trump has been revealed as Russian shill. he only has the interests of Russia in mind. he uses popular policies like building a wall to trick republitards into voting for him. reminder a vote for trump is a vote for Russia
No, the predictions have been pretty shitty this year.
That map depicts a 269-269 electoral tie btw.
When did leftists start using Russia as a bogeyman again?
I like Russia, so...
Since they invaded Afghanistan in the 70's, proving they were as evil and imperialists as USA still is.
Yes. Stop acting so fucking surprised, Jesus. The right never had a chance in our new single party state.
Pollsters are going to be in for a shock.
Whenever it suits a Clinton's purpose.
Used to be 80/20 according to Jewbag stats boi so looks like Trump is up.
stop using Nate Shillvers polls+ garbage, he is never right
>at 40%+
>when everyone was saying he wouldn't be able to get past 10%
who will win the presidency isn't the same question as who are you voting for
yeah let's use rasmussen or fox instead!
Oh wait. Those also have her up.
>Not wanting to burn the world in a nuclear apocalypse means you're a Russian shill now
its called a post-convention bump desu. desu i expected her to do way better after the DNC, but she is under performing as usual. this race is closer than you think.
just looks like DNC bump to me. trump had it too
Wasn't Trump leading earlier in the day or yesterday? Nate Bronze's "predictions" are like the stock market and based on nothing but his own dumb thoughts at the given moment.
At this point I would take a Russian shill as president over a democrat or neocon.
To be fair you could interpret this very low blow against trump is that the opposition is getting very desperate.
Yes the last few days Trump has gone down some and Hillary has gone up some. But it seems to be stabilizing.
She was +1 in rasmussen before her bump and after trumps
He's pretty under-performing right now in even traditional red states. Georgia is way too close right now. Same with Missouri (which romney won by +10). She's up by 6 in fucking North Carolina which Romney got by 100k and isn't gonna get its voting restrictions passed so blacks are gonna show up like crazy.
There's near no polls showing him winning this election and as it gets closer and independents lean toward her it'll be over.
What voting restrictions? Like ID laws?
Why is New Mexico blue? Did it literally become New Mexico
where the fuck do all these random polls these sites use to get their data even exist and who the fuck spends all their time voting in each one?
i'm going to vote in the ONE poll that matters in november. when all the liberal millennial cunts cry about how their "YASSS queen" hillary bitch lost, i can remind them that they needed to actually get off their asses and write her name on an actual ballot.
Guys... when you go out to vote... I hope you make the right choice
Strict ID laws, stricter time limits on registering to vote, stricter area limits on where you can vote. If passed NC would have had some of the strictest voting requirements in the nation.
I will give it was rather sketchy that they asked for a voting records based on race while they were drafting it and only begun making it all after a large turn out of blacks in their elections.
So I could see NC going red. Which could mean little in the overall election but would be a burn.
they come weighted from likely voters, and only registered voters get asked as much.
>when all the liberal millennial cunts cry about how their "YASSS queen" hillary bitch lost, i can remind them that they needed to actually get off their asses and write her name on an actual ballot.
It is over. It's ours to lose. All we need to do is let Trump keep talking as the election nears.. I think you'll see some traditionally red states go blue this election.
Santa Fe and Albuquerque are pretty damn liberal. The rural areas tend to be more conservative.
no they dont. only gallup does that. every one else just asks 30 people and acts like its a perfect representation of the voters in the country or state
some of these are done on college campuses and involve less than 10 people asked
They see the value of staking political claim in a neo-cold war. The Republicans did it to them during the real cold war, and they learned a lesson from it. If they can successfully drum up enough fear against Russia, and establish their party as the anti-Russia party, then they can lock down the fearful hawk vote.
It's strategically smart on their part. It just happens to be bad for America.
Hillary's strategy of letting Trump shove his foot in his mouth once a week and mostly keeping her mouth shut is working fairly well.
>imperialism is a bad thing
Sample sizes are at least in the 400s, more often in 900s with +1500 for larger states, and skew older in age.
>Believing in polls
>Current year
Don't worry my sweet Yankeedoodles, this painting is your future.
She is playing it smart. Campaign in the swing states, let Trump fuck up, wait for the debates where even if wins he can't help but come off like a jerk for beating a woman and now at this point with his hesitance to debate looks like a child forced to do something he doesn't wanna do just by showing up.
I really thought trump was going to be smarter about this. At least with the rnc on his campaign now I thought they'd figure what to really do. It seems they're most worried about evangelicals staying home and hoping to sway bernie voters but that's focusing on small numbers instead of playing the real game.
This. The won't fucking report on hmthe "defensive" missiles being lined up against Russia due to NATO's aggression. They really want Crimea don't they?
leftist shills and there left (((news))) organizations. sage
That image is glorious. Source?
beautiful. realistically we'd have consumed Mexico by then. a nation that powerful would only be able to achieve that through imperial domination or peaceful, global unification. the stragglers in the image would behave as modern nigger desert and forest tribes rather than still be united under any sort of country.
Hooooooooooooly shit, all these shills...
You're gonna boat a baiter big.
The LA Times actually has Trump up...and their poll has been one of the most consistent.
>Hillary's strategy of letting Trump shove his foot in his mouth once a week and mostly keeping her mouth shut is working fairly well.
Nice work Correcting the Record. Literally 80% of all the "controversies" surrounding Trump are completely and utterly media fabricated and media shilled. 100% of all controversies from the last month are literally media fabrications, and Shillary stooges pushing the narrative.
>Believing in polls
This, I believe more in the "the most charismatic candidate always wins" rule. That's why Obama landslided muppets like McCain and Rmoney so easily.
This, whereas Hillary's controversies are 100% real.
wtf i love russia now
>Believing in Sup Forumss
>Any year
The world will burn in nuclear hellfire once hillary takes her throne, and I welcome it
Bluepill who watches too much RT
I like what la times is trying to do but don't trust them just asking random 3000 people every day whether or not they're gonna vote.
Most national polls gather data on a state by state basis and decide likely voters based on voter history.
Seems the la times is just trying a gimmick of "WE ASK SOMEONE EVERYNIGHT!" thing and given how much work that is and how little it changes I'm wondering if they're even asking a different 3000 people.
But yeah that's definitely one of the only polls giving trump a national lead.
They are.
Actually you got me more curious about their method and it's a neat college experiment but I wouldn't give it as much weight as more established polling methods.
Basically there's a group of 3,200 participants and every night they ask about 400 from those 3,200 if they're still gonna vote and who for Clinton, Trump or Other.
Then post results weighted with average. Been doing that since June.
So you aren't getting different people and given it's done by UCS you're getting way more west than east people. And done by a university and university students.