Why are American school lunches so shitty?
Why are American school lunches so shitty?
That's the healthiest American school lunch I've ever seen.
>Why are American school lunches so shitty?
They spent all the tax money on solid granite food trays.
>his school doesn't have the standard lunch line along with a alternative hot lunch line (pizza/hamburger) and a cold lunch (salad/sandwhich) bar
It's like your schools were poor or something.
blame obamas wife, our school lunches used to be sweet, especially with honey mustard
even the plate looks like puke
Michelle Obama
The saltiest part of that post was you.
I hated that kind of school pizza. The only good school lunch pizza was "homestyle" pizza. Same with the hamburgers.
Its cool that you guys get school lunches. We either have to bring in lunch or buy it
The education at the school that serves that is probably just as bad
I almost always brought my own lunch.
Unless your poor you buy it
You need to eat less, so you can get off your rascal scooter.
Muh nigger memes
Because Barack's cunt wife wanted to make them "healthier".
Dunno. I always went to Dave's Burger Shanty.
Bean made me kek
Michele Obama
high schooler here, lunch is free at my school but it's literal shit, i'm almost certain prisoners are being fed better than we are.
School lunches are socialism. I always made my own lunch.
We used to get fish and chips for school lunch sometimes, but breaded fish, not like deep fried. Anyway this one kid would literally saturate his fish and chips with vinegar. Say the cafeteria tray is 1cm deep, he had 1/2cm of vinegar in there
I miss school lunch
>be me in elementary school
>have PB&J graham bars or chicken tendies
>salad bar always had fruit cocktail and orange
>always pocketed extra snacks, either were pudding packets or a small hostess snack for 1
>we got 2nds when the second bell rang, everyone ran from the playground back for more food
>be in high school
>every tuesday and thursday was grill day, get nice juicy sirloin burger
>other days always jogged with friends to golf course across the street for garlic fries and stealing golf carts
I fucking loved school lunches growing up, the only days they sucked were rainy days and the power might cut out from storms, but even then we got those packeted PB&J sandwiches.
>mfw i lived in a 'poor' district in california
its conspiracy
we'd get domnios or one of the more local pizza in my school. I live in a upper middle class suburb, so there's that.
I left school about 6 years ago and our lunchea were fucking amazing. Cafeteria pizza was the shit, burger day, spaghetti, even the breakfasts were amazing. And I was in public school
Holy fuck ok calm down double satan
what a fucking waste
kek wills it
Food costs money, schools are full of niggers, why spend a lot to feed them? Personally why are we even bothering feeding them in the first place?
If your kids don't like the food, make it yourself and have them bring it to lunch.
>tfw my Highschool had papa johns & chick fil a
those welfare poorfags where jelly af
Thank you Mr. Obama. Btw, tell your husband to stop stuttering everytime he talks about Trump.
Mom is a lunch lady and she always says, "thank Michelle Obama" when kids complain about the food.
>literally saturate his fish and chips with vinegar.
I see nothing wrong with this. I love vinegar.
>not being homeschooled
>not getting to eat tendies every day
I miss you mom ;_;
wtf i hate lunch now
Nanny State Nigger Michelle Obama
>corn and frozen rectangle pizza that always tastes like shit
>not taking your own lunch
Is that seriously a toothpick struck through the melon to look fancy?
I hope i have a child who is a dipshit in his early years so i can get rich when the school thinks its funny to impale my child's face with fucking fruit
>Huge helping of Corn
>Cheese and tomato sauce on soggy bread
>cup of processed peaches
>3/4 of a cookie
>Some no-name off brand of chocolate milk nobody will ever see, probably pic related
Surprised they give you a fork
i really liked school lunches, tatertot casserole is delicious
sexy sexts
Fucking waste
this brings back memories.
I used to take the cheese off the pizza, put the corn all over it, put the cheese back on, then roll it back up stuffing as much corn as I could into the center. Never thought I'd miss corn on a pizza.
holy fuck. all the genetic kike corn, aspartame, modified wheat, acidic cows milk. poor fucking kids.
Because the way to make 'smart, healthy kids' is to fucking starve them. Is this the Michelle's Somali Special?
>implying those aren't ridiculously cheap plastic
source: had these when I was in high school
My school had such a shit menu that I just brought from home and chose extra electives over lunch periods. Who needs a break and friends and shit.
Because shools are run by the American government.
Is this even enough calories for a growing child who may or may not have had breakfast?
They didn't even improve the quality of food, they just significantly reduced the portions of the food.
all of this i feel bad for those poor fags that dont know what they eat.
Make school lunch great again!
Whites go to school. we need to save the money for prison food. It would be racists if niggers had to not have great well balanced meals 3 times every day.
>that pseudo granite pattern on the tray to hide the stains when the lunchladys don't wash them well enough
That looks semi reasonable, if you ask me.
>google michelle obama school lunch
>get shit like this
Jesus christ
Not halal mate
If there is one thing I like about socialism is the public school lunches in Sweden. Homemade meals, tasted anywhere from okay to fucking great and already paid for by the tax payers so the kids don't need to pay up a dime.
Pic related
>they actually ate this stuff
Kraft dinner in a thermos and sandwiches all day erryday.
>chocolate milk
>some mushed fruit(?)
the combination is so odd I don't know where to start
We had pizza hut, taco bell, yoshinoya, and subway in my pubic high school besides the normal cafe. Why would you get government cafe food?
My grandmother told stories about how people would line up at the school cafeteria long ago to get the lunches the ladies made when they had chicken and dumplings. Actual working people ate there.
My jealousy and disgruntlement are infinite.
Schools have rules against that in several places
this one doesn't look so bad? get rid of the bread and brownie and if most kids ate this lunch everyday they wouldn't be disgusting future type 2 diabetus who shit their pants daily
>falling for the milk jew
most minorities cant afford to give there kids money to buy "real" food at school.
I get global trade, but since neither of things are grown in Sweden, what would a "farmer's market" Swedish meal be like?
A reminder to make every post count
Private or public? because this seems really strange
Because American schools are so shitty.
Also, corporations trying to make shit as cheap as possible in order to maximize profits.
No, it's also nothing but carbs
Why don't you take a packed lunch to school in America?
Its way more fun, since you can play while you eat
What a load of bullshit. My school that I went to imported food from an other school that imported food or it must be that the city i commute to is a socialist shithole
The people who post this shit are white upper class republican kids who pick out the worst or most basic options, mix it all together and then throw it out. They do it because they want to shit on anything involving the democrats.
Source:Upperclass Republican kid who did this while in HS.
Dumbass, that's a picture of prison food in the US. Google it.
Schools get generic slop, prisons get fresh vegetables, meat, a bread piece, and a desert.
The republic party
what's that?
Because this is a fake.
Remember clock boi?
If you never trolled your principal with false concerns, you weren't living.
That just looks like a shitty shepherd's pie.
this is the obama lunch
Darth Vader's Party
Nah. In the twoparty slop system the donkey tray would have gruel and the elephant an iou
Looks awesome.
>a roach telling burgermen what to do
What fucking school is he going to that still has metal forks? Hadn't seen those since kindergarten.
My spin on the "democrat" party
Packed lunches are what you got if your parents loved you.
God this brings me back to basic training with chow hall mushy paste they called nutritious.