Why do celebrities seem to overwhelmingly support democrats/liberals?
Why do celebrities seem to overwhelmingly support democrats/liberals?
>biting the hand that feeds you
because they live in a fantasy world.
They get blacklisted when they don't agree to the jews' schemes
t. Mel Gibson
however I've been in contact with Swift's manager over the last week and we're arranging a rally in FL where she appears and endorses him.
Should be a win-win for us all
>posting questions with obvious answers for (you)s
This meme must stop
Because a rich guy is fine. A poor asshole is fine. But a rich asshole risks his richness
People who live in all-white gated communities assume everyone else acts like rich white people. They think racists literally hate the color brown and that money is just an arbitrary number. To them, nobody is dumb, nobody is violent, and nobody is mean, so they think the rules of a kindergarten classroom are an adequate substitute for the laws of a nation.
Literally no ass
This. They play pretend for a living and FEEL more than they think.
For one, their fanbase if full of broke minorities who spend a lot of their money on entertainment. It's essential for people like Hillary and Obama to keep these people down in order to keep themselves in power.
These celebrities are OWNED. And a lot of them are puppets who are either brainwashed into believing what they preach, or preach it for the money.
So when the corporations have global interests and an agenda, they use these puppets to spread their messages to those they can manipulate. These corporations also use politicians. They fund them for their own interests, and people like Hillary will do things that benefit them.
This in turn, puts celebrities in a bind. After all of the propaganda and brainwashing of the public, it would be career suicide to even support Trump, and it would highly beneficial to support Hillary do to the fact that their fanbase is made of retarded brainwashed liberals.
Because young people are liberal and they consume the most media.
It's also the young people who could destroy someone's career through chimping out on social media if they don't support their views.
Not to this your this, but this. You're the first to mention FEEL dominant types. If you play pretend for a living, having your feels be dominant would be a major help. Also, it seems to me a lot of lefties play pretend IRL all the time, it's just that they're really bad at it, so perhaps actors see themselves in them.
They're just LARPing hard as fuck all the time.
Because they leave their moms basements and travel the world and experience other cultures and religions and lifestyles.
Seriously, even the metal bands that poltards jerk off to like Metallica and Slayer go on world tours and accept diversity.
Henry Rollins would probably be a white supremacist if he hadnt joined a band and went on tour and experienced the world.
The Jews run Hollywood, if you don't go along with and support their narrative, then you're out of work. The only exceptions are guys like Mel Gibson who are powerful enough that they don't need help from the Jews to make movies.
I'll nibble your bait you stupid Canadian fuck.
The world isn't binary; if you're not a liberal it does not mean you are a white supremacist, or whatever far-right ideology happens to tickle your fancy.
They do what the jews tell them to.
Who do you think pays them
[spoiler]the Jews[/spoiler]
Quite the opposite
They never have to face the consequences of the irresponsible policies they support.
I doubt Kanye has ever experienced a gang of mudslimes catcall Kim as they were taking a walk in their neighborhood on a Sunday afternoon.
If anything, traveling has made me more racist.
>Go to Korea or Japan, get kicked out of businesses because Im not Korean or Japanese
>Go to Jamaica, and experience the worst form of nigger culture with violence, poverty and ignorance
>Go to Mexico and see violence, poverty, ignorance, massive paranoia and obnoxious behavior
>Go to Europe pre-2010 and see how everything in a successful society should be
>Go to Europe in 2016 and see how niggers and Muslims have ruined what was once the pinnacle civilization
>Visit places like Miami, NYC and Los Angeles and see immigrsnts from all the above countries acting like we owe them something or should kiss their asses for breathing
Naw, fuck you, faggot. People who travel will never support Globalism, either because you see how stupid people are in lesser developed countries, or you appreciate their unique, individual cultures and dont want it wiped out by monocultural Global Marxism.
Because they don't live in the real world. They live in creative gene fantasy land.
They don't have to deal with illegals taking their jobs.
They don't have to deal with hood niggers.
They don't have to deal with the real court system.
They don't have to deal with trying to feed a family paycheck to paycheck.
>Why do celebrities seem to overwhelmingly support democrats/liberals?
Something about this image seems so familiar...
Because they mostly care about being able to indulge in their poisons and perversions without going to prison or decent people being able to criticize them for their degenerate behavior.
>Movie stars
>Support open borders
>Support forcing immigrants into established neighborhoods
>Support Mexicans displacing American workers for cash
>Support benefits for anyone simply by applying
Try to walk onto a movie set or work on one without a Union Card and find out how they really feel...
>go to upper class hotels away from the general population
>gee these people paid to be nice to us sure are nice to us
Why would you question such an authentic experience?
Seriously though, do you ever stop browing Sup Forums for a second?
That's right, they travel the world as rich people and once they feel like leaving, they go home to their gated communities populated almost exclusively by rich people and whites.
Because doing so is part of the roles they play.
The only ones that I know of that support Trump are Tom Brady and Mike Tyson
It also has to do with personality. Note that many male celebrities are liberals, but it's more even. On the other hand, virtually all female celebrities are liberals. This, I think, has a lot to do with their personality. Most people in this business are extroverted, have high self-monitoring and, most of all and correlated with the other two, they love other people's attention. This, in a woman, is usually a sign she likes to fuck around. Also, they are surrounded by attractive men. Conservatives don't condone this kind of behavior, so they usually are liberals.
Drugs are also an issue too and follow pretty much the same pattern.
you already know the answer, goyim
Charlie Sheen
Dennis Rodman (not sure How I feel about that one with NK and all)
Kid Rock
Loretta Lynn
Ted Nugent
Tim Allen
Vince Vaughn
Chuck Norris
satan runs it. Once you get this shit is all demonic/planned/satanist bullshit and you take it serious and investigate it. You will understand why
If a disproportionate number of celebrities are like this, the other follow by sheer peer pressure. These people live in a bubble and if you can't get into that bubble, your future is fucked.
Post proof or fucking kill yourself.
>Ted Nugent
Dude needs to learn how to conceal his powerlevel.
I liked his facebook page when I was younger, and then early this year my newsfeed was suddenly full on gas the kikes.
Ok men, as a man who's worked in the acting business, the reason why pretty much EVERY celebrity is a democrat is because celebrities work in the business of entertainment. They believe with a little hard work, anyone can change the world. The world can become a beautiful place. And because they did it, (Become happy and made a difference to a lot of people) anybody can.
You all know that liberals think the world is a beautiful place. Is it really so hard to connect the dots and see that one who literally entertains and makes people happy for a living would think the same way as those that he or she may entertain?
they dont get to see the real world, they have everything handed to them from money, food, sex,drugs.