Currently trending:
>If we don't understand what our institutions are doing, then we have no hope for reform whatsoever.
Holy shit, Assange is based as fuck. Seriously, Hillary has no chance.
Currently trending:
>If we don't understand what our institutions are doing, then we have no hope for reform whatsoever.
Holy shit, Assange is based as fuck. Seriously, Hillary has no chance.
The guy is a narcissistic psychotic rapist. Sick of hearing about this self aggrandizing cunt.
Needs to khs. Only thing, if he did all the conspiritards would say it was done by the c i a.
T. Correct the record. Kys nigger
Can't correct the leaks, eh? Gotta slide to the conveniently timed rape allegations?
Does living so close to Australia increase your desire to shitpost?
This deserves investigation.
>shilling this hard with meaningless ad hominem attacks
Wew lad
>Charged with rape in Sweden
He probably just refused to prep the bull
Bait harder
When's he going to drop those leaks everyone was hyping?
>$0.25 has been deposited in your account
Yeah, yeah, keep talking Kangaroo Shill.
The comments section is taking a shit on this narrative; people are waking up.
WikiLeaks already released all the emails over a torrent, with a dead man's switch embedded within.
Anybody dies, and the entire, unedited block of emails becomes available.
Typical kiwi. Fully jealous that he's one of ours and we didn't steal him from ya
He said the DNC leaks were released early as a "this is your last chance" attempt. He said that the coming leaks will 'guarantee indictment' and that it'll be too late once they're out.
You can be charged with rape in sweden by merely glancing at someone or not keeping your legs less than a certain angle while sitting to avoid manspreading.
The whole thing is just an obvious ruse so that they can extradite him to the USA
I love this man if only because people like exist to be absolutely and utterly butthurt about what he does.
I hope he and WIkiLeaks fucks governments over until the end of time itself.
Jew shown. You guys loved Assange until he ruined Debbie Wasserman Schultz
>He said that the coming leaks will 'guarantee indictment' and that it'll be too late once they're out.
I'm not going to hold my breath for an indictment, but I'm still looking forward to whatever juicy info we can get.
>the conveniently timed rape allegations?
Trump has rape allegations against him.
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Against Assange? This is the first I've heard about this.
He'll release it a week before the first debate. Shillary will be fucked.
He had consensual sex without a condom on. Which in Sweden is literally rape.
I put it in quotes didn't I?
Yea, with the amount of sliding the last leak saw I'll just be glad if MSM picks it up so I can finally talk to the normies at work about something interesting.
What does he want to not release them?
It's not happening. This will just blow over like everything else has. If someone had a way to fuck Hillary over they would have done it already. Assange is just looking for attention again.
The statute of limitations on his crimes are almost over, so he's almost a """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""free"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" man. He's going to hold out as long as he can so they can't kill him.
Also, there's a deadman trigger on a bunch of different leaks if he were to ever die.
It's weird, but why do people like Assange and Snowden seem to have the most punchable faces ever?
out of all the posts i've seen on why he won't release them, this makes the most sense.
if the debate people don't question hillary on her emails they will look like they're shilling so hard and being owned so undoubtedly they couldn't handle it and would have to ask her about them. (then trump would shit on her policies also kek)
I really hope so.
As much as my gut instinct is that assange should "do the right thing" and just release it all now, the fact of the matter is that our human brains don't work on a rational basis.
If damning shit gets dropped right now, months before anything else actually happens in the election, it will be long forgotten before we know it. It will be SLID down the memory hole as the media works their best to drown it out in pointless bullshit, just like they tried to do with the first round of DNC leaks.
But if he holds off and waits until the debates to release? It will be fresh in everyone's minds, and they'll HAVE to address it during the debates.
He's probably going to release them in October for maximum effect. This is the "October Surprise" the DNC is worried about.
Are you people seriously asking why he's holding off on their release?
He looks like feels guy.
Hope he releases it at the appropriate time.
Sept 17
>Boko Haram kills 10,000 Nigerian villagers
>FBI, Congress, CIA, and Justice Department all recommend Hillary Clinton's State Department classify them as a terrorist organization
>people in the U.S. are banned from doing business or associating with terrorist organizations
>Hillary Clinton refuses to classify them the whole time she is in office and no one could figure out why
>turns out individuals buying stolen Boko Haram gold and developing stolen Boko Haram oil fields are donating massively to her campaign fund and the Clinton Foundation
>Boko Haram kills 10,000 Nigerian villagers
>FBI, Congress, CIA, and Justice Department all recommend Hillary Clinton's State Department classify them as a terrorist organization
>people in the U.S. are banned from doing business or associating with terrorist organizations
>Hillary Clinton refuses to classify them the whole time she is in office and no one could figure out why
>turns out individuals buying stolen Boko Haram gold and developing stolen Boko Haram oil fields are donating massively to her campaign fund and the Clinton Foundation
What a fucking faggot, correct yourself by shooting lead in your head.
I want to believe this, but where is the evidence? There are articles claiming this is true, but do we have a document, report or communication to back up any of the claims?
How can we say that the plane was released after Lawal communicated with the Hillary state dept? How do we even know he was involved? How do we know that he profited from Boko Haram in Nigerian oilfields? No evidence buttressing this was included in the articles.
25 shekels have been deposited into your account
what about consensual sex where the man wants a condom and the woman doesn't and the woman demands that he cum inside her?
is that rape in sweden yet?
what's the statute of limitations on rape? also, couldn't britain still extradite him for crimes in america?
they're just going to poison him with polonium or something as soon as he leaves.