Well Done Steak with A1. How can Sup Forums Rare Steak lovers even compete.
>Sup Forums Basement Babies Forever BTFO
Well Done Steak with A1. How can Sup Forums Rare Steak lovers even compete.
>Sup Forums Basement Babies Forever BTFO
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>with A1
what a waste of a steak
well done with ketchup for me
No man with even a drop of test in his nuts eats anything but rare steak. Quit trying to poison the youth asshole.
I put A1 Bold And Spicy on everything. I would spend $500 on this product if I found out it was being discontinued.
I mentioned the master race.
>Therefore politics
>Prove me wrong
>Protip you can't
Why spend the money on steak if you're going to burn it and then drench it in sauce?
Get ground round for 1/4 the price and cook it exactly the same. It's not like you have functioning taste buds.
>Not using steak sauce
>With steak
Also, good work OP. Well done steak master race. Enjoy your lack of bacteria.
I like Thick and Hearty.
>Its Thick and Hearty like my cock
>tfw well-done/saucefags will never know the glory of biting into a tender, juicy medium-rare steak seasoned with just salt and pepper, cooked in butter in a cast-iron pan
I like medium rare. Well done is too dry. Rare is chewy.
They make adult diapers and I'm an adult, doesn't mean that it makes sense for me to wear them
>He doesn't know how cooking a steak works
Even a rare steak has no bacteria.
No thanks
I bet you think that red juice is blood.
>well done
>tfw rarefags will never know the glory of biting into a juicy well-done steak drenched in A1 sauce and experiencing actual flavor instead of butter and cowblood
It's like refusing to put sauce or cheese on your burger. Deal with it nerds.
>Medium rare is bloody.
The only thing you really need to do with a steak is add a bit of salt, pepper, and maybe a bit of garlic. If it's a shitty cut you have to slow cook or marinade it heavily to make sure it isn't tough.
A good steak doesn't need sauce. Most people who know how to cook a steak use as few seasonings as possible.
Or as Hank Hill puts it, "Taste the meat, not the heat"
>Trigger Warning
>wasting a steak by having it well done
the definition of plebeian
>He thinks it's blood
he was talking about propane vs charcoal you faggot leaf, not the seasonings
>welldonefags think it's blood
your opinion doesn't mean much if you don't even know what you are eating
Actually it can. Machine tenderized steaks, like you buy at most supermarkets, have been mechanically tenderized. This process inadvertently injects bacteria from the outside of the steak to the inside.
You probably won't get sick if you eat it rare, but just be aware of the potential downsides.
If it doesn't have at least some blood in it, then it's not medium rare
Yes I was implying that as well. Cooking with charcoal is kind of a seasoning.
What is it then?
>inb4 not blood
>not cooking the steak medium-rare
Are you a fucking lunatic, OP? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Nice choice in steak sauce though, I'll hand that to you. Just don't try to fucking cook it until it's shit.
If I was a cook I'd spit on your steak since it's already ruined anyway.
Sounds jewish, discarded
>the only way to eat a steak is to cook out all the flavor to the point i need A1 to make it edible
gutter trash taste
>Rarefags think myoglobin adds to the flavor when it's just a protein
Rare/medium-rare steaks always have some abstract and obtuse flavor that most people don't even recognize until many steaks in.
Well done steak removes myoglobin, and you don't have to explain how good it is for five minutes either.
>well done
Pick one
>well done steak
Why? I prefer things that have taste.
>with A1
Oh, you just prefer things that taste shitty.
Coincidentally, the board you're looking for is
Rare master race here. If you buy the right cut, you'll never taste anything as good. Maybe a perfectly cooked scallop might challenge it for pure tastiness.
If your meat needs sauce, it's not the right meat.
>not using specialty rubs on every dish
Learn spices and herbs
>Steak with A1
Not eating your steak with ketchup
>Well done
Oh im laffin.
>There are people who are actually proud that they "prefer" to eat dried-out flavorless meat.
>like 95% of them are fucktards who think the red juice is blood or that a medium-rare steak is going to give them e. coli
>>Rarefags think myoglobin adds to the flavor
literally no one said this
Ill be posting my own stake in about an hour after it marinating.
We dont cook pussy stakes like yours.
i'd eat that as a snack.
Pick one and only one.
Then what's the point of having it in a steak?
Its well done, he's obviously a spic or nigger.
Pleb as fuck
for steak you only need salt pepper and a grill
Diabolical KEK
>eating well made steak with ketchup
Serve it with fried mushrooms in sourcream sause and add some smashed potatoes, faggot shit niggers.
Oh my god, how can one nation be that degenerate?
Peppercorn sauce is the only sauce to have with steak.
>The only thing you really need to do with french fries is add a bit of salt, pepper, and maybe a bit of garlic.
>Good french fries don't need ketchup. Most people who know how to fry potatoes use as few seasonings as possible.
This is how you sound. I don't care if you're sure you've made the best french fries in the world, I'm still going to eat them with ketchup, and I'm still going to eat steak with steak sauce.
Fuck off, shitsnob cunts.
>i eat my meat raw like a fucking caveman
>I'm whiiiiiiite !
moisture and texture. well done steaks can taste good, most people just don't want a block of meat tho.
pic related
by lightly adding a small amount of a rub containing a airily bitter element (this depends on personal preferences as to what) the natural sweetness and fattiness of the steak are brought to greater heights because of the contrast able to be made
Blue! Master race reporting in
they youve never had a good steak or cooked one properly if you NEED steaksauce everytime. whats wrong with your tastebuds?
>eating well done meat with carcinogenic acrylamides in 2016
>eating sugar sauce in 2016
>eating gmo jew potato in 2016
wew lad. enjoy your chronic disease at 45. the least you could do was rare with full fat real butter and salted it with some lightly steamed onions and mushrooms instead of sugar sauce.
gtfo peasant.
>A Fucking Leaf
>As if canada even has legitimate cuts of beef
>Stick to what you are good at "Dude Weed Lmao"
Medium rare with pepper-a1 is the only correct answer
I can't believe how much I hate all of you.
You don't deserve to be a part of this country.
order a well done steak in a restaurant and you'll get the worst cut in the house. i promise. reason-the chef knows anyone ordering a well done steak is a fucking cuck, and won't be able to tell the difference. save your money, eat an old boot instead.
Based on that plate alone I know where you eat and where you live.
Run along you disgraceful man.
We have quality cattle you fucking mutt blooded cherokee wannabe
Steak should be rare, but add a couple over easy eggs to that.
Charcoal or Gas, if you know what you're doing steak is always good. My old man can grill good ass steak on either, he's alpha as fuck though.
You faggots sure do like wasting cattle with your steaks too.
TopKek. Thank you for reveling yourself
>Back to the basment for you Edgelord
You sure like wasting your genes with those non whites
>then youve never had good french fries or fried them properly if you NEED ketchup everytime. whats wrong with your tastebuds?
See what I mean?
Literally eat shit, maggot.
>spent $80 at top steakhouse in city
>eventually just felt like I was stuffing my throat with gobs of animal muscle and all taste ran together and was bland and shitty
>wasn't worth $20 as far as I was concerned
>would bring a bottle of A1 if I ever went again
I get blue rare when I go to a nicer steak place. Shit is like gelatin in your mouth. A bitch to cut through though.
I'm sorry that the only steaks you've ever eaten have come from Denny's or Applebees.
>using sauce for steak
Literally all you need is salt. Needing sauce is just further proof "well done" plebs don't even like meat or how it tastes.