If white people are the smartest then why are black women the most educated group of people?
If white people are the smartest then why are black women the most educated group of people?
They earned it through superior work ethic and culture.
Affirmative action.
Very interested in the metrics used here
>African-American studies
>give blacks free education
>make their acceptance requirements non existant
>pay for their education
Yeah no
Affirmative action, also education =/= intelligence. Only dumb niggers and liberals try to prove their intelligence by getting a degree
They have the highest rate of enrollment in college
Doesn't account for GPA, degree choice, affirmative action, etc
Cause they aint'
Same faggot or same group of faggots posting the thread with this OP image.
enrolled =/= educated
Fellow Sup Forumstards- OP has posted a “shill thread” to push other, more typical; Sup Forums threads down and further a singular political agenda. It’s important to ignore this thread and let it die quickly. If you take the bait you are being part of our problem and not the solution. Be strong, be mindful and always be Sup Forums pre-Clinton shillsquad.
because professors will get fired if they don't pass them.
BW get passed through the education system faster than AIDS through an asshole.
Educated does not mean smart
> Educated in Racial issues in an equal society, Fried chicken economics and Dynamics of chimpings
now what ?
>most educated
>still the dumbest
"Educated" is a very vague word, and doesn't mean anything in this context. Some of the the dumbest retards I've seen have been college educated, and some of the smartest people I've had the pleasure of knowing were self educated.
How much institutional education you can swallow means jack shit compared to what it is you accomplish (which, at the time of college graduation, is usually very little).
Affirmative Action is the perfect example why racism will NEVER end, when racist concepts like that still exist.
Love how they foolishly think they are equal to whites, cute but cruel
I still don't understand how affirmative action can be viewed as acceptable.
I mean, Asians are getting screwed over the hardest. Don't they complain? Do they just study harder and get in anyway?
It just seems like such a obviously unconstitutional system, it's really surprising to me that there's not at least a sizeable movement that opposes it.
laughing my ass off at this
>most college enrollees are black women!!!
most colleges are unaccredited trash or "community college" trash
there's only one harvard, there's only one oxford
Define "educated"...
>Don't they complain
Probably, but the Social Justice community largely ignores Asians, because they disprove the Opressive Whitey mentality by working hard and being well paid.
Asians are only brought out by SJWs when compared directly to white people
> most "educated"
..well done??
I see you there brother
sjw professors
My black friend tells me all he has to do is show up for straight A's.
Black women have weird feet. I'm surprised no one talks about this more often. Like alien feet.
Degrees in African studies don't count, retard. Blacks in America have an average IQ of 85
I guess we just solved the white privilege problem then.
Let's move on to black privilege shall we?
Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think it even accounts for graduations, either. Just the black wimmin who ATTENDED school
Uh... does this account for age in anyway?
Y'know, because the majority of white people is older than the black population.
I actually just looked this up out of curiousity. Comparing black women and white women; the ratio should be 4:1 or thereabouts with just the idea that blacks are 45 million and whites 180 million. From ages 1-9, the white to black ratio is 3:1, from 9-22 about 4:1, from 22-38 about 5:1 , 38-50 remains 6:1, 50-60 7:1, 60+ about solidly 10-20:1, but the point is made.
These groups should reasonably be aging relative to each other as the initial populations are consistent; there has been no huge dying off or immigration and they should, in theory have the same birthrates.
>tl:dr; blacks are younger, therefore more of their population should logically be in school. 17% of blacks are between the ages of 19-24, while only 12% of whites are.
>ranked most educated
>still have the worst economic outcomes
hmm, really makes you think.... it's almost as if the liberal egalitarian meme of "everyone is the same and all you need is a good education to succeed because intelligence isn't innate" is complete bullshit or something
>lower the entry requirements for black people in education
>black people go to prestigious universities and get diplomas
>future employers throw their diplomas in the trash because they aren't actually a sign of competence, since they just got them due to their race
>employers hire white and asian people instead because their diplomas are actually worth something, because they had to work for them
>why are black people not getting hired? MUH RACISM
Are liberals this retarded? And why are black people not up in arms demanding an end to affirmative action because it devalues their education? If I was an intelligent African-American I sure would be pissed off that my diploma was devalued just to please some lazy niggers.
If this is true where the fuck are they? I never see any black females in academia. I never see them in stem fields. Where is this education taking them? Is this a prerequisite for a career in Fast Food Management? I really have no idea.
Black people are mostly dumb because of the ghetto, but it's mostly males in the ghettos.
Why does it say white male when the rest say men/women?
That fucking White Male.
Plenty of dumbass can get an education. More can't use it.
>not asians
I don't believe you.
"Educated" means they sat in Community College class long enough to get a piece of paper, and by doing so absorbed all the PC bullshit to go on and be a good little goy
Current Academia is laughable and if you think these women are "Educated" enough to do anything more than become shitty nurses or assholes at the bank or DMV then I have some bad news for you
Male is more dehumanizing.
Also, you're more likely to hear White Male said out loud in Privilege speak.
Probably because men sounds better/stronger than male
>lower the bar for black women
>celebrate when they jump over a bar that is 1 inch off the ground
It's like giving treats to a dog.
really shows with all of the female black investment bankers, inventors, etc.
I can't think of a single black woman that ever invented anything noteworthy. please educate me kek.
Makes sense.
First of all, asian culture is very against complaining, it emphasizes action over lip-service. Asian culture is very much about assimilating and 'not causing a scene'.
Not only are asians a small minority in terms of population, asian children are strongly discouraged from pursuing politics or any 'arts' related degrees in favour of solid STEM degrees. Traditionally, an interest in politics is seen as being a trouble-maker of sorts, someone who wants to disrupt the system for their own gain.
Second and third generation asians try their best to do whatever little whining they can but are strongly shut down by the ACLU mafia. You may remember a while back Mindy Kaling's brother made a scene by proving how when he pretended to be black, all the med schools that previously rejected him, accepts him as a black man. I also remember an IQ squared debate about AA, where this asian grill asked about the detrimental effects of AA policies on asians, and the black professors gave the most nonchalant 'some must suffer for the greater good' response ever, it was quite chilling.
This looks like a wholesome, trustworthy, unbiased news site! Most certainly not angled at blacks!
Aunt Jemima makes some boss ass pancakes
damn white people are really getting blown the fuck out tonight.
thank god they will be a minority in the USA soon
So there's no desire within American society to change this system somehow? I never hear this being discussed in US politics, and it just gives me the impression that most people seem to be ok with it which I just really find hard to believe.
If I was the most qualified candidate for a position, but someone told me that they'd take some less qualified negro instead I would be outraged. How can anyone not be?
Everybody always cries about >muh equality, but openly discriminating on the basis of race in academia is seen as ok?
In America it's much more important to be politically correct than to be fair
Look at the size of the black women bar and then the size of the white women bar. Just by looking at it visually, the black women bar is like twice as long as the white women bar, but the actual difference is 7.1% to 9.7%.
Same deal with the white men bar versus the white women bar. 6.1% versus 7.1%, but yet the white men's bar looks like it's only slighter more than half the size of the white women's bar.
And lol "white male" versus everybody else being men/women.
they sign up for community college and never go to a single class, they get free welfare benefits. anyone with a brain knows this.
If black women are the most educated group, why do people still insist that "white privilege" exists.
the most basic tenet of AA is 'diversity makes education better', and there is some truth to that, but they're doing it all wrong because the black/brown kids that get in are all from rich families and adds no REAL diversity.
Asians are being shafted because they have no real political power. If you were to ban AA from all universities, half of the seats will be taken by asians, which is what happened to UC Berkeley when they banned race-based admissions. Obviously whites don't want that, and most importantly, who is actually THE most over-represented group in higher education? Jews. They are 2% by population about 20-30% of university seats. And if anyone ever DARES to utter this unspeakable fact, SIX HUNDRED MILLION you're german, you know the rest
Another reason you don't see asians in politics is simply because they don't really have the capacity for it. There are different "types" of intelligence, usually talked about in terms of spatial IQ and verbal IQ.
jews have very high verbal IQ, for example, and it's why you see so many of them in accounting and law.
asians have very high spatial IQ, which is why there are so many in STEM fields. And they actually have verbal IQ a little *lower* than average.
The fact that politicking and being a silver-tongued manipulative piece of shit is frowned upon in asian culture is probably a manifestation of the fact that they're not really designed for such things in the first place.
that's interesting, I didn't know that
And whites don't? They go to college for more complex reasons I assume. It's all about proving intelligence hence to a prospective employer white or black.
This is true
What is commonly referred to as "smart dumb niggas"
>most educated
Think quantity, not quality.
Lib arts , human resources.
Does this account for drop outs? I knew some nigs that enrolled for a few weeks and dropped out. The college refunded them the tuition despite it being paid by the government. Free cash basically
Don't think a degree is needed for dmv.
.......or nursing.
Or white woman. Women don't invent.
So who did they fuck to give them their gender studies degree?
There is a large racial gap in college completion rates. At publicly operated colleges and universities, 39.7 percent of Blacks earned their bachelor’s degrees within six years from the same institution at which they enrolled in 2006 compared to 60.2 percent of Whites. At private colleges and universities, the graduation rate for Blacks was 44.5 percent. For Whites the graduation rate was 68.1 percent.
There also was a significant gender gap in African American college graduation rates. At publicly operated colleges and universities, 43.3 percent of Black women earned their degrees within six years compared to 34.2 percent of Black men. At private colleges and universities, the graduation rate for Black women was 48.5 percent compared to a graduation rate of 39.2 percent for Black men.
>admitted to university with substandard qualifications
>get degree in literally nothing
>brag about being the most educated
and form mafia-style unions where they bully states into allowing them ever-increasing independent practicing rights, because they are 'equal' to a physician just because they have scooped poop for 10 years while having zero understanding of the basic biochemistry behind their practice
(and as I see below, free enrollment is not same as education...)
On the other hand - education is a best way to prevent OVER-BREEDING !
The more educated woman, the less children she has.
The blacks have usually more children than is sustainable (2-3 is sustainable, not more!).
So educating black and arab women is VERY FAVOURABLE for all humanity.
West should also - preventivelly - sponzor education of AFRICAN WOMEN in Africa, to prevent them overpopulating Africa, because that would expand the problem (overpopulation and overflowing refugees) later everywhere.
>thank god they will be a minority in the USA soon
Why do you think thats a good thing?
Serious question; why do you think whites being a minority is a good thing?
Personally, I don't know or care either way. Don't have kids, and at 40 i don't plan on any so I don't care what happens to the race. But I am curious.. why is white extermination a good thing?
to get away from their men
Because they feel the same way about us as we feel about them. I don't understand why they play the moral game. If niggers hadn't been so shitty at nation building, they'd be fine. If they had been better than the white man, they'd have conquered and colonized Europe. They're just sore losers.
>non existent requirements
>meme degrees
>profs afraid to correct exam mistakes out of fear of being called a racist
>meanwhile white people keep getting demonized
can't trust the american education system anymore unless it's something highly technical like MIT and shit. those guys are robots and don't cater to feelings
I wouldn't be surprised if a majority went for 1 semester or 2 and then dropped out.
I'm skeptical of your premise, op. Need more evidence.
Whites are the sellout asshat consumer race. On average they're really pretty stupid, judgemental, hateful, and violent. That's why they make up less than 10% of the world population. Sure, they produce the odd smart one that invents something that changes the world, but those are outliers really and extremely rare. Whites will be all but extinct within a hundred years.
education =! intelligence
intelligence =! intellectual
Affirmative action.
Furthermore, they are worthless animals, a degree is the only way they could even get a job, humans don't necessarily need one.
lol that bar distortion
Wow wtf now I believe in white privilege
Given acceptance rates for the Ivy's, this is basically impossible for an asian or white person. It is like hitting the lottery, even for someone with a perfect GPA and ACT. She sure as shit didn't have both, either.
Wait, it is the proportion of people currently enrolled? hahahahaha
It is a toss up between asians and non-hispanic, non-jewish whites. Regardless, we should all be friends because we are all getting fucked.
You should fucking know by now we are put into a separate class to shit on. Where gave you been?
>what is affirmative action
I'm not even white and I know you're full of bullshit.