So, the DNC wasn't exactly a dud
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Good, Hillary will hasten the collapse. It's a good thing.
The left is the majority now.
This has a lot to do with increased fast tracking to citizenship for immigrants as well as more and more people going to college and being indoctrinated into liberal viewpoints.
So yeah, Trump is going to lose, but it's really not that big of a deal. Brexit was a far bigger win for the west than Trump simply getting elected and then impeached.
Right but the problem is establishment conservatives will say "see, we told you Donald was a mistake" and woop! There goes our chance of ever taking back the country any time this century.
Are these like the polls that were paraded out every monday before Trump won his votes on Tuesdays?
I joke, but I hate you fucking people.
The problem is that we don't elect people by a majority popular vote. We use the electoral college, which is super left slanted right now.
If Trump wants to win, he needs to be leading in polls by roughly 5%
Agreed. We are now a single party state. By the time people realize it, it will likely be too late.
That's probably not even her full post-convention bounce
But the last PPP poll from one month ago had her up by +4, so if she only gained one point, that's not too great
Electoral college keeps that from happening.
Trump could win the popular vote by as much as 10% and will still probably lose the election.
The problem is it invalidates Trump's convention bounce.
All they did was cancel each other out. The race is still at a statistical tie, while leaning Hillary
Gary Johnson shills plz go.
Hillary is pretty much guaranteed 1 electoral vote shy of the required # of electoral votes to win.
For Trump to win, he has to take EVERY swing state.
I can't truly believe anything that the media puts out anymore. It's all so clearly corrupt that it's just as likely that hillary is more liked now that they rigged the polls. We know reporters collude with the DNC to help hillary, what makes you think they don't collude polls.
Hillary NEEDED there to be a bump after the convention. And now she has one. She's so corrupt and evil there isn't a single thing she or her campaign or anyone saying something positive about her campaign in the media that I don't view suspiciously.
>All they did was cancel each other out. The race is still at a statistical tie
5 points is not a tie. Hillary is clearly leading
That's not even remotely true dude. 51% of the national vote would guarantee a win.
Florida will also probably go blue anyway.
Mostly correct. This is a list of swing states organized by Hillary's level of support:
New Hampshire*
North Carolina
*could be flipped around
Also, don't forget that one Maine CD that's leaning Trump
So sayeth her cronie media 4 months before the vote.
why are you so dumb?
>implying Trump will win Vermont
Trump's got PA
The only way in fucking hell NC votes Clinton is if they liberal northerns finally all moved down south enough to fucking overshadow the natives votes.
A major problem with me for the Democratic campaign is that in the past they often won because they talked their candidate up, while the Republicans won by either talking their guy up or tearing the Democrat down.
It's troubling that they only thing Hillary can say about herself is "I'm not Trump". Any other Republican and the White House would be almost sure to go red.
Maybe not with that single poll, but RCP's polling aggregate has Hillary leading by 1.1%, which is within the MOE of every single poll included in the average
Florida won't be going blue this time, every obama supporter I know has filpped trump or bernie or bust.
I find it interesting Hillary "wins" polls after many change their sample method because Trump was winning.
She had to cancel speaking events today due to a lack of interest.
A nigger made this thread.
I was in that bottom Gallup one. I told them disapprove.
I live in PA, it's going blue. Trump may get very close but in the end it's very split here. You're either really liberal or very conservative, and there's slightly more liberals here.
Florida is blue now. It's done. The immigrants have guaranteed it. Same with Texas. By next year, it'll be all blue. You are witnessing a collapse in slow motion.
i meant virginia
Trust me, they haven't, and the immigrants I do know are for trump. The rest can't vote because, well, they aren't legal.
Get the fuck out faggot
>Trump Leads in a poll
Hahahahaha clinton shills on suicide watch!
>Hillary leads in a poll
>what did he mean by this
>Florida is blue now. It's done. The immigrants have guaranteed it.
>Republican governor
>Republican super-majority House
>Republican super-majority Senate
>Republican mayors in most major cities
Just in case I haven't driven home you're a moron yet, picture related.
99.9% of statistics are lies.
yes, but phenotypically, this is not a myth - there is a bigger variation within populations in traits such as strength, intelligence, empathy, than between population means. This gap widens when environmental factors accounted for
why the fuck do these polls still show johnson above 0%?
Daily reminder that the latest PPP poll included Harambe as a voting option and that you shouldn't take it seriously
>5 points is not a tie. Hillary is clearly leading
Margin of error is 3%; 5% is jack shit. I'd say the same if it were Trump with the lead. Unless something unforeseen happens this shit's going to the wire.
fuck off, shill
They always include dumb shit like that in polls, but they were one of the most reliable pollsters in 2012
Nice rebuttal
pic related shill
this argument again
No one here trusts ANY polls, lying shill. Polls are owned by private organizations, and the kikes have their fingers in every pie. Hillary is the favored goyim this time. Polls during important elections will always be weaponized disinfo.
Are you saying Grizzlies are the niggers of bears?
that's a cool comic that has nothing to do with what I posted
>"le trump can't win"
like saying south jersey is full of liberals
this mostly.
Polls are rigged.
havent hearded 1 person say they like Hillary.
They all "support" her because the media suffed their minds full of lies about trump.
Noone will convince their family or friends to vote for her. Go From house to house or Stand with a sign on the street to promote her.
She Has 0 Chance of winning.
The Polls are fixed to give you the Illusion that she is winning or that the Race is close.
They Gonna Fix the Election. 100% 2 of the 3 Vote count Companys support her.
Google and MIcrosoft owned.
+ There Are NO Rallies that have 1000 or more and jsut 1 Per month 500 Person Rally.
She had to cancel 5 Rallys in VA, because noone attends these events.
It seems so bizare that the polls are so close.
This is so 1984. noone outside the TV seems to like or support her.
And you Shills aint helping. We can see that you arent supporting her either. You are some Trolls or payed Opinion makers.
If you werent here noone would even oppose Trump.
>reading the filename as a yankees fan
I wish there was a way, he fucking owned New York
Pennsyltucky may be conservative but most of the Delaware/Lehigh Valley and Pittsburgh are liberal.
Wow user u must have just made about $5 with them shilly post's.
>PA is deep blue like (((NY))) meme
And it gave dems a 10% advantage right off the bat. The actual voting was closer to 48-51 in favor of Obama, so they omitted at least 7% of repubs. There is no way that the pendulum has swung left these last 4 years. They also skewed women.
Fuck this poll.
>"Donald J. Trump, confronting a daunting electoral map and a significant financial disadvantage, is preparing to fall back from an expansive national campaign and concentrate the bulk of his time and money on just three or four states that his campaign believes he must sweep in order to win the presidency"
>"There is no imminent plan, Trump advisers say, to match Mrs. Clinton’s spending on television ads."
This is political suicide.
Georgia is a swing state now. Missouri is a swing state now. North Carolina is currently trending blue. You can not win the presidency if you neglect the majority of the country. All everyone is being told is how horrible of a person Trump is. He needs to have an answer for that message in every swing state, not just 3 of them. And besides, PA is not going to flip anyway. He might as well be campaigning in California.
You have no idea how surreal it is to see those polls have hillary in the lead Mohamed. It's likely difficult to properly gauge because of how disliked hillary is. I mean when you're asked in a poll they rarely give you a neither option, or a why you support option.
Hillary is like an even less likeable Romney. If that's even possible.
Hillary isn't winning PA, NH or Iowa. Likely not Florida or Ohio either. Fucking hilarious at NC being a potential swing state too and Trump will probably take Oregon from her as well.
Just leaving this here:
>PA is not going to flip
Stop LARPing as someone from PA, we can tell what the energy is like here. Wait for the debates.
>most of the Delaware/Lehigh Valley are liberal
Barely at best. That place is the skinhead capital of the country and the KKK is supposedly active even in counties that border Philadelphia.
If this isn't concern shilling, you seriously need to calm down. GA and MO are safe, and NC is very likely red.
He also won the nomination after being outrageously outspent. Give the guy a chance. He's abusing free media
God you people get demoralized at the drip of a hat.
And before you Trump apologists start asking why the Khans are upset at Trump instead of radical islam, I direct you to a 2015 interview by Khizr Khan. These American Muslims are true patriots. This shit is why I'm holding my nose and voting HRC - if I vote third party and Trump manages to win, I don't want the freedoms of people like Mr. Khan on my own conscience. I would never be able to forgive myself.
“This is the time for us American Muslims to rat out any traitor who walks amongst us. This is high time for Muslims to stand firm [against terrorists],” the elder Khan recounted. “Among us hides the enemies of the value system of this country. And we need to defend it. And if it means ratting out the traitors who hide behind an American passport, that’s what we need to do.”
lol Missouri ain't flipping blue, bud
the recent poll here was done by St. Louis Post-Dispatch, a liberal rag
>believing the Jew York Times 3 months before the election
>true American patriots
Devout Muslims hate the west and all of our values. So either you're a true American patriot, or a Muslim. You can't be both.
I imagine many of them weren't here for the Iowa loss, or Wisconsin.
The debates haven't happened yet and Hillary's just getting her convention bounce, nobody should be surprised or demoralized. They're still in a statistical tie nationally and Trump is up in Florida.
Give it a few days and they'll calm down.
Also the shilling is out of control right now for some reason.
They may be trying to distract from the fact that Hillary said in her interview with Chris Wallace
>All rights are subject to regulation
I live in PA you dolt.
I teach in Moon township.
It's a blue state that likes guns. That's it. We elected Tom fucking Wolf. We're less white than we've ever been. Even if every fucking pensyltucky white came out and voted for Trump, we still wouldn't be able to override Erie, Pittsburgh, Scranton, and Shittydelphia.
Republicans fall for the PA meme every year. Stop it. It's a waste of time and a lost cause.