Shills comics YOU RAGE YOU LOSE

GOD how much I fucking hate David Horsey
Why did Sup Forums target the old Ben instead of him?

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Just look at this shit
Now even.being a man is something "problematic"

horsey should draw porn

horse porn

Horsey's really good at projecting

Good comic

Usually Horsey is so fucking wrong it hurts... I don't even know what he's trying to suggest with this. Trump is a huge badass?

Really triggers your gears...

Who is this trying to reach? Why don't people WANT a dominant, accomplished, intimidating leader to represent their country?

>Trump supporters are tall, huge, jacked, strong men with chiseled jaws


I hate this fucker so much.

>The political establishment is the problem in America
>lets maker a bigger political establishment to solve this problem
>guess i lost, now vote for the political establishment
>hillary isnt the embodiment of the political establishment, you're thinkng of that guy who has never spent a day in government.
This is how dumb you have to be to be a bernout


we gon make America great again brehs

>decline in gun ownership
What a lying fuck. I'd be embarassed to share that shit, knowing how inaccurate it is. It's gone up een more since this graph was made.

Being a white (but even nigger or gook), functional, healthy and strong men like the ones who built western civility is against the (((new narrative)))

>Why did Sup Forums target the old Ben instead of him?
Horsey wasn't a thing back then. Boris is also pretty annoying.

Most of those are facts though?

Writing off a 40 year criminal career as 'just a politician' - the embodiment of all that's wrong with America

Horsey is the kind of person that I would murder if I ever had to be around them.

He is a big guy.

If you make a cartoon like this, then the email leaks come out showing that Clinton, the DNC and mainstream media really were conspiring against Bernie, do you publish a retraction, maybe a new comic calling yourself an ass or do you just ignore being proven wrong?

All three of those buttons are true. You'd think he'd use something more outlandish for crazy conspiracy guy.

>all that fucking text
>all that shit art
Why can't political cartoonists draw cartoons anymore? Even Ben Garrison is guilty of labeling every grain of sand in his cartoons.

Is Horsey getting paid to be this stupid, or are these his actual views?

double dubs.

What did he mean by this?

Am I the only one who sees this as a hit on Bernie and Clinton? Or does this cartoon have literally no irony (which all good political cartoons have).


He's been under-labeling recently.

How in hell is a man being a fucking man bad? The delusion in these "people's" brains is out of this world. Fucking incomprehensible

You don't get paid to be this stupid unless you're stupid enough to have these actual views. You can't fake stupid of this degree unless you're Jewish.

See guys, what the hell? Horsey is a fucking god awful libtard who makes shit cartoons with shit art. Why the fuck did you guys have to attack Ben Garrison? He actually agreed with you all to an extent. He was a bro! One of the few political cartoonists who wasn't an insane libtard! Why did you have to attack Ben? He didn't do anything to you! If you just bought his art he might have even made works for you guys! You could have won me over and we could have been buds! But no, you defaced his work with nazi shit! Why did you do that to him? Now you can't even google my name without all sorts of racist shit coming up. Why do you destroy every possible comrade before the relationship can even begin, Sup Forums? Why?

hes slowly trying to redpill libshits into understanding that niggers and other shitskins are unevolved subhumans


>Horsey's arguments are literally "I AM SILLY"
Why can't he just do something he'd be good at and draw porn for a living?

What are you talking about/ Sup Forums has been slowly redpilling Garrison.

just because more guns are sold doesn't mean more people have guys
for every 100 people there are 112 something guns in America, but only 1 in 3 households has a firearm
shit, I personally own 5 guns and i'm a leaf

>only one black male


>implying Ben is on the same level.

Lol, Bens a nobody

What did Horsey mean by this?

Why do all of his "good guys" look like fucking mouthbreathers.

Shit I hate when they simplify the evolutionary process wuth bullshit like "bigots are unevolved wew" it's thank to theese fuckers people don't science anymore
Also, why the fuck the "bigot" is portrayed as an.hippy/muslim?

Liberal Lies


How is this an insult?

[citation required]

surely you'll deliver

Horsey should be fucking murdered for his lies and I believe that from the bottom of my heart.

Ignore it of course

The faggot is wrong and the duck killer is right though. No meaningful point was made. He should kill himself

I am genuinely confused by this, what point is he trying to make?

I cant even tell who this is ripping on, bernie, hillary, or trump.

Really makes me think

Considering the danger that Superman put Earth into by his presence that might've been a good idea.

wow. rely make u thingk


Why does he draw his Republicans as thick, muscular, chiseled men? Does he have some kind of repressed sexual fetish behind this?


>and most democrats
>shows a black guy

Filthy kikes did it to him not us

he shows both sides are morons i feel

A weird alien space baby very well could carry some illness that people from earth would have no protection to.


All illegal immigrants are superman

wtf I hate Trump now

Pretty sure that's supposed to be the Duck Dynasty guy.

>6% of population/ Majority of violent crimes.
This sounds false.

>being manly is considered a bad thing now by liberals

Why are liberal artists such hypercucks?

It's like they want to be a bunch of weak fucking sisters all the damn time.

>being big and strong is a insult to liberals
Jesus fucking Christ lads.

Kek still has a soft spot for Bane posting it seems.


y-you too

i love how the spew arround the "unevolved" meme when it comes to people with opinions they dont like but try to talk about evolution in the context of different races and suddenly they turn into creationists

I fucking hate political cartoonists so much.
Except for Ben "Kike Killer" Garrison, it's dangerous to hate him.

Defacing every Horsey comics as we did with Ben Garrison when?
Instead of doing nazi troll edgy shit we could substitute his writings with accurate redpills.
I've seen one of his comics defaced by Sup Forums against Hillary

he's so broken that he thinks anything that's not filled with guilt and surrender is too manly to exist in this world, is actually the evil destroying the world.

To say I hate him is an understatement.

It's 13%, but they do commit the majority of violent crimes


Of course it's false, they're really about 16% and committing the majority of violent crimes


it's more like 15% // 40%

so horsey's on OUR side now?

>Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.

could potentially sully his career if it was done enough desu

Massive oversimplification, and on some counts, yes, it is false. However, there is no refuting the fact that it's disproportionately high among.

Why are liberals so scared of the police?

Yet he basically compared Obama to niggers

and he has the balls to call other people uneducated.

I'm scratching my head trying to come up with an analogy, because I can't think of anything quite so retarded that could be solved by picking up a single fucking book on the subject.

He's suggesting all Trump supporters are dumb "musclehead" white males

>scared of the police
>wants to make it so only the police have guns

it's truly great isn't it

>not posting the original

I don't get it.

Picture is missing context

as in niggers

>Why does he draw his Republicans as thick, muscular, chiseled men?
Male Leftcucks resent masculine males, just like female leftists resent feminine women. The ideology appeals to people who are maladjusted due to birth and mental defects. Ironically, they also seem to fetishize and desire the things they hate, which seems logical, since their hate is based in envy.
it is, but its funny
the number is actually %12-15 of the population, pic related

wait, this seems Sup Forumsish

There's no way that is real

What did he mean by this?

You're not alone.

White men are evil.

The same reason they're scared of guns. They're fucking retarded.

I feel like I've been neglecting my pursuit of the sweet nectar of the gods: testosterone.

I need to start taking care of myself.

>Turns out – Movies Can Raise or Lower Hormone Levels (read the full study here). According to a University of Michigan psychology study, watching a romantic film (The Bridges of Madison County) had no effect on women hormonally, but lowered mens testosterone levels. So watching certain media can lower men’s testosterone levels.

>The scene from Godfather II where Corleone consolidates power made high-testosterone men even higher testosterone. That same scene actually lowered the testosterone-levels of high-testosterone women and made “people with low-testosterone levels who were most comfortable in submissive roles… downright uncomfortable.”

Liberals have never done this before, stupid hicks!