Canadian Forces

>graduated uni last year
>can't find a job
>been working as a retail wagecuck since

How competitive is joining the Canadian Forces as an officer? Should I even bother applying if I graduated uni with a 3.3gpa with no volunteering or notable extracurriculars and only wagecuck job experience?

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I've been considering joining as an engineer once I graduate (as in vaguely considering and I probably won't do it) and it seems pretty good. They have trouble finding people for lots of positions so you should be able to get in all right

> army

Nigga wtf is wrong with you. Why would you put your life on the line for Jewish interests, especially when the compensation is shit. Not to mention our gov has always treated veterans like shit.

Get a civil job. The Canadian army is where the failures of society end up.

Become an officer. Shit easy compared to infantry.

I'm looking at some reviews and they're all shilled to fuck.

Anyone in the CF want to chime in?

I worked with CF guys. They seemed to enjoy life more than us and were pretty laid back. The military is an adventure, if you are stuck working retail it's a good escape. Also weed faggot isn't going to send his military anywhere while in office.

I was a giant shit pump, wouldn't be able to help you.

> implying weed dude has a say in the matter

If Hillary becomes POTUS Canadians are going to be dying right beside you cunts in Syria.

Not true, he's actually been increasing military spending (presumably in anticipation of a Trump victory) since we're behind the NATO standard of 2% of GDP.

We're already in different parts of the world right now, like Latvia.

Canadians ran Kandahar AFB for years, starting in 2005. Plenty brave Canadians died there, some even to friendly fire from their American counterparts. In 2002 you dumb Muricunts dropped a 500lb bomb on our forces during a training exercise.

Not to mention Harper cut over a billion dollars from the defense budget every year during his time in office.

Doubt it. If Hillary becomes potus (god forbid) expect more of what we are doing. IF we get boots on the ground and start provoking skirmishes with the Russians, we'll all be dead or miserable anyway. Increasing funding for CF was needed during the Harper days, if we took over Canada, the only equipment worth keeping would be your C-130s, Leopard IIs and some of your IFVs. Your entire fighter fleet needs to be scrapped and you have no long range bombers and very very few attack helicopters.

Latvia isn't a fucking warzone. Any CF TDY there is likely having a good time while noting happens.

>In 2002 you dumb Muricunts dropped a 500lb bomb on our forces during a training exercise.

Watch your manners before I call up the RCMP.

Also last time I checked Canada turned tail and ran from Afghanistan.

We don't really need to increase funding. Relying on your army is our way. If Canada is being invaded then the US has already fallen and we are fucked.
Increasing military spending is stupid, pump that money into healthcare or social programs. The American military is effectively our defense.

We shouldn't have to depend on the Americans.

What we really need is a navy that can defend our coasts, it's all we'd really need for defense.


>care or so
Fuck off dude, like we'd come and help you fags the second Russia comes

How? Infantry officers have to do everything infantry soldiers do. They actually have to go through more combat training.

Canada didn't turn tail in afghanistan.

What if we just invade you and by proxy you become the American military?

Get ready fo sum o dat selective service

No, you faggots are part of NORAD and need to keep up. With that attitude we should take all your provinces besides that shithole Quebec and turn them into states. Send all the natives there too and be done with it.

The US should just give Canada some of it's reserve and decommissioned ships. The USS Kitty Hawk is still in working order and doesn't have a reactor. Start pulling some Airframes from our boneyards and modernize your Air Force too.

Why not? It benefits us massively and presents almost no danger. If Hilldog becomes POTUS we can rely on the Americans footing the bill for us through their own military.

I have been considering the U.S. Army or U.S. Navy as a possible career path once I am done with college.

Just gotta lose some weight first.

>implying any Canadian would willingly leave a Tim Horton's in Kandahar behind

Everything comes at a cost. If Hillary defends the country for free, do you really think she won't want anything in return? North American Union here we come

I think it'd be better for our shipyards if they actually had work to do again. No offense, of course, I appreciate the kind offer.

You guys can bitch and act tough on this Tibetan Sherpa discussion board but it doesn't change reality.

You guys are footing the military bill for both our countries. We all know the US would never invade, you guys are our bros. And we are going to take advantage of that.

Fuck yeah we did. See if you Canadians fucking kick the back of our chair in a movie ever again.

Repeating digits confirm. Better get ready to be oppressed with such American customs such as the right to free speech and no magazine limits or prohibited firearms lists.

I was at Mazar E Sharif when Kandahar was shut down (it was later reopened). That timmies is gone for good.

Good idea too. Rebuilding the Canadian navy would spike up jobs in both the military and civilian sectors.

>go in the chAirforce
>do nothing all day but play dragon ball budoken, get drunk every night and skip morning pt and breakfest to wake up at 9
>randomly get seclected for top secret shit
>they'll take weeks just to teach you how the the new thingy they make work
>you'll never use it
>this is your career for the next decade, literally just playing video games and having tons of class about how Spaceship actually work
>Actually, your job is to watch the machine and make sure they just werk

Do it mate.

Armoured officer here with 7 years experience. I have no regrets about my choice to join the military. Best decision I ever made.


Get a load of this dumb cunt. The second the clintons find out you have oil you're fucked

I was actually talking to my cousin's husband (he's an engineer) and he was saying how it was too bad that there were no navy jobs in Halifax harbour. It's a shame because it used to be a really big ship-building center.

Can I get in with a 3.3gpa and nothing else to my name or will they just tell me to fuck off?

What vehicle did you end up with?


nah nigga. They won't come for our oil until they've drained the Middle East and Caucasus. And that is a very very very long way away. Hell they'll go after SA first as well.

Nothing to worry about in my lifetime, and I'm not having kids so idgaf. As long as the taxpayers keep funding my medical cannabis I'm happy.

Not for long, bitch. Pay up or prepare to lose BC,Alberta,Saskatchewan,Yukon,Manitoba, and Ontario. Canadians living in the aforementioned provinces deserve better than Justin Trudeau.

Strange, I thought they were still building them there.

As far as I know a lot of our frigates and other war ships are in pretty bad disrepair.

>Nothing to worry about in my lifetime

Yes you can get in. I haven't even finished my degree.

Just be advised there's a high rate of failure in the training. I had to do 6 courses to be qualified
>BMOQ; 15 weeks; 95% pass
>BMOQ Land: 11 weeks; 95% pass
>Armoured Recce Crew Commander; 9 weeks; 60% pass
>Armoured Recce Troop Leader: 12 weeks; 40% pass
>Tank crew Commander: 6 weeks; 90% pass (I almost failed this one haha)
>Tank Troop leader: 4 weeks 90% pass

Keep in mind the Tank courses are guys that are already qualified recce

But your facilities are top notch while you're doing them.

Leopard 2A4M

There's probably more usable oil in the burger you're eating right now than there are in our tar sands.

Albertan oil is a meme, hence why that province is now Michigan levels of unproductive and welfare hungry.

Are you guys still rocking MG3s on your leopards, or did you finally switch out to FN MAGs?

>Alberta oil is a meme

Sure it is, I'm on track to make 75k this year rather than the usual 90-100k I would be making thanks to overtime. I'm a 20 year old insulator and putting away bank. But yea, Alberta is totally falling apart at the seems ;)

There are still projects going on there, but it's in a much lower scale than it used to be

And yeah, our navy is barely holding on. We only have 4 (!) old (!) submarines ffs

Any use for my CS degree in the military? I suspect I would only be useful as a civ working for DND.

The amount of retard who did that is actually quite amazing. Was anyone hospitalized?

We use the C6 Machine gun. both Coax and pintle . Essentially the FN MAG.

My cousin is in the RCN and it sounds like a complete joke.

>Also last time I checked Canada turned tail and ran from Afghanistan.
I'd love to see you back this up.

How so?

He's not wrong

You're making pretty good money for blue collar fellow, congratulations. Doesn't change the fact that your province hasn't turned a profit since 2011.

Why do you think nobody was in much of a rush to put out the fire?

Infantry makes 55,000 starting wages.

Im sure specialty non fighting men get alot more

From the stories I've heard the vessels are deprecated and constantly breaking.

>this retarded Ontarian again
Last I checked, Alberta still has the highest GDP per capita in the entire country, but by all means keep deluding yourself.

>Alberta still has the highest GDP per capita
gee I wonder why that is

Because having to rebuild Fort Mac will generate a lot jobs. The point I'm trying to get across is that people who are working in oil here are doing just fine, despite the economic slump.

I didn't say he was, you fucking retard, I was asking for a source. Do you have one?

been a reservist for 10 years and have worked with plenty of reg force guys. anything specific you want to know?
as far as going in for infantry officer, i know that there are 3 phases, and the third is a monster of a course as far as attrition goes. any trade interest you more than others? have any questions of specific trades?

From the oil industry.

They get like no money, it's a surprise they're not sinking in the harbours

Wrong. You start at around 30k and top out at 55k. It's shit.

this is incorrect. with rank, time in, and deployments the pay goes up. also, the living expenses in the areas the reg force is stationed are usually peanuts

Yeah James bond, it's called being in the fucking army.

It takes that into account…it's the official gov website. 55k is a pretty shitty amount to be making at any time. If I take a 14/7 shift I could make that in 4.5 months. And that's with a high school degree.

Army isn't financially beneficial unless you're a bottom of the barrel street dweller or from Newfoundland.

I make 92 as a captain

you wont make near 55k k starting. time in=rank for the first few years/ranks.
if you are on deployment you will get incentives yes but that is not most people

That is better. How many years did it take you to get to your current salary? And how many hours/week is it?

Pilot. Maybe some support officer trade. I never actually said I was interested in infantry. Not gonna put myself into unnecessary danger for the jews.

My question is how common and true are the negative feedbacks regarding the workplace on that website?

>James bond
What is that even supposed to mean? Do you have autism?

How did we "run" from Afghanistan, then? We left, after 10 years of fighting, 10 years of winning every battle and killing way more mudslimes than they killed us, and we pulled out after Osama Bin Laden was killed, and the Taliban were pushed back.

Only the city folks will be dead in WW3 in 2020. The rural areas will be fine.

if you graduated uni then you can enter the fast track officer program

do not bother joining up unless you want to be an officer:
>you will work super long hours for dogshit pay that works out to below minimum wage
>you will not get any management experience, the average stint in the military is only a few years. you have to plan for after before you even join
>front line grunts are less likely to make a career out of it and are put in danger more than officers

other than that, canadian army is falling apart, the cons were not great but the liberals are literally destroying our military

even the don is shitting on us for underfunding our military. only the special forces are properly funded

also enjoy living in the butfuck middle of nowhere with ZERO pussy prospects. military women are gross and if you get a woman while you serve, KNOW that she is going to be getting piped on the side while you are off sweating for pennies

raw deal faggot but hey I cant help that you majored in psych or polyscie

your post No was 007

i'm well aware that you won't make 55k starting. and yeah i know that the army isn't a great way to make money. you do often have low living expenses and taxes since it is a federal paycheque however.

it's pretty accurate. the army isn't a nice place. maybe a little exaggeration here and there, but there are masses of idiots in the army, bullying, and nepotism. paperwork is often handled poorly, and people often compete who can have the least "give a fuck factor" in order to seem cool to their peers. support trades are a great way to avoid this to some extent

like 4 years. still get incentive levels every year.

it's not a job, it's a lifestyle. sometimes you'll go to the field and work like 8 weeks straight with getting minimal sleep. Other times in garrison I "work" like 2 hours a day. and that consists of drinking coffee and bullshitting

> low living expenses

Up here in the oil fields if you are an out of towner you get free lodging and great all you can eat free food at most plants. You make oil money and you pay $0/week while at camp. Most plants have gyms and other amenities as well.

Ah I see, that seems like a good lifestyle for some. I myself prefer to work 3-4 months at a time and travel the rest of the year. Lets me live on my own terms. Cant do that in the army unfortunately, but I'm glad it works for you.

Do you find soldiers hold a superiority complex over civvies or is that just anti military propaganda?

We left before our allies. Before the job was done

Just joined. Can confirm.

we fucking hate dirty civilians, man.

Isn't 30k in training for 3-6 months and then 55k after you are done infantry training?

Have you actually been paid by the CAF or do you just get off arguing?

I literally just looked at the website.

>job done

It isnt and never will. Burgers still have men there

What degree

Long hours? there website says 8 hours a day for infantry and most is exercise is and equipment drilling. Sounds pretty fun for 55k a year vs these trades retards

>omfg i make 2.5 times as much as that by working 2.1 times as many hours
>40% goes to taxes anyways

Obviously not a Canadian, but let's say I wanted to join the military. I'd want to get a job that was "high tech" and involves using computers (I'm a programmer). Assuming I was qualified after taking all the tests and such, what would I pick?

Also can I keep my Hitler youth cut if I join the military or would I have to cut it?

> vs these trade retards
> work 3 months a year
> spend 9 months laying on a beach on the other side of the world

Yeah we're the retards, enjoy your exercise and equipment drilling kek.

long hours in the field and on course. you'll have many sleepless nights in the infantry. garrison is a joke though

I like exercise and guns and not working 14 hours a day doing shit i hate for weeks on end

How much do you make in 3 months? You must not have gotten that white motivation gene that 39% of white males and 19% of white females have if you enjoy working and earning 25% of your total potential

>literal untermensche

I don't sleep anyways and there are 2 weeks paid vacation. How often are you doing exhausting shit in the field? What kind of shit?

> enjoy working and earning 25% of your total potential

Yes good goy, work more hours so you can get a bigger car and house. Don't worry the banks will give you a good loan.

But seriously, life isn't about making money, it's about living. I work to live, not live to work. Which is what you are suggesting.

In 3 months I make 25-35k depending on the shift. Which is more than enough to let me travel the world and live comfy for the rest of the year.

> literally untermensche

Enjoy the debt slavery goyi…I mean motivated white man.

full time guys (correct me if wrong) have less frequent training exercises, but are usually in a few days/weeks at a time, with 1 or 2 big exercises that last 6-8 weeks. that's what i hear from my buddy who's stationed at valcartier as an engineer

as far as reserves go(doing it 10 years now), you average one weekend a month in the field, and one night a week doing bullshit for a half day's pay (3 hours). you also have 1-3 ~7-14 day exercises every year you can go on if you put your name in for them. if you work a big boy job, being a reservist is actually fucking brutal

You live in Canada and make 25-35 k a year, save nothing, and think you can give guidance to others on debt lmao...literally retarded

No wonder we voted weed man in

Go fuck yourself. The armed forces needs a lot more money. We need to disband our healthcare and social services, not increase them. What canada needs is the following:
>A larger, better equipped military
>A privatized healthcare system
>A flat income tax, no tax on products or anything else
>Any contributions of income to the state aside from income tax must be voluntary, like war bonds.
>No welfare, disband indian affairs, no disability payments
>No more social security, want retirement money, save it
>No more gun control
>Shut down immigration to a trickle, deport muslims that aren't integrating
>Change national flag back to the Red Ensign

>thinking anyone on here claiming to be in the military is actually in the military.

Literally didnt even realize canada had a military. What do you use it for? Enforcing sharia law?

Interesting thank you for the info.

I think id be happy in army life and you gotta make at least 50k a year consistently to survive here.

fuck you bud, the army is full of losers. hence why much of the army browses Sup Forums

Im a corporal and make 65k a year, thats better than most of Canada

Anti commie post best post