What is Sup Forums opinion on Mexicans?
What is Sup Forums opinion on Mexicans?
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I'd fuck 'em
Get the fuck out of my country
almost whiter than the USA
stay in mexico
I like Latina girls so im sure id like Mexican girls
Other then that I really like the culture of Mexico. Your food, drink and music is God tier. Its a shame about the cartels, they also need to cut out the illegal immigration and sort out their own country.
cuties with booties. until they get old and fat and everything sags
About as ass backward as liberals.
>fuck america, mexican pride! mexico! mexico! mexico!
>mass immigration out of mexico to based U.S.
They do good lawn work, though they're pretty lazy. Just had 5-6 of them lay river rock in my entire front yard and put a concrete curb around the edge of the yard and my planters and almost everytime I looked out they were listening to some mexican heavy metal and texting on their phones.
Took like a whole week.
>they are not sending their best...
Gimme the one on the right. Whitest bitch there.
They have to go back
No mexican immigrants here in Europe, isn't that odd?
We have a lot of immigrants from Chile though.
I like them, just wish they could come here legally Send more Northern Mexicans, why do you give us Southern trash?.
Do we really get more southern Mexicans than northern ones? I didn't know that.
Mexican chicas make me horny.
t. Texas
>that picture
Thats not the average mexican....
None of those are mexican. The picture comes from a mexican propaganda website and the girls are all from NEW mexico
Yeah they can be slow. Overrated for labor, just cheaper no benefits etc.
Yes they're poorer and more ameridian, that's why the northerners push em' through
Mexicans are actually leaving the US
Lies that you won't be able to back up.
you think a light skinned mex qt would have kids with a dark skinned mex like me??
Much more respectful and loyal than white girls, but also seem to be uglier.
I've dated a couple Hispanic girls from other countries, one Peruvian, and one Columbian. They were the same personality-wise, but much prettier than the average Mexican girl.
All bitches like a thick dark cock. You're golden, hermano.
You have to go back.
80% suck and are lazy the rest are fine
last two digits is the average this happens
The ones we're getting don't look like that
>OP has a mexican flag
Looks like he's learned his lesson.
Wanted to add, they're a lot less cancerous than blacks. Sure they breed like roaches, and get a bad rep because of sensationalist conservifags, but at worst they're lazy, and at best they take jobs poor white people won't even do, and pay all their taxes except income (which the US government won't let them pay).
tfw just about 5 inches thanks Aztecs
why is your dick so small user?
cause my ancestors were hunters they needed to be active and run alot they wouldn't have been able to hunt down prey with a big schlong flopping around everywhere l-l-like j-j-jamlas
Shit-tier useless people.
Women are dumb as fuck, but give good head. They suck your dick like it's a fucking chalupa and drink the cum out like it's their shitty rice drink.
Overall, if they didn't exist, I think we'd be better off as a society.
I think Mexicans are based white bros from the south. They just need to fix the corruption in their government and help us build the wall.
Odd stat. If they're undocumented, how do you know how many are coming in and how many are leaving?
"hurr 90% of rapes aren't reported"
You mean the Help?Yeah theyre ok.
Hooked up with one, she was beautiful, white also, not tan.
Illegals aren't invisible or hiding, the reason they don't gey deported is because the authorities turn a blind eye on them. Their use of schools and hospitals allows to.count them.
I fucking highly doubt that shit
They are literally the worse race. Fuck spain for making them. I hope every mexican dies.
Those are white girls. Mexicans are brown.
God job on finding the whitest girls in your country, paco, I'm sure it has taken time. I speak from experience.
Your country still get central and south americans, in general hispanic migration is in an historic high, it's just the Mexican one decreasing.
These girls are average as fuck desu.
Live in norhtern mexico, can confirm this is what the average middle class girls look like.
Poor people are usually tanned as fuck though
remember that the wall will never be built and that trump is just a hoax to elect hillary
Agree, North Mexico is white as fuck.
THAT is not the average on the northern places i have visited.
Go to a park or a shopping mall, I'm sure you'll see people like that
We have to admit that the nord is also a cancer factory
Not visitors...
I fucking hate mexicans, the way they speak spanish, the way they look, the way they smell...
Why does almost every mexican looks like a monkey? or a aborigen?
Mexican women are the hottest girls on the planet. Particularly half-white half-mexican girls with blonde hair. Holy shit. Would Sup Forums seriously not get with pic related?
Bottle blonde
Another Honduras but for some reason they believe they are different.
Make me kek.
Ey he ask for opinions m8.
I don't claim that we are whites.
Cherry picking whites from hell-hole.
Is the one in the middle single?
why are you trying to deceive Sup Forums?
clear skin is NOT average. Yes there are many clear skinned people, but for ever one of them there are 3-4 with skin like a car tire
>clear skinned
excellent pussy... Easier to get and hotter than here in the US.
The people are very friendly, some can be shady, but as long as you stay in the more affluent areas you should be ok.
They're not much for rules big and small... not surprising from a country that has impunity.
t. gringo with latin fever
And get onto my benis
Shit i wish my mexican wife would let me post her pic shes super hot compare to any miss universe smallest waist even after a baby shes the best woman i could posibly get 11/10, her grandam was born in cali and my wife made some modeling and still gets call for casting but im too jealous to show her off
>t. gringo with latin fever
>subjugated cuck who only does what wifey allows
They have a whole country to live in yet insist on ruining mine.
Come home white man
great people. i have alot of mexican friends. i love mexico!
Says the legal mexican...
Just like you or me
Taking out of contex the current giant Political Storm around them they are fine. Living in the USA is where they should be living USA culture and not living Mexican culture
If you live in a country for say the rest of your life
You learn the countrys culture and live in their culture not your own
If I moved to Russia my culture wouldn't be American it would be Russian
It's the one rule all countrys should have that we seem to have the hardest time trying to enforce
Like Hugo Chavez?
whats your opinion of mexicans? As a white mexican from Chihuahua, I hate indios from south and some indian chilangos.
Aridoamerica should be a country, we have to expell southern indians.
all the most redpilled presidents are southerns, while northerns have been commies or marxists
That moron is from Chiapas.
What country? We are owned by rich people. You don't even have a say in your politics. The media is crap, the society is crap and so is the community. Better yet there hasn't a good debate in half a century. Face it. Rich people wanted work subsidized so they imported Blake people for cotton picking. Then asians to built the railroad. Then you got comfortable and used cheap Mexicans to clean up the filthy jobs. Look at American history.
>Oh this job is dangerous and many of the native people don't want to do it
>Immigrants will do
>Mu-uh muh country is filled with these people
Give me a break. America loves cheap labor .
They would be a lot better off if the Spanish displaced the natives instead of breeding with them. 6/10 good food and culture, fairly based, but get the fuck out illegals and come here legally.
You know their opinion.
Also i think you should stop creating the same tread over and over and over.
Even Canadians breed with the natives friendo.
U.S. Americans didn't, and that's why we're the strongest of the three.
Not to the same extent. The Spanish were more interested in spreading the Catholic faith and making money than settling, though. The English were more focused on settlement.
I'm from a Central/Southern California town where the public schools are now, literally 96% Hispanic.
It was closer to 60% when I was a kid, but unimpeded immigration will do that to the place.
I feel sorry for all the old school Mexican families that have been here for 100 years. They're like the integrated Chicanos that usually served their country, kept some practices and have mostly blended in, only to be invaded.
And it depends on where you get the Mexicans -- Oaxaquitas are the little indian looking fuckers that breed like fucking rabbits.
Mexicans themselves I don't have any problems with, nor the ones that want to come here -- I don't blame them at all. In fact most of the older adults that moved here are fairly conservative and hardworking.
Their kids, on the other hand, are a holy mess. The parents don't have any sense to reign them in since this isn't their native country. The parents that care and get their children an education, end up indoctrinating their kids with the liberal education system here and grow up to be a bunch of liberal La Raza pussies. The ones that don't, end up being just a giant ghetto underclass with none of the hardscrabble common sense that the parents had. Some regions of Mexico send the most retarded people up here, and they bleed the fucking welfare. They get fake I.D, SS, use WIC/Foodstamps/Welfare, child support, and any type of service they can while getting paid under the table. There are 3rd generation Americans here, that speak English like they grew up in Mexico. How the fuck does that happen.
Also, my girlfriend is Mexican, but she came here when she was 14 and got herself a degree and decent job. Also cooks, cleans, takes care of our son at any time, and is entirely against most liberal ideals. If you're going to get yourself a Mexican girl, make sure she isn't born in the states.
I live in a town with a lot of Puerto Ricans, they are mostly fine, the men work hard and their women are actually funny as hell. But Mexican women, fuck them, they freak out over nothing and then yell "SWING HOMIE SWING" as if they could fucking win a fight and as if they are a gangster from the fucking 90's. Fuck Mexicans.
>integrated chicanos
spotted the mexican
you leeches just feel threatened because the new wave is going to discredit the false narrative that you dickheads every did anything besides leech welfare and smuggle drugs
>our son
ah, I get it now. you ALL have to go back
Theres too many of them
Stop posting the 5% white people in Mexico and post your average shitskinned manlet that no spic Ingles, blairs god-awful ranchera music everywhere he drives and steals change from the glove box when he cleans your car and ask us what we think.
all I know is that latinas are god tier.
My Mexican side of my family are half terrile people that should be beat to near death then lit on fire but the other half are good hardworking people I think most Mexicans are fucked in the head they are mainly terrible people that are useless and shouldnt be allowed to breed
>Anna Faith Carlson
gtfo of here
>those T H I C C woman
Spain was a good dad after all ;_;
best third worlders
I have green eyes and blond hair and I can say this is bullshit. Keep in mind people use "white" here for anything that's not shit colored.
If you compare some parts of mexico to california texas or any fucking mexican american infested state then sure we are white as fuck.
You guys should build a wall to keep them out ;)
They are short, they help me move furniture sometimes, they also help with landscaping, building backyards and maintaining yards in particular, 60% of them are on welfare, they mostly vote democrat.
Kek wills Mexico builds a wall.
id impregnate her
I have a close mexican friend who would never hurt a fly, or sell drugs.
his uncle is in prison for murder and running drugs.
my friend apologizes for his uncle and says his uncle is good "deep down."
I'm beginning to think my friend doesn't belong here either.
peple who apologize for murderers are not good people.
?Neta no ha un thread donde no salga el pinche norteño nazi que cree que su pinche rancho desolado por el narco es ario y mejor ?
Nunca cambies user, si no, de que nos reímos los demas
You are right, Mexico is shit but actually Argentina its pretty shitty too so shut the fuck up