What do Latin-American and Iberian women think of arab men? I really have a weak spot for latinas and iberian women?
What do Latin-American and Iberian women think of arab men? I really have a weak spot for latinas and iberian women?
Iberians are Arabs, so I think it goes without saying that they like them.
You'd probly do well with Latinas as long as you hide your Islam, they're huge Catho Cucks. Not that I approve of race mixing
I'm not religious at all though, so nothing to hide except for you muslim name
Both my sisters hate Arabs and especially Persians. You'd think that the bad history wouldn't have much of an impact on people's mentality towards Arabs/North Africans today but you'd be surprised.
You people basically look the same, also many Latinos as you call them have plenty of Arab blood since Spain and Portugal were under Moorish rule for centuries
This has nothing to do with politics. Fuck off to
Are you latin-american? Why do they hate arabs? ISIS?
Trips means you'll get it praise moloch! A lil rp might help too, I've convinced
Black girls I used to be in Isis (I have a "friend" whose ex Mossad so I know dawlah Lingo)
Do you know anyone who is in ISIS? Nusra?
Come to Honduras and get mad Latin poon. All high society here is Arab and Jewish. Just bring a personal army with you lel
Portuguese.. My guess is that it's because our culture is saturated with disdain for Arabs and North Africans. Probably our upbringing as well because my dad especially hates you as well.
Semites.... Expect fights
Latinos are very red-pilled about Muslims you know. They aren't cucked like white people when it comes to that shit.
As a general rule, latinas won't look at you if you're not latino or white. Blacks openly disgust them, they have no interest in Asians for some reason, and Arabs are Muslims, AKA not Catholic, and generally perceived by Latinos as savages.
No. I know about people who have been in ISIS. I know about them because they were in the news and our coward government is letting them walk freely. I hope they get fucking shot in the head. Lowlife scum.
Honduras bro, how dangerous is your country? Have you ever been robbed?
Yeah but also you have virtually 0 terrorism in Latin America, and if you're a handsome Arab you can get mad pussy. They don't hate Arabs, they hate terrorist Muslims
The ones that come back to the west are usually the washouts and losers, ones that did too little fighting to catch a bullet and didn't have the chutzpah to do a martyrdom operation.
Spaniard-Mexican here. You are perceived as a mayate and both men and women universally hate you. Dating a towelhead or negro gets your ass disowned and outcasted. My family and friends in Mexico and Castilia would go for a kill.
Yes we do hate them. Both Muslims and ayyyrabs.
>good looking arab
well memed
I am lower tier high class (not a Jew or Arab tho lol) and I don't live in the capital city of SPS ( city with highest murder rate ) so I have remained fairly distant from any trouble. My house was broken into once and some things were stolen. If I was there at the time I most likely would've been shot. However this was before I had taken the necessary precautions.
If you stay out of drug business and politics you're pretty safe. That's when any danger you might run into is easily avoidable and not as perilous as what it is made out to be.
yeah but he needs one of the big family surnames or he's SOL
South europeans are mostly near eastern just like you so stic with arab women.
For a mexican you sure have a big mouth. Only bolivians are uglier than you people. Here's a handsome arab for you
Not politics related
Also, fuck off, camel fucker
Latinas are whores so he has a chance I think.
The fuck would you know about that, Poland?
>that thing
Okay, centuries of cousine fucking can shift standards quite low.
I'm Güero Mexican and my mom is Castilian. Trust me güeros in Mexico are top tier people looks-wise, unlike some inbred pig-eating son of dune whores.
>Güero Mexican
Is that a euphemism for sudaca?
What do arab girls think of Latino men?
I find many of them very attractive, the way they walk with this finesse that is very sexy. I was at the grocery store and saw this one lady wearing those black robe things and I could see her panty lines and big ass. Damn she was fine.
How did you end up in Russia, man? How are spics treated over there? Are there a lot?
OP, DON'T GO TO HONDURAS, those people are murderers...
Actually, don't come to latin america at all, stay in your shithole and blow yourself up.
No guero is mexican slang for white. And yeah some gueros and gueras are very attractive both physically and in their character, but most of them are spoiled fucks that belong below the most illiterate natives
Costa Rica primo, shut up its not that bad lol
If you give them freedom and you're not very ugly they'll love you. I see arab girls with ugly white fat guys all the time. They're so used to being treated like shit with men they'll appreciate anyone who treats them decently.
Lose five pounds of ass and she'd be hot.
Norway is not a shithole though. Costa Rica, isn't it that country white people go to to fuck cheap prostitutes?
>juan gonzales detected
Am I able to approach them even if they wear a headscarf and shit? Is it forbidden for them to date a Christian? I'm not religious but I would rather my kid be christian desu
You literally look the same. If Victoria Justice had a hijab she would look exactly like an Arab or Turk
Searched "guero mexican" and got this. Do they all look like Louis CK?
No one said Norway is a shithole faggot.
And yes, lots of hookers here...some of them are really expensive so not 100% are cheap.
>implying latinos on Sup Forums are something out of the ordinary
We're taking over this image board like we're taking over the country. Deal with it, white man.
Yeah. Very often the headscarf is something they wear because their parents force them to. Lots of sluts wearing hijab to not get beaten up by their dads or brothers.
They usually travel out of town to stay with their boyfriends and avoid being seen by relatives. True story, first hand experience.
here people don't like muslims at all, and we are quite racist. we only like withe and hispanic people (the only kind of people that you will find here).
>arab men?
They think that you are disgusting subhuman cockroaches.
Just like everyone else.
Latin male here (non Mexican) Latin women do lean towards Spanish men from what I've seen. But Arabs do kinda look Hispanic so just surround yourself with Spanish women and you're bound to snag one, eventually.
spics and arabs look the same so you could just blend in with them
Hahaha, I just googled your country. WTF man, you people look inbred. Trust me, if I were to go to Latin-America I'd go to a country with attractive people like Colombia or Argentina.
You guys look like fair skinned aboriginals.
lel no. Most of the Mexican gueros ( and Chileans and Colombians for that matter ) I've met look more European than anything. But if that's what you want just stay in Europe lol.
Don't you think this is a little unfair? It would be like saying "Brits are Scandinavians" or "Japs are Koreans", except even worse because the Muslim-Christian cultural divide is very real and endured across centuries.
Just don't wear a rag on your head and you'll look like one of us. Brown people look all the same desu
arabs are a lot hairier and lot stupider
Yeah, exactly. I live in Norway, you can't get whiter people than you find here. But I've always loved tan and dark women. Plus latina curves.
These retarded have mixed with the indians like the mexicans, eww. Cuba is the way to go man
This is what the majority of the population in central America looks like. As I've said before it's the high class that looks attractive
there is this one arab girl I see on campus wearing a garb and she uses a roller bookbag. She's really quiet and I often see her sitting somewhere. How would I go about approaching her?
the definition of "white" in Latin America is different. So take it as you will.
just like your average spic
Are there any women, which sandniggers don't have a "soft spot" for? Most of you are inept turbovirgins, pretty sure you're happy at literally anything that even looks your way.
>Implying I look remotely like those overweight lazy ass retards.
Well good, go whereever you want as long as you stay from me you dirty shitskin.
Can confirm. A lot of people here don't even think I'm Dominican. They constantly ask me if I have Arab family.
Happens when I'm in the US too for college.
Spics aren't hairy.
If what you want is darker women and want to come to Latin America you'll have to look for an attractive native-gened girl. Its like looking for a needle in a haystack. You are also potentially exposing yourself to more danger
Definitely not. I've been to Germany, and I don't recall seeing a single attractive german woman. Is it the same in Austria? Are all your women ugly?
Approach her like you would with any woman. Just don't turn it sexual.
Look at my GF and stay salty.
Rahim Malek's family is Coptic. I doubt he considers himself an Arab.
tshhhh.... let's make mayate get killed
The ones with a bit more Spanish blood are hairy. I'm hairy as fuck, although not Turk tier.
Go Caribbean. I'm cuban the last four gfs I've had have and current have been Puerto Rican, best nationality I've been with, and such freaks in the bed.
go up to her and call her a sharmuta, that means beautiful girl in arabic and she will instantly fall in love with you
Those are mexicans you twat.
I'm dominican and I'm not hairy. Latinos are rarely hairy. I knew this Colombian girl but she was very hairy.
Change your name and become catholic if you want a good chance of getting with a latina.
LMFAO. The faggot thinks Moors are Arab.
>Arab OP
Im redpilling every women i know on arabs, they have been very receptive to rationalize that muslims in general are subhuman scum even by our low standards.
I tell them to remember that egyptian that kidnapled a colombian's women daughters and raised them as burka wearing scum cutting all contact from the mother cause she didnt want to convert to islam.
Depends on the exact type of mixture I guess. I've been to Spain and they're hairy af though.
lol what
My latinafu is half PR! Why do Puerto Ricans hate Dominicans?
They are unless you're one of the special snowflake berber retards then nobody is arab except the gulfniggers
Don't bother with that subhuman trash. Leave her alone for clockbois.
If she'd fuck a land torpedo, she would be disowned or killed along with her lover by many normal families.
Our definitions of tan and dark women may differ because I've lived in Norway almost all my life. This to me is a dark woman.
>I tell them to remember that egyptian that kidnapled a colombian's women daughters and raised them as burka wearing scum cutting all contact from the mother cause she didnt want to convert to islam.
Wait what? post story
Cuba, DR, and PR all have a friendly rivalry, especially us and PR. We get along just fine though. We are all pretty similar in terms of culture after all.
Here's the girls I went to high school with, with my ex being the one on the left
I can guarantee that no turbovirgin sandnigger like you, who has "soft spots", ever pulled anything close to either one of them.
Why so angry though sudaca? Did you whore mother have to move to russia because the spanish can't afford mexican hookers anymore?
Now THAT is a thick arab man!
Ahh, that's cool. How 'bout Haiti?
A lot of the Dominicans go to PR for a better way of life.So PRs don't like the DR migrants
How do I say this slowly? You're retarded.
Left one is ugly, middle one is 6 bordering on 7, and right one is 8.
And yeah, I have pulled norwegian women better than the two first from the left. But considering your shit taste you may not agree.
Most latinos dislike them, but Dominicans especially despise Hatians.
>mfw westerners ITT think arab men don't get laid in their countries
>mfw they have no idea how slutty their own women are
Nice tumblr prop. It's not happening, Juan. What few of you unintegrated mongrels are actually here, *will* be going back.
LOL, I didn't read the left one was your gf. Sorry man, but she seriously is ugly. She's the type of girl guys here would fuck after getting drunk.
We all hate them pretty much. They're everywhere, from Chile, all the way to Canada. They're like literal roaches.
they are average at best
you fucking germanics pigs should be exterminated
fuck you
latinas are christians the two religions(Christianity and Islam) don't mix, and there is hardly any Muslims in Latin America.
but from what I can tell living in a very diverse city here in muhrica, latinas would rather date/fuck:
white latinos
every thing else
in that order.
in other words I hardly see any Latinas with arab guys.