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This guy was so shit in the Martian. It was the same character but we nasa now. He plays like a character from Suits.
>muh best country
woah... that was pretty profound
really made me think
It wasn't supposed to be a documentary.
>The West Wing was patriotic
>Sorkin then makes this
What happened?
>this triggers the American
I remember being an edgy 15 year old
>America was better in the 50's and 60's
Haven't seen this in years.
>that graph
Hmmmm.... really gets your soup stewing doesn't it?
>TFW hunger games books makes you happy
what is it about society that... disappoints you so much?
I liked Mr Reddit as much as the next guy, but who the fuck ever looked up to Lance Armstrong?
i did.
his anime version was even better desu
>wanting your country to excel and identifying problem areas is considered unpatriotic now
The right is full of children.
Damn, my noodles...
I'm European so forgive me but I'm confused by this thread. do Americans really unironically think that USA is the absolute greatest country to be born in on the planet and are triggered when someone says it's not the case?
Only half of us.
Only the ones that understand the world. USA is in a steep decline though. Ironically enough, OP
s Sorkin speech is a call to "Make America Great Again"
>t. Democrats
>That was possibly the bravest scene in the history of cinema.
Yet we don't pretend like problems are nonexistent.
Who does?
Also jesus, hang on.
>My Spider-Man is Black
>we democrats
Am I being trolled? Be honest.
>Yet we don't pretend like problems are nonexistent.
lol yes you faggots do.
>Who does
The right, before Trump took over and decided the new talking points would be American carnage and immigrant rape gangs.
>Am I being trolled?
I'm been posting here since 2009 newfriend. Which subreddit are you visited us from?
It's worse than that.
They invent problems, their own non-problems which can only be solved through soft-marxism.
>Yes you do!
Good argument.
Hi, nice to meet you, 2006 myself.
You're not famous, sorry.
>I'm European
Stopped reading there.
Neither is Krager, but if you told me you don't recognize the name, I could rightfully assume you're a filthy reddit-poster.
Too white for you, Amerimutt?
It triggers me as an American because unironically plays the we wuz perfect back then card
I know Krager.
I don't know him or what he's like though. He has left no impression on me, and whether or not I've seen you before it's evident you've left an even smaller impression.
No tripfags or namefags receive any fame, notoriety, or renown on Sup Forums. Just ridicule. Especially with a name like yours.
His name isn't Lance faggot
He plays the same dude in that Divergent movie too.
You certainly were better, before the '60's.
t. European.
Silence, mutt. You are unintentionally doing what people accuse namefags of engaging in, namely turning the conversation towards themselves. Let's get back on topic to your infantile understanding of politics, please.
>black population stays the same
So planned parenthood really is for population control?
Will McAvoy was a George H.W. Bush-supporter, of course he thought the old days were a better, more prosperous time.
Don't steal user's phrases autismo.
And I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than talk politics with the likes of you.
America is closest to being the greatest country in the world. I say that as a European. It's got the best democratic system, the best constitution, no bullshit like the UK where a party can receive 12% of the vote and get less than 1 seat in parliament. Or like in other parliamentary systems where party collusion can keep the largest parties out of government. And it sure isn't like much of Europe which has signed its sovereginty away to unelected bureaucrats.
America is great, deal with it nigger cunt.
euroscucks get fucked. place is a socialist shithole rocked by islamic invasions
Anyway, to stay on topic. OP's speech is terrible. It's not inspirational. It's a guy sitting there gnashing his teeth and when pushed he snaps into an uncomfortable tirade that does nothing but alienate his audience.
If Sorkin, a Democrat, thinks this counts as inspirational, it might explain why they lost the election.
>And I'd rather shoot myself in the foot than talk politics with the likes of you.
>immediately begins talking politics with me
I win.
In a Canadian way, you have.
And if your mental capacity for politics matches your ability to analyze television, it might explain why the Republicans won. Most of the people in the room were horrified, not "inspired". The outburst nearly cost him his job, and certainly his reputation.
Canada has never lost a war. Looks like I'm in good company.
poos cross into your borders daily you arent white