>Little views about Horsey's comics here
So Sup Forums remember what we did to Zyclon Ben for the lulz?
We are going to.do.something similar for the meme warfare
There's a cartoonist named Horsey who is a famous Hillary's shill
What would happen if we edit his comics making them pro-trump and redpilling.normies about Hillary actions? Pic related
Psyop Redpilling: use their weapon against them
His comics already look pro-Trump sometimes
Need to change the text in both bubbles or else it looks obviously
It's unintentional
Like all the leftists he is weak and a cuck.for alphas like Donald
the ironing
Horsey is such a faggot cuck
Needs more freedom, someone shop an american flag upon his person
The idea is: we start.using the ones which could be easily mistaken to be pro-Trump like this one...
I'm not sure if Stalin is the best choice though thoughts?
... then we edit his shillings for Hillary redpilling the masses
>David "The Redpill" Horsey
>David "The Lion's Guard" Horsey
We did.not edit that, it's original
I actually suspect that Horsey is pro-Trump under a democrat guise. Any true Trump voter will simply nod at his depictions of Trump and Republicans while thinking "Yeah, Trump is a cool guy".
Here's another original. I only have ms paint
oops I posted the edited one
Saged and reported. Hope you get banned.
how did I do
I propose we rename it Trumpstosterone.
Now this is a guy I could see myself sharing a beer with.
Did he make this before or after the DNC email leaks?
You're at a Trump event, and that guy walks up and slaps your gf on the ass, what do you do?
>inb4 you don't have a gf
Trump! There is poop in my soup!
I ate it anyway!
Is this comic trying to say that the RNC was supposed to be a giant shitshow with riots and shit?
Is that an edit? If not, isn't that literally what happened?
>It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you.
why don't we just swap ben garrison sigs for horsey ones?
Ben Garrison drew that cartoon. Why did online pirates change it to Horsey?
Bump this shit niggers
I, kind of like this one.
Really good
Good stuff m8, keep it up