What is the meaning of this?

What is the meaning of this?

Wonder Woman was well received, Batman and Superman weren't

he's gay

>so insecure of your manhood that a woman saving a man angers you this much

Recommend me some man-grape comics. I already read Invincible.

But isn't literally the entire story of the DC movies based on Superman
Not even memeing

what do the mountain of corpses and bones beneath their feet represent?

Television and fucking film

People have to assign meaning to everything now.

Perhaps WW was a halfway decent movie, and the other two were shit.

Literally accurate though

Marvel's chances of winning an Oscar.

In reality all those characters have been bringing a lot of money and btfoing Marlel non stop...but that doesn't follow the narrative, so better to grow dischord with some really lame sjw/pol/bait.

>being a Sup Forumsedditor
holy shit

>caring about any DC """character""" but Blue Beetle


Fuck this board seriously.


People sure take toy commercials seriously.

Probably true, until Batman or Gotham City Sirens comes out

Wonder Woman is a 7/10 if I'm being generous and was entirely carried by Chris Pine.

The Harley Quinn movie made $133 million opening weekend

Wonderflop btfo

Thats literally leagues ahead of every single MCU flick except for IM1 and TWS.

Wait until "Captian Marvel" comes out and they stop giving Gadot and Jenkins false praise. Get ready for people to bitch about the Donner Lite they just praised being too antiquated and immodestly dressed.

WW isn't.


Literally kill yourself

Never underestimate the power of paying critics off on rottentomatoes and other various internet aggregate review websites.

Captain Marvel is DOA considering that by the time its coming out WB already is going to have Sirens and SS2, with Harley being the protag again, and if they are really cunts they are probably going to unleash Batgirl and WW2 on that...the way Marvel fucked itself out of being the female friendly capeflick provider is hilarious.

The entire film is a TL;DR of why she disappeared and why Superman convinced her the world was worth saving

Thank you, hack snyder for setting the bar so low that any movie that wasn't complete trash could have looked like art next to BvS. Now we'll never hear the end of how a woman movie "saved" DC and only a woman movie could have done it, despite the fact that literally anything not made by snyder could have

Literally literally literal cuck.

OP didn't seem that mad to me


That's just the tacked on framing device to force it into the shared universe. The core of the movie has nothing to do with Superman or any other character but WW, and that's a big part of why it's good.

What's weird is Marvel is still more socially progressive in a lot of ways but DC has
>more diverse casts in its films
>more female-centric films lined up

What, Bruce is the one who convinced Diana to come out of hiding.

So insecure that you sit waiting for posts that suggest even the slightest political incorrectness.

You know what?
That would be valid if WW had get a RT similar to MoS, it didn't.
It got an insane score only second to stuff like IM1, TDK or Logan.

>TL;DR of why she disappeared and why Superman convinced her the world was worth saving
It isn't though and that's the problem. It ends with her choosing love and killing Ares then fucking off for a hundred years instead of helping protect the world Steve sacrificed himself for. It didn't make it clear at all why she fucked off and then decided to come back.

That the DC franchise is so pathetic that the only thing that can save it is a hot chick with some banging tits?

very simple

>Batman and Superman weren't
Batman has not released a solo film and Batfleck has a mixed but mostly good reception

>Gal Gadot
>Hot chick with banging tits
pick one

>the entire story of the DC movies based on Superman

It should have been the core of the movie universe, but Snyder fucked it up. Poor Henry deserved better.

Self-agraddizing piece by deluded studio heads. You can spot the Sup Forumsumbr engaging a posture of respectable cultural buffs when they say they're "hyped" for this movie. It reeks of sjw sensibility.

>GotG, IM, Cap 2 are 7/10 or worse

Aint nothing wrong with this, you homo.

All capeshit sucks, you are retarded if you watch these movies. Not joking you have a mental problem if you are entertained by any of these movies

Harley Quinn was broken out of the Squad by Joker at the end of the last flick. SS2 will have to use a new girl.

Precipitous drop incoming.

Because they're probably gonna retcon that "fucked off" thing. Jenkins has been hinting that in some interviews. They'll probably make her go undercover or something.
Between this and the Whedon thing, it looks like they're slowly trying to get the fuck away from Snyder's clusterfuck.

>SS2 will have to use a new girl.
I hope they get Zatanna

u got memed son, gadot does not have tits

GotG is literal shit for retarded memeteens.
The second one is pretty much Suicide Squad tier.

>Implying that WB gives a shit...
user...Harley is going to end up being their non-manlet version of RDJ.

Who is mommy going to play?

I vote for Batwoman

Zack Snyder is shit.

DC will be filled with hot female super-heroines. Every male character have a female counter-part or some cute girl in his cast. Not to mention the fucking teams.

Superman? Supergirl, Power Girl.
Batman? Batgirl, Batwoman, Huntress.
Aquaman? Mera, Tula, Dolphin.
Green Arrow? Black Canary, Speedy, Shado.

Can't wait for WB to cast a Supergirl if only for the shitty CW show to get btfo.


needs more color. no reason for paradise island to not be super colorful like greece and rome were

They need better makeup artists :^)

so new and invader that you refuse to understand how anons have fun to beggin with.

>Ben Affleck as Batman
>white guy no one knows the name of as Superman
>Kikenberg as Lex Luthor
It's like they didn't want Superman vs Batman to succeed and on top of that the got the faggiest Joker ever conceived for the series. The Justice League is dead on arrival and there is nothing Wonder Woman can do to save it. At very best they can salvage her and focus on making her a copy of Captain America and basing the DC universe on her best material for the inevitable reboot.

>and there is nothing Wonder Woman can do to save it.
Actually she can

>implying Marvel won't catch up

They literally can't and the female characters they have make WW seem like an Oscar worth kino character.

>Oscar worth kino character.

Compared to Ghost in the Shell: White Girls are Complex and the only fuckable Olsen Twin that can barely act, also the endless no one cares army of gf of characters they have.
Yeah...also Carol is shit, that can't be fixed or adapted.
Carol Danvers is just a terrible character.

That we live in a very entertaining alternate timeline now. Relish it while you can.

It will Killer Frost or Poison Ivy

Or Catwoman at a stretch


superman and batman are fags
wonder woman is a qt


>sorry Jews couldn't break you out of concentration camps, I was deep undercover

>>more diverse casts in its films
>>more female-centric films lined up
both have whites as main lead characters and minorities as sidekicks or background characters.

How will marvelshits ever recover?

>Gal Gadot
>Implying Whedon is not going to choose a spicy hot latina as Batgirl or a waif azn grill.
My dik can't wait.

So is the movie actually good or is it well received because critics dont want to be seen as sexists?

Legitimately good. Not a masterpiece, but a well balanced fun flick.

It's okay.

Its good.
If anything the most sjw critic where in the Rotten camp, the first Guardian review reads like a Sup Forums parody sjw post.

The latter but shills will tell you otherwise

Doesn't Wonder Woman fly around in an invisible jet? Let's see how well they recreate that on film.

Oh that's right, they conveniently left that part of the lore out.

Thankfully that shit would never again be brought back.

>is it well received because critics dont want to be seen as sexists?
Bingo. All the endless tweets from Hollywood liberals should clue you in.

The casting for the god of war (or truth or whatever) was so bad it was funny and the scene where wonder woman walks through no man's land blocking bullets has to be the most retarded scene I've ever witnessed in my life
This movie blew

Why did she make the bullet look like it was going to fly past her head?

over 15, still read comic books

This makes me feel uncomfortable and embarrassed


>Caring about Blue Beetle after they made him a mexishit

of course, critics are afraid of being labeled as sexist. or as racist.

and all award shows will now insert a black person in the list of nominees so that they won't be accused of racism.

>Implying that Jaime wasn't the best Blue Beetle and the 2006 its literally the best the writen Blue Beetle book in the history of the character.

i want a buddy film with young handsome latino blue beetle and young handsome booster gold

More or less this is the best setting for Jaime, Ted and Michael...minus the faggotry Muh Murderverse setting...
Also, them cutting his hand instead out outright killing him pretty much means he is not going to die...fucking Sup Forums its like they don't fucking know comic tropes...

im not a critic nor liberal and i liked WW. fuck your opinion, her killing people and not acting like a pussy (like superman) is a breath of fresh air

Its basically a marvel movie rebranded in the DC universe. Since it was a female lead, female director they pretty much made the safest movie possible.

This one at least looked like a film and the action scenes weren't subpar Arrow tier...just sayin'.
The Ares fight thou...

>both have whites as main lead characters and minorities as sidekicks or background characters.

So? That doesn't matter, the intent is clear. Diversity and leftism is an illness, and its only because of their presence that this even exists, otherwise the films would be more racially homogenous.

She'll be in the Justice League Dark movie and you know it.

That would be why they said "current" state.