This guy is completely fucking retarded and making an ass of himself on twitter, everything he said in his speech is imploding right now
Highlights of this stupidity are:
>Asking twitter to intervene in the election >Suggesting twitter ban all Donald Trump supporters >Claiming everything is ok because there hasn't been a terrorist attack in "days"
How long until the democrats & hillary disappear him? Or is he going to be found alone in his home with his neck snapped?
>hasn't been an attack in days What did he mean by this?
Nicholas Martinez
>Muslim wants to shut down free speech
Sandniggers can't into irony I guess.
Gavin Jackson
his son probably died to get away from him
Luis Edwards
I fucking despise Muslims so much.
Jaxon Miller
Go fuck yourself piece of shit.
Isaac Wood
Thomas Allen
There was another terrorist attack. A minor one.
Cameron Jones
Lmao shut the fuck up Ahmed.
Logan Ramirez
Alexander Evans
probably right.
Kevin Flores
its a fake retard
Charles Morgan
I'm as white as it gets mate. My name does start with an A though.
David Russell
Julian Brooks
That's a troll account.
Brody Perez
It means he hasn't been following what's going on in Europe.
Cooper Peterson
Austin Ortiz
It's a parody account
You poor soul...
Carson Wilson
Muhammed, you'll never be white faggot.
Gabriel Young
Leo Myers
>There hasn't been a radical Islamic terror attack in days, Mr. Trump >leftists actually think this helps their argument like pottery
Adam Parker
Isn't this a fake twitter account?
Henry Mitchell
Hi (((Amir)))
William Rivera
>in days
Kek days
Ryan Campbell
I love seeing babby's first internet fight
Mason Torres
Asshat?is that you?
Nathan Martin
>There hasn't been a terrorist attack in days! Oh boy entire DAYS since the religion of piss attacked? This is supposed to be an accomplishment?
Anthony Hill
kek, who names their kid "Anus"? lmao
Matthew Morris
Hudson Myers
People keep saying its fake twitter account...where is the proof of that?
Nathaniel Hill
As everyone is saying, this account is fake. Also, pic related
>doing my part to fight the globalist narrative
Oliver Bell
>There hasn't been a Radical Islamic terror attack in days, Mr. Trump
John Flores
>there hasn't been a radical Islamic terror attack in days
Jason Reed
can we please make "do you even have a pocket constitution" a meme this guy thinks he's god because he has a copy of the constitution
Elijah White
Christopher Stewart
>there hasn't been a radical islamic terrorist attack in DAYS >Twitter can make a difference >censor dissent, ban Trump supporters >muh pocket constitution this guy is a tumor
Oliver Reed
>Days since last terror attack Holy shit my sides
Is 2016 the year we finally made memes into human form?
Daniel Stewart
i cant believe they'd stoop this low
Christian Nguyen
Oh fake and gay nvm
Zachary James
A Huge Faggot
Logan Gonzalez
You guys realize that it's a guy from Sup Forums that made this troll account
Jayden Martinez
>there hasnt been a radical islamic terror attack in days >trying to spin this as some sort of accomplishment
Jason Bailey
>he doesnt realize that US code title 8 section 1182 allows the president to ban whoever he wants from entering the country for whatever reason >he doesnt realize that congress votes on US code every year >he doesnt realize that US code is constitutional via multiple supreme court cases
i dont know what to tell him. All of a sudden leftists are for strict interpretation of the constitution. topsy turvy
Thomas Hughes
I have read the constitution back to front multiple times in my life I remember shit all about it but I remember enough to know this guy is full of horse shit.
Nathan Myers
Jason Russell
Twitter is a private corporation and can do whatever they want. If you don't like that, then you don't support the free market and may as well consider yourself anti-American.
Jeremiah Jackson
Fine, so let's make sure they delete and censor every tweet regarding white cops killing blacks.
Jaxson Fisher
The Hillary campaign is screwing up yet again. They are playing the old game by casting themselves and their constituents as victims. That isn't working anymore, people are sick of the victim mentality. I predict the polls will continue to move in Trumps favor.
Nolan Russell
And they should have every right to do that if they wanted.
Gavin Watson
I agree.
But why aren't they?
Joshua Ortiz
Hillary is backed by -The latino vote -The black vote -The LGBT vote -The woman vote -The muslim vote -The majority youth vote and -The system is rigged in her favor anyway
He stands literally no chance. After the election he'll be a laughing stock and his businesses will suffer greatly from the negative image he's created for himself that will continue to be perpetuated long after the election cycle is over. The only thing he will have ever achieved is strengthening the Left's propaganda of the Right and ensuring we'll never get a Republican president ever again.
Cooper Hughes
Because Twitter, like most internet websites are left leaning. If you don't like it, find a competitor, or make one yourself rather than bitching about MUH FREE INTERNET SPEECh
Jordan Ortiz
>DELETE EVERYTHING THAT UPSETS ME!!! And the Muslim reveals his true nature. Trump is playing underwater 10-dimensional space chess.
Josiah Lopez
I don't trust your opinion, you can't even properly reply to posts on a basket weaving forum based out of iceland.
Good day, sir.
Luis Miller
Twitter is effectively a monopoly, they should at least pretend to be neutral
Gavin Martin
A Muslim? Advocating censorship? Who could have foreseen this?
Jordan Flores
Owen Rivera
>Hillary is backed by >-The latino vote >-The black vote >-The LGBT vote >-The woman vote >-The muslim vote >-The majority youth vote Source?
Brayden Johnson
>company dodging taxes >deserving of rights nah
Adrian Anderson
I'm sure there are dozens of twitter-likes you can find. If you don't like twitter being at the head of short-form post social media, then support smaller business competitors. They will appreciate it.
Charles Ortiz
>there hasn't been a radical islamic terror attack in days >days
>they hasn't been an attack in days I guess ISIS waging war doesn't count? Nor the numerous attacks in Africa and the middle east?
Oliver Nguyen
So because news channels are also privately owned, do they have any responsibility to be neutral in their reporting?
Levi Gray
Name one news channel that is truly neutral. One.
Brayden Sanders
kek Fuck off back to Sup Forums you stupid cunt.
Juan Brown
I'm asking if you think they have a moral responsibility to be neutral.
Gabriel Richardson
>may >relevant
Kill yourself you stupid CTR faggot.
Chase Rodriguez
haha so real nice job OP XD
Daniel Davis
Wow DAYS without a terrorist attack.
Jaxon Scott
No. If you don't like Fox News being conservative leaning, then you don't give them your view. If you don't like CNN being the Clinton News Network, then you don't give them your view. Speak with your money and your time. Why is the free market so complicated?
Leo Rogers
It's not real, but okay. Even some of the most radical republicans have to admit that he crossed a line here.
Logan James
Thanks for Correcting the Record. .00000002 cents have been added to your account.
Cooper Jenkins
It's a fake account
John Martinez
Levi Murphy
I was thinking the same thing. His dad is clearly on the side of the Jihadists
Robert Miller
>there hasn't been an attack in /days/
Justin Ross
Big surprise, a lying Muslim. Watch he's only talking about US muslims they don't even follow the religion properly and hold us laws over sharia.
James Morgan
1% of almost 1.7 people...
Jaxon Sullivan
news is supposed to be objective. they should call it "opinions" based on what we have right now.
and the MSM is all jewish owned >jews >morals
pick one
Brayden Taylor
Was this poll taken before or after the DNC bought the media?
Parker Rogers
Yet people flip their shit when someone won't bake a cake for two homos.
Dominic Robinson
Is he going for the subtle redpill or just retarded?
He posted these statistics about muslims. topkek
Joseph Cox
It was already bad enough how he was shilling for his Shillary with his son that died in combat over 12 years ago. This guy is just ridiculous, first playing the "oppressed Muslim and muh feels" card and now this. This whole thing with the DNC speech is probably some Taqiyya tactic because he is mad how Trump insulted Islam and Muslims.
Tyler Martinez
>there hasn't been a radical Islamic terror attack in days
Actually there was an attack in Mogadishu like hours ago. 10 dead, 15 injured.
Who the fuck is that guy ?
Nicholas Rogers
>joined july 2016
oh :( ya got me good
Colton Jenkins
What has Trump done recently to sway the Black and Latino opinion that he's a racist demagogue?
This was before the DNC leaks. I'd be interested in how the results would be different now, but Trump gaining the Black and Latino vote would be nothing short of a miracle on his part.
Thomas Barnes
Eli Taylor
>Referring to mouth breathers Fake as fuck
Carter Anderson
>there are people here without a pocket constitution fucking wow my god #kiddingme???
Nicholas Garcia
>There hasn't been a terrorist attack in days
"Days" is our measure of success now.
David Lewis
That's their problem. Any business should have the right to deny service to anyone. That's what boycotting is for.
Jack Martin
Is it even him since I don't see it's verified?
Noah Torres
I think it's fake
Michael Flores
He's right that s corporation can do whatever he wants but he's not the ceo. To be fair Trump said the only reason his wife didn't speak was because she wasn't allowed to as a Muslim. So there's dirt on both sides but saying people who support a candidate to be banned isn't helping his case.
>hasn't been an attack in days My fucking sides if this is the new standard of acceptability.
Brayden Ross
Someone send him the pic where it says that 14 muslim-american soldiers died and 17 american soldiers have died at the hand of a muslim-american soldier