You are now the dictator of your country, and everything you say will be perpetrated immediately.
What are the things you will pursue?
You are now the dictator of your country, and everything you say will be perpetrated immediately.
What are the things you will pursue?
Race war now
For me it would be:
1. Sell Åland to Sweden and invest the money
2. Double the military expenditure
3. Commence a nuclear program
4. Renew the energy policy to 100% nuclear power
5. Institute an eugenics program, favoring the high IQ people with good mental and physical health
6. Make income tax less progressive
7. Close the borders
8. No more EU
9. Deport all refugees and immigrants who commit a crime within 10 years since their arrival
10. Deport all refugees and immigrants who commit a serious crime
11. Military service mandatory for women and men
>9. Deport all refugees and immigrants who commit a crime within 10 years since their arrival
>within 10 years since their arrival
Change it to 100 years, cuck
Nah. 10 years is enough for them to assimilate.
Legal protection for police who kill someone that is in the process of committing a violent crime or poses a danger to themself or others.
Mandatory observation of a two gender, two sex system.
Stronger punishments for drug use.
More gatekeeping for people with Gender Identity Disorder; transition should be a last result after extensive psychological treatment and screening, and no surgery will be covered under any circumstance.
Permanent ban from entering US territory for anyone caught in the country without legal permission to be there.
Complete removal of the "anchor baby" laws.
Abolition of affirmative action and all diversity quotas, as they are not a solution to co-existence and punish white men unjustly.
Expand protected classes to include LGBT people.
That's a start, at least.
>More gatekeeping for people with Gender Identity Disorder; transition should be a last result after extensive psychological treatment and screening, and no surgery will be covered under any circumstance.
That seems like oddly specific thing to do as a dictator
All NEETs and alt-right weebs are being put in camps
I'm a degenerate and every day I are our country go in the wrong direction with trannies. It's expensive to taxpayers, doesn't help them integrate into their ""preferred"" gender, and results in discomfort for people as this hideous old man in a tutu strolls into the women's restroom. It needs a lot of work and we should be focusing on psychologically treating these people and only using transition as a last resort rather than "ITS WHO I AM :^)".
I like your eugenics program. I'd love to implement something such as:
implement a scaling eugenics system that increases over time and places limits on amount of children permitted per family based on a number of factors, but primarily IQ testing. People with inheritable diseases (especially mental or debilitatingly physical) will be banned from reproducing, but may adopt. Breaking these laws will result in deportation from the country for the responsible family.
Eradication of the degenerate underclass
Extermination of the black and latino populations
Severely tightened border control and a revamped immigration policy
Troop withdrawal from most overseas bases
A move away from force projection and towards a policy of Nuclear Annihilation of aggressor nations
>mandatory public IQ tests for anyone who wants to hold any public office
>minimum required IQ: 140
>also require complete financial transparency
>any and all meetings of public officials must be livestreamed, live mics required at all times
>nationalize all banking
>unconditional basic income for all citizens
>ban the concept of patents
>lots of other things I probably dont need to do because the new smart government under me will do them anyways
>lean back and watch as shit changes and improves like never before
Cats given the same rights as children.
>minimum required IQ: 140
Wew m8, with what SD?
>Deport all people with less than 65% European ancestry
>build northern and southern wall with land mines
>invest all monies in space and space mining
>restore the natural beauty of the United States by making it one giant natural park
>move to space and genocide the world
Now I laugh as European genes are the only to exist from this point forward. Also Mother Nature reclaims earth, win win.
1. Getting rid of the monarchy.
2. Federal system.
3. Scandinavian-style welfare state.
4. Investing on national manufacturing.
5. Revive the countryside.
6. Protect regional and national culture and identity.
7. No to EU.
8. No to NATO.
9. Australian-style point immigration system.
10. Invest in renewable energies.
That'd be a good start.
Start 24 hour live broadcasts of executions of high public officials proven to be corrupt. Revamp transparency in government.
Paid sterilisations and free abortions to whoever want them. (Forced abortions and sterilization for career law breakers, especially laws regarding violence)
Conscription for all males. Starts on 17th birthday. They take rifle home like in isreal. After basic top percentile of guys is taken into armed forces the rest can go home if they want. NFA and hughs amendment gone.
No more life in prison. If you're guilty beyond reasonable shadow of doubt your execution will be no longer than 7 days after trial. No more bs 20 year sentences. If you did something so bad that it would require more than 5 years in jail you get executed.
How are my plans pol?
>invest all monies in space and space mining
That's a good one desu. Can I borrow that for my plan next time?
1 3 piece meal from popeyes and 1 40oz malt liquor for each scalp of a kike you turn in at your local synagogue
Israel would be proud.
Completely decriminalize all actions not in direct violation of the non-aggression principle.
Small violations of the NAP will be penalized with forced labour on public works projects. If the sentenced individual is physically unable to perform this labor, they will receive a sentence more suitable to their physical condition. If an individual is unwilling to perform any labour, they are publicly hanged.
Any large/heinous violations of the NAP will be penalized by public hanging. This includes large-scale theft, murder, et cetera.
Of course, national borders must remain absolutely intact. I'm not well-researched enough to propose mass deportations of current illegal aliens, but at the very least, the situation must be mitigated from getting more dire.
Ambivalent on broad fiscal/monetary policy.
Don't have the time nor motivation to outline foreign policy. Above all else, the federal government must place the needs, and indeed, the whims of the nation's citizens above any other consideration.
I can dig it.
> >mandatory public IQ tests for ... public office
> >minimum required IQ 140
140 is too much. This is IQ for a leader or scientist. Public office should be enough 110.
Having this high standard will cause test falsifying and scarcity of honest office(wo)men.
The most important quality of public office holder is HONESTY.
For intelligence there are advisors. There should be _transparent_groups_of_advisors_ .
All else in this post is VERY GOOD. That would make a real positive change.
I will add:
>- repair Democracy:
- Every vote is evidenced and can be retracted by voter at any time.
- Hence this makes a true Representative Democracy, not an Elected Tyranny as is today.
- The Representative will have Confidence of his voters and so he _always_ will be Trustworthy person. Who looses Confidence, will stop to be Representative.
- In current system, there is no means of showing lost Confidence, and ruler can rule even without any Confidence remaining, hence he may obey to Lobbying instead of voters, which is cause of most current problems.
- Current system is rule of Evil Elites, this Transparent Democracy would be rule of Good and Trustworthy Elites.
- Unlike Direct Democracy (referendum), which is rule of Average Mob.
A web-based system for home votes could be devised, so that it is half-blind from the side of government, so that everyone may verify, that his vote was not manipulated... These all are details. Substantive is philosophical justification of Confidence in Representative...
> Unconditional income
Would allow people working on non-profit tasks (gardening, tending old people, building non-commercial facilities). People would not stay at home sitting.
Who would do the "ugly" tasks? It may end up that a garbage collector will get more money than a clean-office worker.
> Welfare...
All other would be best devised by those Trustworthy Elites. I'd trust them, because they would be worthy that...
I would add public punishment of lawbreakers to the list, like caning is in Singapore. Local criminals will be punished locally, in a visible and easily accessible location.
Also, a few other random ideas in no particular order:
Public execution for drug dealers.
Public execution for smugglers.
Public execution for human traffickers.
Public execution for foreign criminals found in the country.
End the tax-exempt status of public universities.
Public martial academies, basically trade schools as alternatives for high school for young men who wish to pursue the military as a career.
Build Wall.
Legalize dueling.
Begin to reissue letters of marque and reprisal.
The government will officially "look the other way" if private citizens take offense to events of moral degeneracy. This means that if a bunch of football hooligans show up at a pride parade and stuff happens, it means that the community rejects this ideology, and resents it's presence among them.
Anything else that I missed?
Every brain with less than 140 I.Q. gets a free bullet launched into it at 1200 fps.
Point blank.
And survivors get a second one, also free.
Stupid people make freedom impossible for smart people. I cannot be free because too many stupid people are perfectly happy being slaves.
This is why we can't have cool cars anymore, by the way. We have the technology to build awesome stuff that makes the best Art Deco cars of the 50s look like toys. But Suzy Soccermom wants to be able to drink her $4 frappe while listening to Spotify, texting her friends, and putting a DVD on for the rugrats in the back. So instead of V10, 800 HP RWD chrome monsters, we get crossovers, because the average person is too lazy, ADHD, and stupid to enjoy, or even comprehend what our technological progress could give us.
-t. salty /o/tist
Tough but fair.
Especially on the prison sentencing. Prison should be a deterrent, not a half-way house for criminals to plan their next fuck-up.
Imagine if we spent half the money and manpower that's put into the entirety of smartphones (mobile hardware and software) into our space program.
If only the law allowed for personal responsibility with this type of thing. That way the idiots die and the smart people carry on following their procedure.
Yeah, it's fucking terrifying to drive these days.
There is SO MUCH traffic, SO FEW lanes, and about half the people out there CLEARLY do not have any idea what they're doing, what the rules are, or even how to make a turn without stopping first.
These fucking people can't steer, they can't accelerate, they can't fucking keep up with traffic, they can't read traffic, they merge for no reason and then merge back, because they don't know what merging is for, they just know how to do it. They speed when they should go slow, they go slow when they should speed, and that's why every time I drive past an accident on the road, and I see the people all standing there next to their wrecked cars, I flip them off.
I wish more people fucking died on the road. These new cars are too safe. They need to engineer all the survivability out of them.
Maybe we should start assassinating car manufacturers and engineers.
We have to start punishing evil.
>3. Scandinavian-style welfare state.
That only works in Nordic countries though
People have lost their respect for mechanical engineering.
My ex gf used to get upset that her car always broke down. Because she didn't put oil in it, she never serviced it. The brake pads were worn down to steel. The braid in the tyre had worn through. She would pump the accelerator to maintain speed instead of holding the pedal steady.
Every time I tried to help her out or give her some advice on keeping the fucking thing running she got angry at me for "making the generalization that women are incompetent drivers"
If you're not an incompetent driver than fucking show me, all I see is retarded shit. She was a good example of what is wrong with people, always expecting someone else to come along and fix a problem.
They don't give a fuck how anything works, as long as it does work so they can go shopping.
Yeah bro, as soon as I become a millionaire off of medical marijuana I'm investing all my money to start a ISP that uses fiber optic. Afterwards I'm starting my own space mining company because we should be in space by then.
Become a despot, get some fag to do all the governing, steal a billion or 5, get a harem, spend all day playing video games and rooting women. Make cosmetic changes to please butt heads like you lot, keep everything much the same.
All of our spaceships would be really really small, with low battery life, but we'd be able to tell exactly what people in them are doing?
(You) all with executions ?!
That is preciselly SHARIA - the law of "Straightness".
Do not obey ? Hang (head cut). Theft? Cut hand. ...
Medieval injustice.
>protection for police who kill someone ... or poses a danger to themself
So if he poses danger to himself, rather outright kill him ?!
What is "danger" ? It could be quite misused...
Very well...
> Completely decriminalize all actions not in direct violation of the non-aggression principle.
> Small violations of the NAP will be penalized with forced labour on public works projects. If the sentenced individual is physically unable to perform this labor, they will receive a sentence more suitable to their physical condition. If an individual is unwilling to perform any labour, they are publicly hanged.
> Any large/heinous violations of the NAP will be penalized by public hanging. This includes large-scale theft, murder, et cetera.
No death-penalty for theft:
The Justice means, that punishment is JUST. Theft is an economic offence and adequate and righteous is an economic punishment -- forced work, refund damages...
no matter how optimistic i like to be about women and humanity, this is post correct.
Plus, the inspiration of cars is gone. There's no art, no passion to them anymore. They're just shapeless, soulless cans made out of plastic and metal. I hate it.
1. Remove all political parties
2.Promote Occupational Pan-Americanism
3. Drop inflation to post-WWI inflation
3. Close the borders and reinstitute the National Origins Act.
4. Nationalize all energy companies
5.Capitalize on the petrodollar and buy securities in other oil companies.
6.Reinstitute Glass-Steagall Act
7. Ban homosexual marriage
8. Redefine 14th amendment to remove abortion, GID and anchor babies
9. Nationalize the military industry complex
10. Owning a gun is now mandatory
11. College is paid for, but you must take a one-time test to enter college
12. Overall Taxes reduced
13. Tariffs increased
14. Phase out welfare
15. Hire ex-KGB agents and place them in CIA to aid in Sunni subversion
16. Liquidate the assets of people like George Soros and Hillary Clinton
17. Flirt the media with a tax break if they talk well about my regime.
18. Mandatory conscription
19. Subversion of China, EU and friends
Obviously you can't copy it straightforwardly because we are different countries with different societies. But strong well-managed public services and the nationalization of companies on strategic sectors would be great enough.