn't you see this? youtu.be
>I was expecting it to pick up after 25 years. I wasn't expecting Cooper's Doppelganger to still be running around. I was expecting the Cooper we all know and love
Fucking what? Did he want the entire Season 2 cliffhanger to be resolved off screen just so we could get back to coffee and pie?
Her Tinder profile.
Everyone, please take a second and imagine being THIS pleb. We've got plenty of plebs on this board and even in these generals but this redditor takes the cake. Be glad you'll never be as plebian as this pond scum
I wonder what the black lodge tinder would be like
Someone should tell Ayudame what happened to the last guy who reached for a ring.
cummed to those titties years ago on californication
Lol I have the Criterion, no blurring
Likely wasn't Lynch's doing in the first place
>autozither player
how does Lynch have such based taste in women?
Yes it does and yes he did
I rewatched the first two seasons and the movie between ep 4 and 5, it just made this wait worse
Why won't Tinder deliver my neighbors?
If there is blurring it's completely unnoticeable unless you're looking for it. Even looking for it I can't see it
read The Secret History of Twin Peaks by Mark Frost.
Is she /ourgirl/? Will we ever see her again?
Why bother reading fanfic?
Didn't even screenshot the supposed shared interests
>FWWM is her only credit on imdb.
I imagine that poking his soft like a woman's arm would bruise him and then he'd talk to his pink stuffed bear about how violent modern culture is as he falls asleep to ASMR videos.
NEET and chill
I think Tracey was sent by the billionaire to seduce the guy who was watching the box, because he knew that them having sex would provoke a lodge spirit to appear.
So it doesn't look like this?
>She was fine with her tits being shown but the pubes were too far
>Fans of the movie may recall the minor controversy about "censorship" that erupted when it was first released on DVD. During her nude scene at the 99-minute mark, Laura Harring's crotch area was digitally obscured to block out her pubic region. (This carried through to the Studio Canal Blu-rays as well.) However, the scene in question was already cloaked in heavy shadows, and the effect was not visible at normal playback calibration levels. It only became an issue when certain horny viewers freeze-framed on the shot and cranked up their TVs' Brightness settings to ridiculous solar-flare levels.
>In the interest of thoroughness, I made a point to check this. In what will no doubt be a great relief to perverts everywhere, the optical blurring has been removed from the new video transfer. To their inevitable dismay, they will be greatly disheartened to discover that the shot is so oppressively dark that it's not possible to see anything between the actress' legs anyway. It turns out that the blurring was never needed in the first place, and this remains a non-issue under normal viewing conditions.
>based my life around a tv show
>season 3 is great so it worked out
Feels great bros.
She's back baby
Right there with you
I'm not gonna take some guy's word for it unless I see proof. Especially since I can't find an uncensored version anywhere.
Also, it doesn't look that dark to me. So maybe they made it darker as a more subtle form of censorship. Still censorship though.
>tfw i work with a 40 yr old woman who looks like this
same, pals. trust in lynch is rewarded yet again.
It's uncensored on the Criterion Blu-Ray, user. I have it. Believe me or don't but I have no reason to lie.
>Lynch darkens a scene a little because the actress asks him
>It has no affect on the story or overall presentation and is basically unnoticeable
>Wtf I hate David Lynch now
it's a world of truck drivers
>I have no reason to lie.
I could think of several, anyway I choose not to believe you without proof.
It is very noticeable
Makes her looked shaved.
>It is very noticeable
>It's not even confirmed that it was darkened at all
Lmao, you're grasping for straws. Face it, you got Lynched and you're mad about it.
Yes, I'm trying to screw you into buying a Blu-Ray because I'm such a le troll. Don't get it, then.
>I am so desperate for a view of a woman's snatch that I will soapbox about the vile censorship of this one scene in mulholland drive till the day I die
Just watch porn if it's such a big deal.
You guys realize you could easily fulfill your waifu fantasy and bang her right? Just be at least average looking. Anyone on Tinder is just looking to fuck.
Watch out Audrey, Shelly, Laura
Twin Peaks has a new best girl
Toad died? What the fuck
Didn't they hang him in Los Angeles?
Where can I find the FWWM + Missing Pieces fan edit?
So far it's not even confirmed that they (re)-changed it at all and the blur I know from the DVD is extremely noticeable.
Bunch of fucking plebs.
It kills the suspension of disbelief, if your actress doesn't want to do full frontal then don't shoot a full frontal scene.
Next thing you know he's gonna blur Laura's nips in FWWM and you fags won't see anything wrong with it because there are other source of female nipples. Which is completely beside the point.
ayy lmao
It's written by Mark Frost, it's no longer fanfiction when the co-creator wrote it.
I hope she sings her comfy song from Ted 2 over the credits in an episode.
It's called Theresa Banks and the Last Days of Laura Palmer by Q2
Not important to the show
Don't bother. The TP bandwagoners who hopped onto the trend late and didn't have time to read it justify their plebbiness by disregarding it even though 5 episodes in it's clearly important and clearly canon.
Has anyone else been Lynched but is still pretending to enjoy Season 3? I don't want anons on my favorite chinese friend simulator forum to call me a pleb. But I mean, what the fuck, nothing at all happened in episode 5. Then I thought about it, and nothing has really happened in any of the other episodes either. The whole thing feels very directionless and Twin Peaks itself barely gets any screen time. I'm still keeping a brave face on things and posting /tpg/ quality memes, but on the inside I feel I've been Lynched a bit.
>It kills the suspension of disbelief
>next thing you know
>making the scene a little darker is still subtle censorship
>it's about principle gaiz
c'mon dude, this is a pretty long-toothed excuse just to see a bit of vag.
>it's clearly important
In what way?
why did he go from hawaiian iconography to american? Hawaiian culture is unique and neat.
Justin Long's dick
maybe he saw the evils of environmental destruction firsthand with the Ghostwood development and he wants to use something more relatable to his audience.
>introduces tamara preston's character and gives you a better look at her personality than her limited screen time has so far
>reveals that there really was more to cooper's visit to briggs besides "dying in a fire" (MAYDAY)
>to add on to that, fleshes out briggs' character and his importance to the lore (along with douglas milford)
>expands on the backgrounds of log lady and carl rodd and their connections to the lodge (which based on rodd being in this series, is obviously going to come into play)
>ties up the season 2/FWWM loose ends (pete's death, audrey's survival, catherine becoming a recluse, ben horne pretty much faking his born again persona, hank's fate, sam stanley becoming an alcoholic and put on leave by the FBI)
>gives a better understanding of what the lodge entities are, along with the history of the ring
>the intentional omission of annie (lana budding is said to have won miss twin peaks) will no doubt be a plot point this season
>the box creature was explained in detail
There's probably more, but that's just off the top of my head. Is it necessary to read? No. But you're only cheating yourself if you don't.
Most of the time disappointment comes from expectations not being met. If you expected comfy 1990 Twin Peaks, you may be disappointed. If you expected David Lynch Twin Peaks 2017 version, you're probably loving it.
i love how you love me, /tpg/
>>the intentional omission of annie (lana budding is said to have won miss twin peaks) will no doubt be a plot point this season
What's up with Annie? Is she just in Cooper's head or something?
I don't think you can pin-down his aesthetic to any particular place.
Do you know if the audiobook is any good?