> activistpost.com
Thanks Obama!
Either screen cap the site or archive link it you faggot
There is nothing wrong with GMOs.
Anyone who thinks there is wont be singing the same tune when billions of people are starving due to global drought and, if the tinfoil hats have their way, GMOs are banned.
Stop being fucking stupid and actually research the scientific communities position on things like this.
If there's nothing wrong with GMOs then there's no need to ban GMO labeling.
Gmos are banned in many countries. Kids have more allergies and food related allergies ever than before.
> Blindly follows the "scientific" bought and paid for my Monsanto community
So banning it does literally nothing?
> People figured out it is damaging
> bans it
> People with allergies still have allergies
Why would I want to feed millions of people in the third world. Our food and aid is making the problem worse rather than allowing the problem to fix itself.
GMOs in themselves may or may not be dangerous, but what is dangerous is that most GMOs are used so they can spam the shit out of poisons (pesticides, herbicides, etc) which are also toxic to humans. Do you think that these plants dont absorb these poisons and store them in the portion of food we eat?
Seriously, people who say GMOs are safe only look at one little section of it.
Why would you allow a conspiracy theory to influence market economics?
>Kids have more allergies and food related allergies ever than before.
Kids with allergies are also not dying due to those allergies because of advanced treatment of those allergies. Thus passing on those allergies to their own children.
Your correlation is fucking stupid, and so are you.
>Ignoring people who spend their lives researching in the relevant fields to this proposition because gmosareevil.com told you that gmos are evil.
How vain you must be.
I don't know, empathy?
Dependency on foreign aid is one among perhaps thousands of factors which contribute to the third world being shitty.
One of the main points of GMOs are that you don't have to use as much pesticides or herbicides because of the engineered resistance to those things among other such as droughts.
I believe GMOs aren't inherently bad.
Still, labeling them lets the customer decide whether they want to eat GMO foods or not.
Which is precisely the point of the free market, isn't it?
Why are you against the free market senpai?
Fuck off you ignorant nigger. Yes, they use a higher concentration formula of glysophosphate, but that means that it's sprayed less often and thereby reduces soil erosion.
PROTIP: they use pesticides on your GMO free foods too.
> Your argument
" So what if GMO's cause allergies because we have big pharma that profits and creates products to mask allergy symptoms."
> Faggot
he's being paid by the post
>muh ebil GMOs
I lump the anti-GMO people in with the anti-vaxxers and the people who refuse to wear deodorant and all the other nature hippie libcucks from california and such.
I find it strange that anti-GMO sentiment also seems to be a distinctly european phenomonon
>this post - completely wrong
No, they GMO them so that the pesticides they DO USE and in large quantities, DONT kill the plant.
Why do you think Mosanto has a whole arm that does a bunch of -cides? It matches the the GM they did to their plants.
I would have called you a shill and deposited 1 shekel in your account, but out of respect of at least replying I am just going to with that you are just willfully ignorant of the topic.
>it is easier to GM a plant to be resistant to a pesticide that you yourself make than making it resistant to an insect or fungus.
You mean there are more kids with food allergy now that there are 7 billion people in the world?
The Dark Act? Really?
Here I thought this was some spooky shit, but it's just about GMO labeling.
Empathy for anyone outside of the US, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, and Japan. Why?
PS you can exclude Australia from the list if you like.
>PROTIP: they use pesticides on your GMO free foods too
I know this, but they cant use as much with a GMO plant because it would die from literally being poisoned. And I bants your PROTIP back with ORGANIC foods.
Go back to grade school with your 2007 shit memes
>Why are you against the free market senpai?
I'm not, I am against stupid people fucking up markets and advancement in sciences which will provide enough food for our ever growing global populations (which by the way, allows us to sell massive amounts of it to foreign nations like china where half their soil is poisoned, and thus control greater influence) for non-extant reasons.
If there was any actual evidence that GMOs were harmful I would not be against labeling, as it stands there is not.
You want to try and put that in a comprehensible format?
Treatment for anaphylactic shock due to allergic reaction hasn't changed much in the last 20 years
>Completely missing the point that there's no independent research on GMO's
Nobody's banning anything. It's just labeling. People deserve to know what their buying. Labeling is important for the free market to function properly.
What a surprise!
The first black president put in the first ever Nigger Act!
Monsanto is always on point.
They are by far the most competent and fastest working shills on all of Sup Forums.
Literally 4 posts in and they show up.
I have respect in your advanced shilling tactics.
The proper name is "A bill to reauthorize and amend the National Sea Grant College Program Act, and for other purposes." Please don't force your propaganda here.
oh shut the fuck up
this empathy shit is the same reason why there are fucking millions of kebabs in our countries who are violent as fuck and want to rape and kill everything at the slightest words notice
>But think of those kids who cant eat peanuts now!! :(
>62 countries hate the free market
>They genetically modified organism them so...
>They modify the plant to be able to withstand more and more pesticides for their own profit as they also produce pesticides.
Got any proof of that astoundingly large accusation?
Are you aware of why conspiracy theories like this are stupid? I'll tell you, because the thousands of scientists employed by these companies (of which there are many beside the Anti-Christ Monsanto) as well as regulatory agencies, non-profit scientific organizations, and watchdog groups, would not keep quite if some suit walked up to them and told them to engineer plants purely so they can achieve greater synergism with their pesticides.
>law about gmo labeling
who gives a shit, gmos aren't bad for you
I'm personally pro GMO research, but people deserve to know what they're eating.
If people want to know where their food is coming from they have the right to know, kike.
yea and what does that name have to do with gmo labeling? thats whats wrong with the government. shit was probably earmarked onto it along with some tax break and abolishing any protections for animals on the endangered species list if it involves draining a marsh/swamp to make a golf course
Hmmm. What is more horrible of a death? Starving or cancer? Let's ask today's contestants!
Jim, what do you think?
Cancer seems like it would be a more painful death, Bob! I'm gonna have to say, cancer!
You're such a useful idiot.
>Artificially mutating the DNA of corn to contain pesticide in its genetic make up cannot possibly lead to consequences
>Please take me seriously
>If there's nothing wrong with GMOs then there's no need to ban GMO labeling.
Why not just label your product GMO free, once you have a proved GMO free production chain?
People underestimate foods role in the NWO
Control the food, control the population
I wasn't talking about the last 20 years, I am talking about the last 100 years. Not to mention hundreds of other advancements which have enabled the genetically weak to survive, allowing the passing on of more and more negative traits and genetic disorders.
There is no independent research on GMOs?
Really digging deep here aren't you?
The problem is deciding what counts as a GMO.
When most people hear GMO they think of some army of morally ambiguous scientists working in a secret underground lab somewhere, trying to splice together random genetic materials and play god for the illuminati or some shit. In reality GMOs are just the same shit humans have been doing for centuries - cross breeding animals and plants to try and make something bigger, better, hardier, etc. Modern bananas didn't exist 1000 years ago, we bred those. And virtually every kind of domesticated livestock today is a mutant freak compared to their wild ancestors, because we've spent thousands of years tinkering with them. But now that we can skip the middle man (sex or pollination) and iterate much faster, suddenly it's scary.
Only reason it's scary is because people don't understand it.
They deserve to know what they are buying if there is any proven difference in what they are buying.
Not because some crackpots hate big business.
>>Artificially mutating the DNA of corn to contain pesticide in its genetic make up cannot possibly lead to consequences
Eating plants with natural pesticides cannot possibly lead to consequences.
Nice argument.
dont act for a second that the number of islamists who support jihad isnt significant and if you seriously at this point dont think any of this is of any concern to us, you are beyond saving and i feel sorry for the loss of the empire because of you
Alright Jim, show me GMO causes cancer.
Jim: "I...err....well there's this nature guru who told me it does, and Monsanto controls the globe and pays all scientists to shut them up. It makes sense in my brain, so that's that."
>People complain about GMOs and ask for a ban on all of them
>B-but bananas, peas, nuts, corn, are fine
>GMO's have been around the last 100 years
>Why would you allow a conspiracy theory to influence market economics?
So revealing what is in your product is influencing market economics?
Why is that?
but thats exactly the thing.
Labeling GMOs as GMOs only feeds into the dumb sheeple's fears and they avoid GMO labeled products like the plague, even though there's nothing wrong with them.
So yes. GMO producers indeed have something to fear, hence they push for the gov not labeling them: they fear the stupidity and superstitiousness of the common man.
>Humanity has been crossbreeding crops to modify the offspring for at least six thousand years
>Crossbreeding involves changing tens of thousands of genes over many generations, with many unpredictable results
>GMOs designed by CRISPR typically involve less than 5 genes, with determinable results like having staple crops utilize more efficient carbon pathways for photosynthesis
They DO have the right to know. And they DO have the tools to know.
Its not like having no labelling will prevent them from doing that. All they have to do is look up the companies which do not use GMOs on the internet.
However, FORCING companies to spend money appeasing scientifically illiterate hippies IS stupid, and unnecessary.
All that matters is that people care about it. If people want to know whether or not they have GMOs in their food, they deserve to know. An informed consumer base is necessary in a proper free-market system.
>when billions of people are starving due to global drought
Why would I not want that?
Holy fk a leaf who isnt retarded
>labeling a product correctly will scare off customers
>this is bad
Fuck you and whoever is paying you to shill
>uses a nwo pic to call someone a useful idiot.
Oh the irony.
why would you want to eat gmos?
If people wouldn't buy them if they knew what they were, then it's wrong to keep it a secret.
Maybe you should learn to read you ignorant jackass.
I said Medical advancements, not GMOs.
And guess what? You are still wrong, because genetic modification has been occurring for thousands of years. Its not a new thing. the only new thing is that we can decode and modify the genetic code directly instead of indirectly through cross breeding. Which by the way is safer because we are only manipulating targeted genes instead of thousands with the old way of doing it.
If the consumer base was informed this wouldn't even be a debate.
Forcing companies to pay for their ignorance is not the solution.
I'm a bio phd student AND I fucking hate this debate because it makes me realize how retarded everyone is.
Even the term "GMO" is retarded. I mean how can you even argue that they're dangerous or safe when the the concept is so incredibly broad?
It's like asking whether it's safe to consume "liquid." You're going to have to be more fucking specific.
I even hate the argument: "But but but... we don't know how this will affect things..."
A gas reservoir under every house? Oh no. We just can't be sure how safe that would be. We better not.
Everyone having a two ton car to race around in? Oh no. We just can't be sure how safe that would be. We better not.
Radiation to heat our food? Oh no. We just can't be sure how safe that would be. We better not.
The bottom line: You people don't understand the biology of GMOs.
What plant is susceptible to Tebuconazole or Acephate?
If you had left your argument at herbicides, it might have at least sounded non-retarded to the masses
Because you might still have some semblance of humanity?
protip: you've been eating GMO's your whole life, they've just taken generations to get there
How else are people supposed to know what's in their food without labeling? Do you expect them to look up every company online?
There isn't any evidence against caged chicken eggs being any worse than eggs from freely roaming chickens, but I still want to know how the egg was produced.
By that reasoning, there would be no reason for me to know what kind of vegetable oil is in any kind of product. There is no evidence that canola oil is any better or worse than sunflower or corn oil, so why label it? It skews the market for no reason!!111
Why? Because it's my right to know, you fucking shill.
yep. any time i see a post about gmo's i just get this gut feeling there is an unbelievably and extraordinarily and ungodlike level of shilling going on. its fascinating. the most basic red pill is to avoid glyphosates to help your kidneys out and avoid that is a foreign proteins not recognized by secreted enzymes or the villi in the small intestines.
Allergies are caused by stagnant diets.
Not that difficult. They just have bots searching for keywords. The reply to this thread is not even thread specific.
>lives in communist health care system
>takes drugs to suppress symptoms
>dies at age 68 of chronic illness
KEK. keep living in a fairy tale land bucko.
Don't be an ass. Different oils have different smoke points and uses. Labelling should not be mandatory. If "Amy's Vegan Burrito for Power Bottoms" wants to put a non-gmo decal on their products, no one is stopping them. Other companies shouldn't forced to make greasy headed car thieves happy
Sure why not?
The burden of this is not on the companies producing the food, it is on the consumer. If every company was require to capitulate to every stupid theory about them they would never make any money.
pretty sure we thoroughly label all those things.
Daily reminder that paid corporate shills like this subhuman sack of waste should be hanged from the neck until dead.
if stomach acid cannot break down proteins to amino acids in the stomach due to weak stomach acid, then that undigested protein goes into the small and large intestine. the villi try to absorb it and then the body sees an undigested protein in the blood stream and think its a foreign protein attacking (which it is in a way) and doesn't accept that form of energy anymore. i've seen peoples allergies disappear in one meal by taking digestive enzymes, especially with pepsin and hcl. kys.
So label your product GMO free and have the bonded production chain to prove it.
Why is that so fucking hard?
>Someone who studies a relevant subject weighs in on the theory.
>Gets completely ignored by the people arguing against GMOs.
Oh wow where have I seen this before.
That's rights, in every conspiracy theory ever.
Companies doesn't need to pay to influence things that are already factually influenced by the scientific community jackass.
>You disagree with my conspiracy theory so you are part of the conspiracy theory.
Have fun being a fucking pleb the rest of your life.
There's absolutely no need for GMOs to meet global food requirements, and never will be. We have huge food production surpluses and have barely touched the potential for increasing production by other means.
GMOs are not all one thing that can be generally safe. Each new GMO is its own risk which can go wrong in some unpredictable way, from thriving in the wild and cross-pollinating to turning out to cause production of a carcinogen.
Each new GMO planted in the open air needs to be evaluated like a new nuclear power plant design, and each new GMO in the diet needs to be evaluated like a new drug.
When people say they trust GMOs, they can't rationally mean they trust the science, they can only mean they trust the regulatory bureaucracy and big-money corporate lobbying machine that influences it.
The science is absolutely clear: genetic engineering can cause practically unlimited harm, for instance producing deadly poisonous plants which are otherwise identical to edible ones and cross-fertile with common crops. Only the honest good intentions, competence, and diligence of the people who perform and evaluate the modifications can prevent GMOs from causing major disasters, just as is the case with nuclear power.
>no argument to be found
By the way, fuckhead subhuman garbage, your 'argument' fell of the logic train by your second post.
>GMOs are 100% a-okay for you and if you say otherwise you're a tinfoil conspiracy theorist
>therefore the government should be allowed to take bribes from corporate lobbyists to pass bills and deny consumers from having any information on whether the food they're consuming is GMO or organic
Please do humanity a favor and kill yourself, you evil lying sack of fucking shit.
>Don't be an ass. Different oils have different smoke points and uses
I was talking about oils in finished products.
They can't just say it contains "vegetable oil".
They have to say it contains sunflower oil and palm oil.
It really makes no fucking difference to me. But it's nice to know what's in my food.
I triggered some leftist family members about GMO foods.
>they believe in evolution because the majority of scientists do
>they believe in climate change because the majority of scientists do
>they fear GMO foods even though the majority of scientists say they are OK
Simply pointing this out to them got them so angry as they hadn't realised how hypocritical they are being. I don't expect them to change their minds, but I do expect they won't talk to me much anymore.
I'm actually fine with labeling it. My only issue is that dogs and bananas should be labeled likewise, otherwise it's targeting some businesses unfairly.
>Each new GMO planted in the open air needs to be evaluated like a new nuclear power plant design, and each new GMO in the diet needs to be evaluated like a new drug.
They are. Extensively.
That's why they test and store the plants underneath mountains and underground facilities before using them...
Yes, but in the context of modern technology, GMOs refer *specifically* to techniques involving direct manipulation of genomes.
>why not?
It's not easy, at all. Just try it and see. Consumer information should be convenient, just like nutrition facts and geographic origin of products.
>They would never make money.
Not everyone is as afraid of GMOs as you perceive them to be. A lot of people just don't care; It's only the people that do care that want it labeled. If food companies are really that afraid of losing shekels from the consumers that care; they should publish research to show people the benefits of GMOs and dispel fears.
I doubt they are treated to the same degree as a nuclear power plant, but they are like a new drug.
There is no argument I could make which would either A) Be better than the thousands of arguments made better by the scientists who create and ensure safety among these products or B) That would convince someone who does not value said arguments.
You are the definition of conceited. Putting your own opinion above what people have proven to be true.
Why don't you do argue against vaccines or contrails? Its the same baseless stupid shit as this.