American Gods

>American Gods
>That Jesus vignette

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I think I now understand what liberals mean when they talk about being triggered.

Based Big J

Shocking as the sight is, killing Jesus (Jewish, Black, White, or otherwise) just doesn't really have that much substance. I mean, seriously, congratulations on killing the guy that over a seventh of the world population believes can come back from the dead in less than half a week.

This was probably just Friday for him.

someone please tell me about the jesus in american gods like what is his father compared to other gods (more powerful, equally powerful) and how was he killed.

This show is for cucks. Dont know how I made it past the giant dong in the first episode. It's a shame, because I liked Hannibal, but if Fuller brings it back I'm afraid it will be cucked too. Somebody needs to slap this idiot for making a show with no substance at all and congratulating himself more and more for advancing homosexuality after every episode. What a pathetic existence where everything revolves around validating himself.

>seeing dicks makes you homosexual

Nope, you have to watch the entire series for yourself and also read the book


He literally gets murdered by a border patrolman wearing a cross and with "MY KINGDOM COME" etched into his rifle... while Bryan Fuller masturbates in front to his computer thinking about what a brilliant piece of satire he's just written.

immigrants prayed to jesus who appears to protect them but got shot dead


illiterate imbecile detected

thank you, kind anons

>literally a "fuck u drumpf and christians!!1!!" moment

Was that even in the book?

fucking moron


Why are you raging there, pal?
What's with the reddit spacing?

you mean random redneck militias working for vulcan
like how every other episode started with other gods killing new arrivals to america



What are you bitching about ? That wasn't American Jesus. First episode literally had Wednesday explain there are multiple incarnations of Jesus. Funking relax.


>all these dubs
>in a thread about gods

the universe is telling us something.
should i buy a lottery ticket?

Wait, I was sure that it was one Jesus killing another. Or did I get that wrong?

already mentioned briefly earlier on. There are several Jesuses, each based on whichever denomination/ethnicity pray to one

I hope that Russian god with the hammer starts showing the america shits who is boss.

But he can't do shit


>35 minute extremely graphic gay butt fucking scene

>some viewers don't like it


What did they mean by this?

he can pummel you with hammer

yeah pretty sure Wednesday in the books talks about meeting and knowing several different jesus's jesuses jesusi?

whats the plural of Jesus?

>all these dubs itt

why can't i get one?
WHY??????? ;_;

also Crispin Glover has some serious acting chops fuck i hope he gets more work now.
I read it in the book and was okay with it but that fucking shit just would not fucking end.
although show leprechaun calls it right (in the book he freezes to death) "Shame is what kept you from being thrown off a building long enough to make it to america"

So Mexican Jesus really just died like that?

I figured he'd just end up getting back up and watching over them in America from then on like all of the other gods.

You have to believe

Who freezes to death? The Muslim guy?

Gingerminge freezes to death after shooting up with heroine

That sucks. I like his character.

Did the white Jesus show up yet?

>not skipping past the gay scenes

I don't think he's dead, he probably takes a day or two to resurrect like in the bible.

no of course it wasn't

sup pussy dyel?

>I like his character.
The show has departed from the books he was never supposed to meet dead wife so theres hope

>i get unlucky 13 he gets universal answer 42

but i do believe I DO
the universe hates me ;_;

>excitedly search american gods gay on yt
>guys having sex are ugly
>most explicit gay sex scene fucking wasted on ugly people

what a massively wasted scene

*blocks your path*
wow Russians really let themselves go after moving to America.

I like how it becomes five minutes longer every time someone posts about it. Can someone time it in the episode please? I'm on my phone.

i think running time was over 10 minutes3 of which was fucking and CG cum

lol 23 is the devil's number

Tough life senpai

>3 minutes of graphic gay sex
>would have been glorious but they use unattractive actors

le sigh

What? Fuck no. I think it's implied Jesus was sacrificing latinos. Look at his shit eating grin as he's "dying".

>get 13 unlucky number
>get 23 devil's number

i'm doooooooomed


I'm still mad they wasted a cool concept like Vulcan like that.

you'll be fine bud, chin up

thank you

See? All better

so are they going to show mohammed?
or is that too insensitive

>inb4 a priest
islam practically praises him

Of course they won't. They'd spit on Jesus at every recourse but to go after mohammed is another matter entirely. It's like that law in Ontario the one about pulling kids out of homes where faggotry is considered a sin, the law will be applied to only Christians and not to Muslims even though unlike Christianity they're all about killing faggots.

Stop projecting.

oh! did not notice i got dubs until i saw your reply. thank you, user!

the bottom was really cute idk what ur on

actually, it's muslims are too sensitive.

christians won't issue fatwas and try to bomb you if you portray christ on tv. meanwhile, they gleefully destroy centuries-old statues of buddha and stomp on statues of saints and jesus in a church (it just happened in a church in marawi city, philippines).

>entire shitstorm about this
>people forget self-sacrifice is Jesus' power


you must be a pathetically desperate virgin to have such low standards

Game of Thrones > Breaking Bad > Hannibal > American Gods > True Detective I > rest

you know this is true

Yeah he sid that to shadow on the show that he knows several of them

Because Christianity grew out of that shit couple of centuries ago as progress and cooperation on global scale took root more and more. You can't keep killing your neighbors on interpenetration of the scriptures if you need one another to progress. Muslims never really went through this phase because of geopolitical circumstances and, in essence, they're still just pisses off tribes killing their neighbors over minute shit.

Not to mention that unlike the Bible, Quran is actually used as basis for the entire society's foundation + further enforced by fatwas and whatnot where it was found lacking. You can't just walk away from that easily if you're being realistic.

>mfw they replaced a quaint town where children sacrifices happen to a god so everyone else can have prosperity with the one-off Vulcan throwaway episode

I understand it works better for a faster introduction into the supernatural world after that last episode, but they're moving too fast now.

Would make sense, since they're all praying, either out of gratitude for making it across the river or out of fear while being shot.

There are no atheists in the Trenches.

Hesus was pretty based.

So Odin knew going to NA Jesus for help wouldn't be worth it so he didn't even try or what?

Of course beaner jesus looks stoned.

Their not even close to that bit yet, snowtowns going to be a lot more then one ep

why would an all powerful god of love ever help a weakass war god?

just saying why it's unlikely he will be portrayed on the show. it would be too dangerous for the writers/producers/etc like what happened to that charlie magazine.

Even as an atheist, this was very fucking hamfisted and I see why a lot of people are mad at this. Not to mention that it's nowhere in the book. Jesus only appears in the extended version and all he does is talking a bit to Shadow while he mourns Wednesday hanging from a tree. So far every non-book addition has been terrible expect for giving Mad Sweeney more screentime. That was the only wise idea they had.

The OC apart from the Sweeney crew has definitely been the weakest part of the show

>extremely graphic
really nigger

Well, I hate the character of Laura (just like how I hated her in the book) and wish she would just go away. But at least the actress is pretty and she even ad-libbed her only funny line so far.

It was a good line

for her

how was this remotely offensive to religious people?

the whole point of it all is that jesus is sacrificed

for you

Me too. It was totally Texas Jesus killing Mexican Jesus

Wasted? Man it was fucking awesome.
Dunno how they couldve done it better.
The volcano sacrifice the blacksmithing scene, the name on the bullets.

Mohammed was a real person, dunno if they become gods.
And Islam, unlike Christianity is very very clear that Mohammed isnt a god.

Literally who is mad at this aside from Sup Forums complaining it demonizes muh white men

is there an allah in the show?

As a christian I didn't see the problem, and I don't think Jesus would really mind either, he's portrayed in a positive light and it gets people talking about real Jesus

No one but Sup Forums cares. Its just another thing that Sup Forums can get triggered over. Thats it.

So Jesus isn't even part of the story?

That's kind of disappointing. I figured he'd be a big part of it, and was looking forward to seeing him interact with the main characters.

Doubt it, even if they could have him without getting bombed they probably wouldnt, insanely powerful gods like that, e.g. God, won't show up

Show? I dunno.
Considering how God and Allah aren't incarnate in the myths itd make sense for them to not really exist in the show.
Djinn, yes, Jesus, yes.
Even mohammed at a stretch.
But God and Muhammed unlikely.
Even if they do they aren't gonna show up except in those little Coming to America stories.

>wednesday literally says there are a bunch of interpretations of jesus
>the comic to america sequence is about how believers can war among themselves even if they follow the same god because they have separate beliefs
>wednesday, IN THAT EPISODE, says that gods are made up of the beliefs of their believers
why is Sup Forums so dum

Well dont despair.
Theres fucktons of Jesi and even the Mexican one will likely show up again, he has that many worshippers and one of his powers is resurrection.

The last ep is called 'Come to Jesus' some version or other will likely show up

God and Allah* unlikely

Why the fuck would they show Muhammed? He's not a god. He has always been considered as just a prophet, even by Muslims.

Jesus is literally a god. He's the son of God and part of the Holy Trinity.

No, just like how Jahwe isn't around.

>it's okay to shoot Jesus while reddit music plays!
>you are reading to much into it goy! lol! cheer up!

Besides they already have one figure from Islamic myth. Theres not much doubling up in the book.

Does anyone have a webm of the jinn dick?