>Be me >In the Marines >Return to barracks room after long day of errands >All 3 of my roommates and random dude all sitting around reading bibles and talking >They introduce me to the guy >Some SSgt here to lead a bible study session >it's a little weird but I'm a practicing Catholic so I'm down I guess >begins to talk about the antichrist >starts to talk about how each form of the different beasts in Daniel's prophecies and in revelations symbolize different kingdoms >says the biggest, most powerful one, the antichrist represents rome >iseewherethisisgoing.pdf >uses biblical evidence to explain why the Roman Catholic Church specifically the papacy, is the antichrist >makes sense I guess but to me it sounded like someone explaining why George Bush did 9/11 >didn't want to argue really because this guy seemed to know his shit and I was afraid he would accuse me of questioning the bible or some shit >Now all my roommates think I'm some devil worshiper >But now I have evidence why he's wrong and I'm ready for round 2 next weekend
OP, google >premillennialism >dispensationalism >post-millenialism >Preterism These are basic approaches to what is called christian eschatology (study of things to come). I'm no longer a christfag, but evangelicals are retarded about prophecy. They don't understand anything about the context wherein these prophecies were written. Evangelical end times stupidity was invented by illiterate American southern hicks. Your Catholic faith is more faithful to the original writings than these morons are.
Look up Hank Hanigraff & his thoughts on eschatology if you want a Christian intellectual argument against the shit those guys were talking to you.
Levi Stewart
you're all wrong /thread.
Elijah Anderson
>cucktholicks Not even once, heretic
Ethan Lee
Catholicism is heresy but I think he is wrong about the Antichrist. Its going to be an actual person. Its more apt to say Rome is antichrist. Also > jarhead Nevermind, you wouldnt understand anyways.
Jaxon Reed
Preterism op
Benjamin Hill
Modern Catholics that care anything about what the popes says, does, etc, are fucking worthless. It is just as bad as the protestants that fucking suck israel "my greatest ally" cock.
Jaxson Ortiz
>Be author of Revelation >Be imprisoned by Roman authorities >Write letter to fellow Christians talking shit about Rome >Use ancient Hebrew writing code to encrypt your message >Beast is Caesar >666 = Hebrew letters NRN QSR (nero caesar in hebrew) >Whore of Babylon plays the slut with the beast of Rome >Whore = Jews who rejected Jesus & conspire with Rome to persecute his followers (aka play the harlot with the beast) >Modern Amerifat fucktards believe the fanciful language is symbols for barcodes and computers and shit
Blake Lee
What i just said here
Juan Richardson
>church of Peter >Evil >K
The only other Christian denomination worth anything is Orthodox. Every other denomination of Christianity is an offshoot bastard child of Catholicism. The butthurt is strong with Protestants, but we Catholics are ready to welcome the lost lambs back into the flock
Easton Rivera
> thinking cryptically about a book thats supposed to describe the very end Why are we still here then? Why rev 1:19? Why hasnt Megiddo happened? Why arent I in the Kingdom?
Asher Cox
What are the differences between premillennialism and preterism?
Look it up fgt.
The age of Christ was ushered in contemporary with Revelation. From Temple era to Messianic era. This is the "millennium" that's described. It's a metaphorical figure often used in Hebrew apocalyptic writing. Theres a proverb that says god owns sheep on a thousand hilltops. Simply means "a lot"
Mason Turner
>mfw I just really realised you people genuinely believe all this shit
Nolan Wilson
You are blasphemers I believe. There is no way to God but through the Son. Dont worry, no need to read the bible or anything. Just buy your penance or whatever that was called.
Angel Allen
Literally can be refuted in about 35 seconds of Googling, Protestants have been making claims liek this and passing them down through there pastors to be parroted by guys like that SSgt for a long, long time.
Just type in "____ catholic answers" if you want a shortcut.
For example "rome antichrist catholic answers" or "whore of babylon catholic answers" etc.
And then Google why Protestants are completely wrong about everything, print it out, study it, and then own him with it later. It is absolutely and incredibly easy; because the only correct Christianity are those that existed before the Reformation. The only debate is between those (Oriental Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, etc.). Protestants are simply wrong and easily proven as such.
Also ask him where in the Bible it says a single thing about Sola Scriptura, how did early Christians practice Christianity without a Bible if Sola Scriptura is a thing, and what councils codified the Bible (ie: who put the Bible together...hint, protestants didn't exist at the time) and why the Protestants removed a plethora of books from the Bible during the reformation?
That is unless they are the type that can easily just disregard 2000 years of Christianity, the church fathers, etc. etc. and just plug there ears and go 'la-la-la-la my pastor said so and so did the Bible'.
Andrew Diaz
He he who the Jewish rabbis call "Moshiach" is the antichrist.
Luis Foster
Stop kidding yourself. You must take a literal look at revelations - thats not yet begun to happen! Soon, surely. Not yet though, heretic scum. Catholics are the worst, neo pagan idol worshippers! There are no saints to be prayed through, as if God would need saints for this. Thats thewhole ppoint of him sending the Christ!
Isaac White
Oh and since you are a Catholic Marine, read this:
Instead of listening to that imbecile rant on and on about heresy. It will do you far better even though it is unrelated to what he was saying. It is an extremely important read for any Christian male, especially a war-fighter.
>When the battle is at hand, they arm themselves interiorly with faith and exteriorly with steel rather than decorate themselves with gold, since their business is to strike fear in the enemy rather than to incite his cupidity. They seek out horses which are strong and swift, rather than those which are brilliant and well-plumed, they set their minds on fighting to win rather than on parading for show. They think not of glory and seek to be formidable rather than flamboyant. At the same time, they are not quarrelsome, rash, or unduly hasty, but soberly, prudently and providently drawn up into orderly ranks, as we read of the fathers. Indeed, the true Israelite is a man of peace, even when he goes forth to battle.
>Thus in a wonderous and unique manner they appear gentler than lambs, yet fiercer than lions. I do not know if it would be more appropriate to refer to them as monks or as soldiers, unless perhaps it would be better to recognize them as being both. Indeed they lack neither monastic meekness nor military might. What can we say of this, except that this has been done by the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes. These are the picked troops of God, whom he has recruited from the ends of the earth; the valiant men of Israel chosen to guard well and faithfully that tomb which is the bed of the true Solomon, each man sword in hand, and superbly trained to war.
Luke Rodriguez
>Once he finds himself in the thick of battle, this knight sets aside his previous gentleness, as if to say, "Do I not hate those who hate you, O Lord; am I not disgusted with your enemies?" These men at once fall violently upon the foe, regarding them as so many sheep. No matter how outnumbered they are, they never regard these as fierce barbarians or as awe-inspiring hordes. Nor do they presume on their own strength, but trust in the Lord of armies to grant them the victory. They are mindful of the words of Maccabees, "It is simple enough for a multitude to be vanquished by a handful. It makes no difference to the God of heaven whether he grants deliverance by the hands of few or many; for victory in war is not dependent on a big army, and bravery is the gift of heaven." On numerous occasions they had seen one man pursue a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight.
And remember, when they are huddled in their little group talking about how you are wrong, praying with saints is wrong, saying their parroted prayers, and generally droning on in their standard mega-church/protestant cliches, etc. etc. you will be kneeling next to St. Michael the Archangel, General of the heavenly hosts himself as ask that you and he pray together to the Lord before battle.
Lucas Diaz
Dylan Harris
What kingdom did he say the leopard represented?
Austin Jackson
Keep it civil and have an open heart. Do your best to bring our Christian brothers back to Christ's church.
Levi Rogers
> forgot that they called us on our saint prayin bullshit, just think ull b praying with the archangel sumdai! > skru dem and there megachurches! Everybude noes they are all megachurches! > protestant cliches Lol like what? Get btfo heretics Angels dont need to pray either retardo
Jayden Wood
There is a massive lack of Catholic chaplains in the US armed forces, and as a result the SOP for all American Protestant sects is to poach as many Catholic servicemen as possible.
Parker Anderson
Also, > parroted prayers > coming from a catholic You HAVE to be trolling right?
Alexander Myers
>bible study >in the marines last I checked you jarheads were too busy buttfucking each other to do any reading
Austin Fisher
Rape him
Michael Morales
>Angels don't need to pray either retardo
Right, the "Choirs of Angels" just sings Burzum songs all day long, eh?
Not even a protestant would say something like this so I assume you are just not a Christian and are enjoying baiting people.
Prayers that they parrot from their pastors. Which is exactly what I said, and then shortened it to 'parroted' because I thought it was implied. I understand the implication that Catholics use standardized prayers, but this is not the same thing I am talking about, in fact it is almost the exact opposite.