Trump dodged the draft for Vietnam and now insults Muslim American soldiers who died for America

Trump dodged the draft for Vietnam and now insults Muslim American soldiers who died for America.

Why is this allowed? The patriotic candidate Hilary Clinton is the only acceptable option. Don't let anyone tell you America isn't great and insult those who gave their lives for America.

Other urls found in this thread:

He called him a hero.


I don't vote for women, sorry. Never have, never will.


No one cares! Stop reading so much huffingtonpost


I'm not a shill, just a patriot

Dahnald doesn't even read the Constitution, the delegates should be mine.


Let me correct the record.
Donald did not insult captain Koran.
he asked why the wife was not allowed to speak.

Fuck off

You know there are only four Muslims buried in all of America's military cemetaries? Just four Muzzies made the ultimate sacrifice for this nation, compared to hundreds of thousands of Christians.

CTR has been sliding threads all fucking day

Spread this shit like wildfire anons

>Boko Haram kills 10,000 Nigerian villagers
>FBI, Congress, CIA, and Justice Department all recommend Hillary Clinton's State Department classify them as a terrorist organization
>people in the U.S. are banned from doing business or associating with terrorist organizations
>Hillary Clinton refuses to classify them the whole time she is in office and no one could figure out why
>turns out individuals buying stolen Boko Haram gold and developing stolen Boko Haram oil fields are donating massively to her campaign fund and the Clinton Foundation

If you think some angry shit skin lecturing white America on our Constitution is going to swing any votes from Trump you're as dumb as a nigger from the Caribbean.....oh wait

Someone needs to tweet this meme to Trump

>in DAYS

This is an edit, right?

If there was a war in another country that I don't care about I would probably avoid the draft too.

Why do ctr shills always use proxies?

So they can make sockpuppet posts, they talk alone and make it look like multiple users from different places and IDs.

>wasn't called up
>draft dodging
I assume you think not winning a lottery you entered is dodging too?

Hillary Clinton is also a literal war criminal. She murdered leaders of and attempted to overthrow legitimate governments posing 0 threat to her country. That's the most heinous war crime in the book.

How was the soldier insulted?

He got a deferral for a fake medical condtion.

That self-righteous phony look on their faces makes you wanna puke. He's even got a little stage prop.


>Really makes you think.

more paid shills that use proxies. what's the point?

Start a thread if you can back it up. Make sure the last line is visible without having to click on the thread link.

Trump was on the draft, he was just never called

Oh look, more Shilling for Shillary

It's legit, I don't know if the account is a parody though, some of the tweets are crazy.

And Clinton found one of them
But hey fuck the thousands of other families who lost kids who aren't politically useful right.

Good question. Doubt you'll get an answer.

Hillary Clinton was the one who voted for this stupid worn the first place

This really reminds me of John "reporting for duty" Kerry type of stuff.

Ain't gonna work.

Link this post in other threads too

>Boko Haram kills 10,000 Nigerian villagers
>FBI, Congress, CIA, and Justice Department all recommend Hillary Clinton's State Department classify them as a terrorist organization
>people in the U.S. are banned from doing business or associating with terrorist organizations
>Hillary Clinton refuses to classify them the whole time she is in office and no one could figure out why
>turns out individuals buying stolen Boko Haram gold and developing stolen Boko Haram oil fields are donating massively to her campaign fund and the Clinton Foundation


Nice proxy my dude!

Well, this is a first.
Liberal/Progressives trying to capitalize on patriotism.
Getting desperate, aren't you.

Should at least add source links to the image.

I don't know who's shilling for who anymore

Like Bill Clinton

git out

When they came here the context wasn't the same.

Now Muslim terrorist are almost every where.

Trump is an asshole!

I just can't support a man with a wife like that. How little does he think of himself?

fuck off trinidad. your just a 3rd world shit whole people in the upper crust like to visit because it reminds them of how much more they have than 90% of the population of the planet

Muhammad Ali dodged the draft and everyone's calling him a hero.

Hillary holds the Constitution high and she puts it down and she lies. She lies.

such a fucking obvious lie, please drink bleach

Board of Elections of Jew York can get his voting record starting 1989, long after 'nam.

To vote, you must register for selective service (makes you draftable)

What an absolutely disgusting, ugly woman. Why can't she been one of those that covers the face, too?