Has Russia dropped a FOAB yet? If it's clear they should lure them and drop one.
Jose Perez
Threadly reminder to ignore cockholes
Thomas Reed
Our government's islamist, but the royal family keeps an iron fist on the country's politics and any attempt at radicalization is met with "suicides" or "disappearances" among their supporters The ruling party right now is an "islamist" party, but they've never done anything that pertains to that kind of political system anyway (everyone knows they're not the ones actually ruling too)
We give a shit about them, though Any ISIS fighter coming back to Morocco is thrown in jail for an indefinite period of time
Any greater israel post below this one loses all of its meme magic powers
Michael Richardson
Guys please tell me everything will be ok, tell me the reinforcements are going to help push back the nusrats and that the RuAF will bring the Tu22's to south Aleppo...
Fuckin' awful weekend for the SAA
Ryder Lee
Until Germans stop being autistic and pretending there's nothing wrong. I'm not a Sup Forums regular and not terribly right-wing but even I can see this simply won't work and is just postponing the trouble
Thomas Perry
Nicholas Hall
Lmfao look at that fucking monobrow.
Why are Middle Easterners so fucking disgusting?
Connor Thomas
Robert Adams
Indeed ASSad is ugly. Perhaps this glorious picture of our dear leader will make you happy.
Xavier Perry
Done m8
Leo Peterson
KEK long live Syria. take care my friend.
Daniel Torres
just don't strangle me....kek. Thanks. be well and safe. I am off to bed.
Good night all
Leo Bailey
Is this retardation due to passifist freightned Merkel? The scared little goat?
Brayden Hernandez
>implying Assad isn't handsome as fuck
Joshua Clark
The official /sg/ twitter account is in the op if you want to follow that too
Jackson Rodriguez
Can someone give me a sitrep about rebel's offensive? What's the results?
Cooper Cox
:) viva la france For queen n country Heil hitler
Colton Peterson
syrian government uses aids bombs to infect thousands of aleppoans to hurt al nursa, the saivurs of suria
Easton Hughes
Has the rebel offensive halted? Is there a map that is still updating, hoholmap seems to have stopped for the night
Joseph Richardson
reported to infect bakeries with his aids barrel bombs
can he stoop even lower?!
Still seems to be ongoing, info is confusing (propaganda on both sides)
Jordan Flores
Atleast the women dont look like lesbian truk drivers...like for fuks sake! British women are so fuking ugly. The difference between a pretty girl n an ugly one is immence, in the rest of the world all the women r good looking so not much of a diff. And barely anyone is femenine, ffs
I suck at photoshop > vision Reynders saying > Listen, If Hillary says Assad has to go, then he has to go. If she says eat your own shit, learn to enjoy it.
Sebastian Wright
Easton Hall
delete that picture you filthy dog
Asher Evans
So, if the SAA wins in Aleppo it's pretty much over for the FSA, right?
Charles Lewis
Will SAA withstand the attack???
Lucas Mitchell
Holy shit
Jihadists eat shit
Christian Cruz
as expected
Ayden Reed
Luis Perry
Yeah, it's all or nothing
If Aleppo siege is broken, get ready for +5 years to the war and millions of refugees
If not, jihadist invaders will probably give up, kek
Jacob Davis
not exactly over, but they lose the most important strategic location they currently hold, take a hit to morale, and might make their foreign allies question the investment in them. They might indeed be disbanded and a new group be created in hopes of having another shot at taking out Assad.
Alexander Lee
do your bet /sg! How many corpses of rebels will SAA count at the end of the offensive?
Ryder Watson
I hope it becomes a glorious massacre. That they have walked into a trap.
Matthew Moore
kek confirmed! zchekded
Blake Smith
have they ran out of tyres to burn? maybe its time to start burning their beards
Jonathan Hill
Cooper Davis
Kevin Jones
0. There will be no bodies left to count
Mason Thompson
Jeremiah Reed
Holy double trips! Rebels are done, guys. Go home.
Charles Ramirez
Brandon Thomas
Calm down doctor. Now is not the time for beard burning. That comes later!
Levi Myers
Its 3am here, brother just came home from work and woke me up, and I can't get back to sleep. Then I remembered about the rebel offensive, hows it going so far lads?
Lincoln Robinson
The terrorists have advanced a decent amount but probably not as much as they hoped. Most of the fighting has stopped and the terrorists are currently getting pounded with airstrikes and bombs.
Cooper Ross
Rebels getting EXPLOSION'd to hell right now, apparently
Jose Wright
I really appreciate how the artist captured the hair-in-mouth thing that always happens
Nolan Rivera
You posted the wrong picture faggot
Carter Torres
pic related
Juan Howard
Some gains were to be expected i suppose.
EXPLOSIONS?! Sounds like a good plan
Parker Evans
Interesting, but too much predictable actually
Matthew Jenkins
If that happens hell would break loose.
Landon Mitchell
It's a good gambit, I'll give them credit for that. If they accomplished both objectives West Aleppo would be completely surrounded.
Hassan Ridha @sayed_ridha 3m3 minutes ago >According to an Opp source in east Qalamoun, SAA are preparing a Scud missile to fire towards JF controlled territory in Aleppo
Dominic Butler
They have already hinted at this with "the real battle hasn't started yet" and "phase 2". If this is indeed the plan, and the Syrian Government displays the same level of preparedness, expect a countersiege against Assad and ethnic cleansing of the entire kurdish neighborhood. Disastrous
Well if they have had success in south Aleppo, you would think the SAA will struggle even more around the Castello road, considering the lack time to really dig in.
Guys I been extremely busy today. I need a quick checkup before I go to sleep and get up at 6am to beat traffic. I need a tl;dr of what the situation is? Good or bad? Is Assad fucked in Aleppo, did the Rebels win this offensive or are they winning?
Zachary Johnson
Remember, this is the BIGGEST ATTACK of the moderate party since the start of the war accoding to themselves, and yes, they capture shit but if was this big, they actually could reach more and more shit more than stoping there, that is actually very interesting.
SAA is luring FSA/Nusra give their best shot and them bombing them into the stonge age as they waste material and manpower.
The Nirm account in twitter was reporting a call from a massive donation of blood in Idlib and some near places of Turkey, mass casualities?
/SG/ telegram if you can't discuss with us anytime.
Plenty of the airstrike people are in there daily from those airstrike threads
Btw when do you think the SAA's self described "zero hour" will happen in Aleppo?
Colton Rogers
>Joshua Landis @joshua_landis 53s53 seconds ago
Nusra commander says Aleppo battle planed month ago. Breaking siege step 1, then liberate Aleppo in 6 to 8 months
Anthony Kelly
that's OFAB-500 according to russians in comments
Joseph Garcia
I hope they fucking try to do that
Nathaniel Taylor
Says "sorry this group does not seem to exist", is there a procedure to this? Regionally limited?
Grayson Baker
The phase 2 they hinted at is the attack in the north at the Castello road I think. Considering that one started way later.
Yeah they were foolish to attack in the south first and the castello second. The southern districts they attacked are far more defensible, so need more manpower to successfully attack and hold. Not to mention have been depopulated due to being the front line for a long while. So as they took buildings they were prime targets for bombing. Hence the massive need for blood now.
Joseph Long
It sounds like this is a multi-layered attack though, at least from the way rebels are talking. This "wave" barely stopped short of breaking the siege
Carter Hall
Aleppo wasn't sieged a month ago though.
Elijah Clark
>rebeltards concentrated all their troops to single location. Russian jets bomb the shit out of them >no more rebeltards
Owen Wilson
It wasn't fully encircled, but the current assault's targets were basically the same. If it was indeed planned a month ago, it was probably intended to encircle and siege SAA forces in the city
Chase Young
I follow some antifa accounts and they only support k*urds and their liberal stuff. Also in catalonia the pro independence movements ( which are antifa,etc) are supporting them and are trying to get more "allies" for their cause... twitter.com/kurdiscat (this twitter is only an example) t.catalan
Jaxon Morales
Could I plz get a link to the drone footage of the Aleppo truck bombings? Shit was cash
Mason Wood
Sometime ago there was a syrian rebel journalist who was afriad of private pictures of her leaking out. Her and some other guy was chating about assissinate the guy with them and that conversation was hacked and leaked. What was her name?
Tyler Mitchell
anyone have the pic of countries and organizations that a cancer of the middle east and countries that are good for the middle east?
Colton Edwards
Link has expired, apparently. Couldn't join either.
Just watched the interview. Had to laugh pretty hard, when he asked Assad, whether he'll just go on and on, as he's been president for more than 15 years now. Meanwhile Merkel is going strong for a fourth term, which'll make her the head of state in Germany for all in all 16 years. And when I take a look at what happened, not just in Germany, but in all of Europe thanks to her failure, I feel like she didn't do any better than Assad in any way. She was for the war in Iraq, luckily not elected back than, Afghanistan and Libya, sells weapons to the Saudis, Qatar and if I'm not mistaken also to the FSA. Hands down, she probably has more blood on her hand than Assad, even if you think he actually is the bad guy in Syria.
Wish somebody would ask her the same questions, but I guess that will never happen, minding how biased the media in Germany are.