LOOK HERE Mr Dahnold Trumper
Its been days since an islamic attack in America!
LOOK HERE Mr Dahnold Trumper
do you eevena reed teh conditution?
Doesn't the constitution say the President can block movement of any foreigners he chooses? At the very least even if it isn't guaranteed in the constitution, there is nothing unconstitutional about it.
The Constitution, Dahnold. Give it to me.
Can you trumpcucks update me on how you're rationalizing Trump saying he has sacrificed just as much as a family who lost their son? Is this some 9th dimensional chess I've been hearing about?
He isn't and he even thanked the soldier who died in Shillary's war
But what do you care, you're just here to Correct the Record(TM)
Fuck off, shill.
Exscuse me while I exploit the image of my dead son on national tv to help push Hillary Clinton into office.
>the family sacrificed
Let me see your son's body, you son of a semite.
i don't care enough about these jihad fucks to watch whatever this controversy is stemming from, but from what people are saying I guarantee it is a non-issue that will be dead before next Sunday
What's the story behind this pic, guessing cringe worthy
>he doesn't know
are you gibbing me?
>genocides all the white people in the middle east
>comes to europe and america
>genocides us some more
>oy vey
>muh son
>it's white people's fault
>it's trump's fault
>vote for hillary, goys
>if Trump were in office our family wouldn't have been here in the first place to make a heroic sacrifice for our country
Really makes one ponder. Are you angry that Trump has burned nearly every bridge with non white voters and will probably not break double digits with the non-white vote? Thus losing him the election? Shame.
Their son died during a deployment to Iraq
must be new...
For you..
this peanut headed paki just wants to promote islam and fucking hates white people
why cant you cunts just nuke these browns
Literally I don't have all the time in the world to read the same 4 posts on this board all day
Yeah in what way did THEY sacrifice?
Muslim Brotherhood: This man is a terrorist. He's worked for Clinton donors as well as cited terrorists on his essays on Sharia Law.
if all the posts were the same you would know them by now...
They sacrificed their bodies in a suicide bomb.
they sacrificed their son fighting a war against his own people, thus making his death even more heroic, more so than the other 3000 crusaders who died in battle
How is your reading comprehension so terrible?
gibs me dat irritation
That Twitter isn't really his, is it?
Oy vey. I don't have time to read the same shill complaining all day.
on an alex jones channel video a fucking white male is arguing with a group of leftists. the guy pictured called Trump Hitler. When the fucking white male asked why he said, "Are you kidding me?" him and a few other people from the video turned into cartoonish characters representing both sides
you'll be able to find videos and some inspired by it by googling fucking white male kidding me infowars or something
Trump! There is poop in my soup!
I don't think its in the consitution I'm pretty sure its just a law or somthing.
I don't know if it is specifically described in the constitution, but it is part of US law that the president has those powers. Obama did it for Iraq at one point, specifically targeting the country. The wording used in that section of law is "any class of people" which can refer to race, religion, and nationality.
It's the same wording that gives us protected classes in the civil rights act.
i'm on to you newfag
Muh muhfuggen phaykeazz twitterz bro
>They """"""SACRIFICED"""""""""""
how do you figure that?
>his own people
but user not all terrorists are muslim :^)
Your pushing it!
Dont make me pull out the antisemitic, race card on you. Bc i will!
I will do it
I sacrificed my entire family on the immigrant boat.
I discriminated against Aryan-Americans to get here. And now I'm taking everything you have!
It's pretty disgusting, how both sides try to exploit grieving parents.
This is my dead Muslim.
Vote for Hillary.
...while they let others fuck them at the same time bullets and mortars hit next to their husbands.
(they lost their fathers during divorce and their sons when they recognized that their singlemom sucks, raised them to be weaklings and were the reason why they joined the army in the first place.)
Oh for fuck's sake, I hate and abhor women.
Disgusting cunts.
>both sides
Didn't the democrats parade those hajis up on stage first?
>will probably not break double digits with the non-white vote?
This never happens with even the cuckiest Republican presidential candidates.
>do you eevena reed teh conditution?
It's actually pretty ironic considering liberals are actively trying to dismantle the Constitution.
They are already hard at work trying to destroy the second amendment and on the off chance that they successfully do that, they'll likely attack the first soon afterwards.
They only refer to the Constitution when it suits their agenda.
Trump will be an anomaly. I assure you. Univision + Telemundo are in full Shill for Hill mode. He's going to get less than 5% of the hispanic vote
t. spic whose parents watch Jorge Ramos pretend to sympathize with the plight of the mestizo underclass while he is a privileged white andersoncooper look-alike faggot
Liberals in a nutshell. Hold others to a standard while not holding yourself to that same standard. That's why this election is so stressful for them. For once, the other side isn't taking the bait and holding themselves to that standard. Trump gives zero fucks, and they can't stand it.
It's not rational, it doesn't need to be rational at this point.
That's fine though. We're going to see a huwhite and male turnout unlike any in American history.
Obama did it to Iraqi's
When it has been days since the last Islamic attack.
*unsheathes pocket dictionary*
*teleports behind you*
heh... nothing personnel kid.....
*360 degrees allahu akbars you with no survivors*
Look up carl the cuck if you care enough.
US code
but US code is constitutional so
Actually wasn't there something a few hours ago?
This election has shown that the left/globalists are truly evil. Vote Trump or a society based on the European Renaissance and enlightenment values will be lost.
>America tries to win a war while literally there are enemies and their useful idiots within using its own constitution against it
The story of civilization
Do people know that the great wall of Chinese has done its job of keeping the enemies out and the only times it fails were time when there are turncoats within rank?
Jebjebjebjebjeb. What a duck.
>Son is Muslim
>Son Gets Killed by Muslim
>Son Gets killed by Muslim in Muslim Country
>Son gets killed by Muslim in a Muslim country that Hillary SUPPORTED to invade.
wew. The semantics.
The semitics.
no user
japanese could come and go in america during the world war 2
>Trump saying he has sacrificed just as much as a family who lost their son?
He never said anything about sacrificing as much, just saying that he himself had to make some sacrifices. Secondly, on a larger note what sacrifices has Hillary made? At least Trump is sacrificing his final years and his own money to reach the Presidency, he's downgrading jobs and income. Hillary ran to keep the FBI off her back, and to accept more donations to the Clinton Foundation.
He's sacrificing a lot to run for president and propose building a wall and banning islam. He is putting his life on the line with all the crazy liberals that want to kill him.
>Immigration & Nationality Act (1952)
>passed by the House
>passed by the Senate
>"It is illegal!"
Why are liberals so fucking stupid. I seriously wouldn't mind but they thump the fucking intellectual card so hard.
isn't that a fake account
>I believe that this nation is the last hope of Western civilization and if this oasis of the world shall be overrun, perverted, contaminated or destroyed, then the last flickering light of humanity will be extinguished. I take no issue with those who would praise the contributions which have been made to our society by people of many races, of varied creeds and colors. ... However, we have in the United States today hard-core, indigestible blocs which have not become integrated into the American way of life, but which, on the contrary are its deadly enemies. Today, as never before, untold millions are storming our gates for admission and those gates are cracking under the strain. The solution of the problems of Europe and Asia will not come through a transplanting of those problems en masse to the United States. ... I do not intend to become prophetic, but if the enemies of this legislation succeed in riddling it to pieces, or in amending it beyond recognition, they will have contributed more to promote this nation's downfall than any other group since we achieved our independence as a nation.
Do people think the US Constitution protects them once they set foot in the states, or protects non-Americans citizens? There is nothing unconstitutional about blocking a people from immigrating, because the constitution doesn't apply to them.
>Within U.S. territory, non-citizens have rights because of the 14th Amendment, which declares “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
The Constitution is a SHIT DOCUMENT and we need to REPLACE IT. It's full of fucking baseless phrases and undefined words that are way too open for interpretation. Every unconstitutional act that the government has committed and gotten away with was justified using the Constitution.
how about you go fuck yourself commie kike
oi vey
No, fuck you faggot. The Constitution is shallow and baseless, and commie kikes use it to bastardize the vision of the Founders. The Supreme Court hasn't done its fucking job and now the country is fucking unrecognizable compared against their ideals. The document, in effect, is a benefit to commie kikes and a deficit to freedom and liberty and every other American ideal. YOU'RE the kike here, you kike. You're worshiping one specific and imperfect transcription because it represents our founding ideals instead of worshiping our founding ideals themselves. Go fuck yourself.