New Governor of Tokyo

Yuriko Koike, congratulations!

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Tokyo elects Yuriko Koike as first female governor

left or right wing


take a guess

She any good?

That's a solid 7/10 there provided she closes her mouth

She looks like the woman with the hafu daughter who made porn

I really don't understand how it's so fucking hard for a developed nation to have good dentists.

right wing

Margaret Thatcher was a woman


He looks kind of feminine to me.

ruh roh

>As a conservative nationalist, she belongs to the Diet members' league to support the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform.[21][22] Koike is one of the five Vice Secretaries General of the Diet Members' Committee of Japan Conference (日本会議 Nippon Kaigi?), the country's largest conservative think tank and the main revisionist lobby, once chaired by Tarō Asō.

>She is a member of the Diet members' group to promote Yasukuni Shrine visits, led by Yoshinobu Shimamura, and goes to worship the war dead at the shrine on War-End Day, 15 August, almost every year.

>Her foreign and security policies are often regarded as hawkish.[7][22][26] She suggested that the prime minister revise the interpretation of Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan to enable the government to exercise the right to collective self-defense.

Nippon Kaigi is a group that pretty much wants to bring back good ol' Imperial (aka fascist) Japan.

Plus she will make anime real.

>Koike has also actively promoted Japanese pop culture, appearing in cosplay as Sally from Sally the Witch in 2015, and stating during her 2016 Tokyo gubernatorial campaign that she wanted to turn all of Tokyo into an "anime land."

>stating during her 2016 Tokyo gubernatorial campaign that she wanted to turn all of Tokyo into an "anime land."

so Sup Forums approved?

I am #Kiokekaze now

Are mayors called governors in Japan?


So that raving anti-loli faggot is finally out of office?

Ew, I hate "Cool Japan" bullshit, especially when adults do it. Quit referencing children's shows as an full grown adult and go resurrect Mishima' corpse. Don't let arrested development ruin your once respectable society. Be normies. Muh nostalgia needs to end. Despise the ヲタ, do not welcome him.


wow, I stand corrected.


I am #Koikekaze now as well.

The tokyo metropolis is the equivalent of a state. like if NYC were considered one. and mayors are elected for each of the 23 wards which its comprised of.



every time

But ぃ is "i"?

God, her fucking gimmicky wierd green shit..

She looks like a bloody perfum sales lady from Seibu.. Although she's one of Japan's protectorates, I seriously doubt her governing ability.

Like many of the women in Japanese politics, they are insane. Having done everything and anything they can to obtain power from the stubborn old male politicians.

Get out mexican, and go learn correct pronunciation..


Koike is 64 years old now.

Japs have brown nipples?

>cupping the mic

What the fuck, Japan? I thought you guys understood technology.

You don't have to be such a cunt about it.

Just like Denmark has brown women now.

What fucking website are you on?


What is this, Japanese porn stars?

Is left wing even a thing in Japan?

Probably to some extent but I can't imagine western liberalism exists in Japanese politics.

Wow i love Kiokekaze now.

>Its our Year.

I like #5 with the derpy tits. That's cute.

tfw no qt right wing gf


>tfw no Le Pen.



She's perfect.


>conservative nationalist
>wants to turn all of Japan into "anime land"
Holy shit.
That's pretty awesome.

Good job Tokyo.

Wtf I now

>Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform
>Japan Dindu Nuffin Wrong