Trump hates american soldiers

How can you support a man who would attack the parents of a soldier who was K.I.A? Absolutely disgusting.

Other urls found in this thread:

>soldier was a mudslime

he did the right thing

The Ultimate Trumplestiltskin Collection Including the Highly Anticipated Third Installment "New York Values"

>New York Values

>The 2nd Amendment

>The American Dream


If he hates soldiers so much, why is he getting the majority of army votes? I can't wait for November to come around when all you faggy CTR shills commit suicide after the Don puts you out of work.

Stop shilling for this man. He is disgusting and you autistic manbabies are just proving how terrible white men are.

The only certain thing about war is that someone is going to die.

Only certain thing about war is that someone is going to die.

>why is he getting the majority of army votes?

The Republicans have always got 60% of the military vote. Trump is well under that.

Nice source, nigger.

Trump is gonna lose the army vote now that he admitted he hates U.S troops

I don't care about this dead mudslime. I just don't. Stop trying to get me to care. It's not going to happen.

they're muslimes working for the enemy spouting nonsense like islam has nothing to do with terrorism. They've sold their souls to satan.

Nigger he was the only one to say something about the D-Day anniversary when the others were too busy sucking muslim cock saying "Happy Ramadan!"

He hates everyone who questions him, offends him or would possibly not agree with his reign. He hates americans, he loves serfs though

I'm fucking glad their kid died. I just wish that his parents would have met the same fate

Fuck off. Nobody takes this shit seriously

Source: veteran

>creating jobs is a sacrifice


It's hilarious to see the left suddenly care about dead soldiers

did you see that cucked general speak at the last day of DNC? the entire place was going nuts with orchestrated USA! chants. I've never heard those fuckers give a shit other than shame about the USA. It was gross to see them fake it.,

The Hillary shills are really out in force today.

>"Trump is going after [..]
How the fuck is he going after them? He's answering a fucking question.

Yeah, somebody put it on Twitter that people were getting upset about those chanting USA

People were running around yelling at other people to stop

This Muslim Iraq Veteran just ambushed and killed White Dallas police officers.

He did not target his Muslim brothers.

I couldn't give less of a shit about the troops

The parents got involved publicly, and politically, they are now fair game. Just like Hillary and the news media trashes the families of the KIAs in Benghazi.

If you saw nbccbsabccnn this morning, you saw today's talking points in full force: he doesn't have the temperament, doesn't respect dead muslim, dangerous... All four parroting the same thing for 3 hours... Over and over... Gee, who do you think big media wants?

>those comments
I feel good now.

>Muslims attack Trump
>Trump says it's odd that a Muslim woman didn't say anything while her husband spoke to the DNC
>Media freaks out
Honestly? I don't fucking care about this scandal. The (((Journalists))) who get paid to write articles about Donald Trump being offensive deserve to lose their savings and their jobs. Truly the most pathetic way to earn a living. Fuck the Fourth Estate.

Parading the parents was so contrived. I count doubt their love of their kid, but I do doubt their sincerity against trump.

Watch generals eyes... He was reading his "spontaneous heart felt" comments from a teleprompter...

If you cross Trump, he hates you.

He is an absolute egomaniac that shouldn't be given power. He's retarded plus vindictive.

If any of you in this forum became famous and criticized him for one little small thing, he'd turn around and criticize your mother.

It's just the way he is. He's a petty small man.

>Serbia always shills for Russia

>Serbia shills for pro-Russia candidate

No surprise there.

N O N - I S S U E

Trump was a little disrespectful of the soldiers sacrifice, but it was Hillary that had an active role in sending him off to die. I dont know what the dads deal is with trying to capitalize off the sons death.

Did soros pay you$2 for that post?

>1 post by this ID

Not true at all



This, and this guy is a pathological liar. Just like saying the nfl sent him a letter about the debates when they didn't. Like saying the Koch brothers were begging him to let them fund his campaign. They did nothing of the sort. That's just in the last week.

>someone insults Trump
>Trump responds to it, usually with an insult back
>look further into the situation
>see that the other person started the conflict

And that's what has been happening ever since Trump's first speech on the trail. And even when people call him a bully for insulting people, they don't realize that he insults everyone who insults him equally. It's quite literally an eye for an eye where he doesn't hold back because they're some minority or special snowflake.

Meanwhile the Democrats put this and that on a pedestal and ignore whoever isn't on the list to pander to. This is why I stopped supporting the Democratic party, their agenda is so transparent that I can't support it.

Fuck Soros. He sold out Jews to Hitler.

Correcting the record one post at a time.

Don't pay attention to these guys or OP, they're goddamn shills.

Watch the video, Trump doesn't attack the father or mother, nor does he hate American soldiers.

Trump fucking said the father looked emotional, passionate and a nice guy, yet CBSN twisted it saying "here look, he attacked him".

It's bullshit.

>Implying anyone can be American AND muslim
Not how it works famalam

Fucking (((msnbc )))

No but it's fine to use ur dead son for personal and political gain against someone that had zero to do with his death.

JESUS he already looks like a fucking emperor.

>Pointing out Trump's stupidity makes you a shill
>Nothing Trump does is ever wrong

Do you not feel stupid yourself? If Trump asked you to rim his asshole, would you do it? If he fucked your mom in the ass and then spit on her face, would you be cool with it?

You're a sycophant.

>something bad happened to someone so these guys are immune to criticism

That's really just one tiny step away from "gib reparaishunz". Nobody is immune to being engaged verbally by another individual just because they raised a person who died.

Nothing of value was lost. We should never allow Muslims in the military. Hell, we shouldn't allow Muslims in America ever.

The father is Muslim Brotherhood
Based Trump sniffed out their Taqiyya bullshit.

Everyone has people who have died. How can these people claim everyone is equal yet the death of a soldier is worth more than another? If your life was easier, your death means less?

Pretty sick way of thinking.

This needs to be spread, this election has made it obvious what evil whores the mainstream media are.


>Brown skin

Pick one and only one.




>we watched the same video
>I see nothing at all insulting or even remotely disrespectful
>Liberal see's racism and hate because they have no legitimate objectivity
Why do we even try arguing with you people. I mean you are just as bad a radical terrorists with your thought process. can literally only see racism and hate in everything said by your "enemy"

>CBS news
>Clinton BullShit news

Democrats tried to use those parents as political props and Trump proceeded to blow them the fuck out, pointing out the hypocrisy of holding the constitution while being followers of Islam and it's very unconstitutional teachings towards women.

What the actual fuck were Dems thinking? Did they really think Trump wasn't going to blow them the fuck out? He took on the fucking Pope for Christ sake and put him in his place.

This, yet the MSM is retarded enough to think trump is disrespecting solldiers or anyone else beside a parent using their dead child for political points.

Serving in the military or having a child do so, does NOT grant you any special rights or immunity to criticism.


>Trump: I feel sorry for that poor grieving woman, He served his country with honor
Next days CNN headline
>Trump looks down on women for being "emotionally weak" and calls says U.S. soldiers are his servants

Such a creative answer. Those scripts you're given should also have sources though.


... and people want leaves banned. Get out of here you sourceless shill cucked Denmark. No wonder you guys throw counter strike games left and right kek.

Why has not a single one of these (((reporters))) ever been murdered in their own homes?

because they have armed body guards while lecturing you and I about why we shouldnt have guns

They attacked him first

>bbbbuutttt something bad happened to them
sorry to hear that

Cause if Trump was president at the time, the son wouldn't have been killed.

Trump attacks anyone who attacks him.

Source? I'm actually curious. My dad's ex navy and him and all his buddies are Trump fans.

Good thing got the Marines, air force and Navy behind him then. Try saying military instead of "army". It shows your ignorance.

>ur RACIST!!!
>white men are terrible people!

>I don't have a father and I have never been around real men so I do not understand banter.

99.99999%* of troops and veterans of foreign wars will be voting for Trump.

*this figure does not include faggots, lesbians, and POC for obvious reasons.

See, that's why everyone on Sup Forums should take everything the MSM says with huge grains of salt.

I like the soldiers who weren't K.I.A.

he already shat all over the pow whatshisface guy, you really think THIS is gonna change an opinion?

Omg white men have a different opinion, how fucking terrible. Stfu you shill.

Trump didn't vote for the Iraq War, that was HRC. Trump didn't murder their son, that was the Religion of Peace. Before these hypocrites criticize the man, they should take a long hard look in the fucking mirror.

Wtf i hate trump now

Going down in flames. He's a walking disaster.


McCain was bombing a baby bottle factory. Khan got blown up while breaking SOP/ROE and saved no one.

LOL he doesn't even know what a sacrifice IS, how could he possibly make one himself?

Agreed, more people need to wake up to this shit. Quit falling for MSM lies when you can easily spend 30 minutes at most to find the truth.

yeah but the real problem is that a liberal will read that post and go
>holy shit that's awesome, why didn't I think of that? He is obviously even more of a sexist, racist...ext.
and then not even think twice at how ridiculous it is, just accept it because it makes their point.
How do we win against these people?

It's tactless in this case. He should have just kept his mouth shut and it would have gone away.

>4D chess

>Crooked Hillary
>Lying Ted
I have one for Trump
Troop-hating Donald

>How can you support a man who would attack the parents of a soldier who was K.I.A?
they raised a man who agreed to kill innocent people for money. fuck'um

He attacked a prisoner of war too and said people call him a hero because he was captured. This is no different.

WOW!!!!!!! That is the funniest thing I have ever heard. Do you write your own material? god its so fresh too. I mean "troop hating donald" uggghhh GOD you are sooo funny!

There also wouldn't have been a war in Iraq.

i know right. why not go for the obvious "troop hating trump"? its like user is retarded

Because Trump is such a hero himself.

You hate america if you vote for democrats when they have no flags at thier convention

psssh totally brah. Like beers and shit dude

How can Trump respect soldiers when he dodged the draft?
And considering his pussified non-combat attitude to Russia, it's not a surprise.

The guy is just trash when it comes to geopolitics. He will just pull all army out of any external missions, cut most of the defense expediture and build a wall with it. That's all his foreign policy is about.

Except that he vowed to defend Israel. A good goy, after all.


Well at least the democrats aren't burning flags. Oh wait ...

I think the fact that I assume minorities "know" I'm a shitbag for just being white is what makes me hate them. I know you hate me, you disgusting niggers, I can't wait to ethnically cleanse my fucking neighborhood.

Yes, I realize this is the same feeling blacks get around white people, they assume we think they're animals or whatever and they chimp out accordingly. There's no WLM movement calling for black extinction (not out in the public eye, anyways). I hope we kill them first, I honestly do, the best part is I'm not a lone crazy guy like I would be just 15 years ago.