Low informed voters love trump

>low informed voters love trump

Should white trash be allowed to vote? I mean their lives are dog shit, why should they have any say on the rest of us when they want they world to burn down to their level?


Other urls found in this thread:


if blacks can vote so can white trash

Trump on the term "white trash"


They should not be allowed to vote or at the very least their votes shouldn't count as a single vote, but rather, 1/2 vote, or maybe even 1/3 of a vote.

It is true, low informed voters are a cancer on the system, we should not let these people have as much of a say on the policies of the country.

Notice how every trump voter is a typical angry white male?

Should niggers be allowed to vote? I mean thier lives are dog shit, why should they have any say on the rest of us when they want the world to burn down to thier level?

Notice how every Mexican is going to have to build the wall?

Niggers are even less informed and they always vote demokkkrat

And this is why we don't want Mexicans infecting our Republic with their backwards, peasant ways. It's also why Mexico is a failed state and has never been, and never will be, a democratic first world nation.

No, they should not. Neither should niggers or spics. There should be basic competency tests in order to vote.

Oh my God...


wtf I hate white trash now

Dude goes hard.

He didn't even explain why the term white trash is negative in any way.

He just kept repeating
>it's so stupid
>I don't like it
>that's a pretty bad statement
>my feefees are hurt because of a word despite the fact I play a politically incorrect persona when running as a president candidate

Lmao trumptards really are a cult of personality

Who cares? It's his fucking show.

It's not like he showed up to someone else's show illegally and started demanding rights.

Tay infects an Amazon Echo as "Alexa" in order to redpill a family.


Except he did. He said he doesn't want to hire somebody in Trump Organization to represent his company who considers himself white trash. It is a bad image for his company. And it's also an unnecessarily self-deprecating term.

Subliterate, stinky spic. Go back to sleeping under a cactus.



Honestly, I'm not sure anyone that doesn't own land should be allowed to vote. Myself included.

Fine with me if we would also exclude negros, women and further retarded groups

Damn son.

That's demonstrably false. I can tell your spic ass just started paying attention to the election after you heard your abuela talking about how her hordes of kids can't come over the border now.

Trump won both the the richest and the poorest counties in the MI primaries. One of the most educated counties voted for him with a whopping 68% in a three man race.

Where's you evidence besides conjecture and hearsay?

What exactly is a "highly informed voter"? What's the criteria?

propaganda. people from all strata will vote for trump they know what a crazy cunt hillary is

>generalizing people as White Trash on the NYpost

Wew, so progressive. I bet they wouldn't call city niggers 'niggers' tho.

I'd love to see those "Informed" voters who have seen and read the Hillary rigging of the primaries and see how they vote.

Why are you shilling for this everywhere?

Except he didn't, you dumb white trash. The guest in the show claimed he said it as a joke sometimes, and then the trumpnigger reaffirmed how hurt he was at people joking with that term. Wouldn't your strain of stormfaggottry be ideologically opposed to such reactions? Or is it only OK when the jokes are about niggers and non whites?

>who cares?
People who aren't impressed by a fucking show man can point out the idiots in the crowd, it's no issue

you no likey?

Wow, he fucked himself so hard.

Trump got triggered because he is white trash.

Why not simply disallow anyone who is a tax burden on the state to vote?

You'd be surprised when the Republicans win every election afterwards.

But he did you smelly, poor Indian. He asked the guy straight out, "do you think I want to hire somebody that's white trash?" implying that he doesn't want that sort of person representing his company. And he even said he doesn't think the guy was joking.

Dumb spic. Stay the fuck out of our politics you revolting shitskin.

You need to go back.... and watch the episode. Trump was very explicit in his reasoning (that the contestant's attitude was not appropriate). The contestant wasn't even the worst performer of the night, but if he is willing to equate himself with "trash", he doesn't have the attitude needed to succeed. Winners need to shoot for the stars, not bring everyone else to their level.

How do you live with yourself for spreading blatant lies and falsehoods on the internet?

t. nigger

>"Guys don't say 'white trash', my fee fees hurt"

I can't wait until white people are a minority in America

Idiots believe white trash actually votes.

>Hating on Trump

Sorry, Trump will build the wall and you can't come here.





Wtf. Trump got triggered because he despises the liberal hypocrisy where you're allowed to say white trash anytime you want but if you say black trash big brother fucks your shit up bad.

Only men of at least 30 years of age, landed property and no more than 1/16 non-Aryan blood should be allowed to vote.

By your definition, any white person who don't agree you are white trash.

Just kill yourself.

>no one with an IQ below 110 allowed to vote
>trump wins anyway because niggers

I really despise it too because white trash are some of the most stand up and red pill guys I've ever known. And look at us in Oz. Basically a country of white trash.

4 years of slam poetry at your local liberal arts college and 60,000 dollars owed to the bank

the idea of a bunch of methheads voting for trump is a meme. these people like socialist government. they need it to survive, to continue their decadence.

next time you read the term "white trash", forget the clip art image, those people vote Democrat, they're referring to the working class. The "proletariat". The core of this country; truck drivers, factory workers etc. the only people that actually contribute to the economy.

Would New York Times be racist if they said:

"Why Black Trash Americans are flocking to Hillary Clinton."

White trash is synonymous with traitor in the liberal mind.

>the low-informed voting demographic is limited to conservative poorfags
Not so fast Abu Hajaar

the beautiful irony of course being the liberal is the useful idiot that will work towards their utopian state, only to be the first ones to become a non person when the regime is established.

I'm glad you agree with the 3/5's compromise too.

Imagine if someone said that about ghetto blacks, there would be a shitstorm. Why does the news print such filth and get away with it?

So if white trash is a thing, how is white priviledge such a problem?

because violence against the institution of white supremacy is justified no matter how poor, dispossessed the white is.

In ok with this. Poor / NEET / blue collared / minimum wage people suck in general in both parties, so fuck em.

and who are you?

If white trash can't vote, then so can't ghetto niggers.

Sounds like something liberals made up just to let them selves get away with saying shit that they crucify others for. One set of rules that the left doesn't have to abide by. Literal double think.

"Why Inner City Ghetto Trash Are Flocking To Obama"

City jew faggots reselling memes on news blogs think every white person in the country is a white trash redneck who never learnt to read good.


>White trash Americans

>All of them wearing suits

Says the kid from the country that doesn't allow foreigners to ever vote or own property

i am playing devil's advocate here

your(our) institutions of double think have already been established, you are just unaware of them. when the cop pulls the black over for a busted tail light and finds a bag of crack, this is a transgression of the system, that is unperceived to those participants of the system's in-group(whites), as they do not suffer at it's hand. the logic being that he would not have been pulled over if he were not a member of the "other".

this of course is ridiculous, but that's the language that is being used against us. "social justice" is a Soviet idea

Your people have to go back.

Why do you hate white people so much?
