Sup Forums utterly, undeniably, incontestably, unquestionably, totally, irrefutably BTFO

Sup Forums utterly, undeniably, incontestably, unquestionably, totally, irrefutably BTFO

Reminder that if you support Trump you are on the wrong side of history.

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Thank you for Correcting the Record.

upvoted, reddit gold gifted and fedora tipped

Yeah I don't see how Trump can crawl himself out of that one t b h. irishstevenj is correct. Hopefully Trump will read the Constitution before he takes the oath.

lol who cares about the constitution .

It was written forever ago and not even relevant anymore.

Oh snap, drumpf just got pwned.

It's called slander, cunt.

he's free to try and prove damages

Thank you for Correcting The Record.
I'm #mentallyhill now.

Have this it will make you cry due to your candidate beingunlinked by the masses. This is her in one of her supposed strongholds haha.

I think the "he has no right to do" was a figure of speech.

Weren't the founding fathers notorious for suing the shit out of each other for libel?

ok mr libel

He could sue just about every single journalist for libel.

why do people buy reddit gold?

like i said, prove damages

Freedom of speech does not give you the right to slander/libel.

Sage and move on boys. Daily reminder that reddit is fucking retarded (and people think they're actually accomplishing shit by buying reddit gold)

This is retarded and you know it. Fuck off commie scum.

autist vs. non-autist divide on full display here

I hope the shill money dries up your liberal tears effectively

if there was any hope left, yeb himself finally stumped the trump

>muh wrong side of history
You cucks literally only care about choosing an ideology based on it's popularity. You make me sick.

But it doesn't.
Freedom of speech gives you the right to express an idea, not the right to pass something off as fact when it is demonstrably false.


Simple, he can just go to court and have people with affidavits saying that he had read the constitution before Khan's statement.

They're redditors

they're fucking retarded normies but with autism.

I don't know why leftists are trying to make this """"controversy"""" stick. Americans don't give a shit about arabs and especially not foreign-born arabs who talk down to us about our own fucking Constitution.

You realize that the Khans are citizens, right

>wrong side of history
This was originally said of leftists because they are basically taking what hasnt worked in the past and applying it to the US as if its magically going to work this time.

Pretty sure they were born overseas in durka durka land

why do people buy Sup Forums pass

So you don't have to deal with gay ass reCaptcha that barely works half the time

why have reCaptcha

Anyone that stands with Muslims against the west is committing sedition and treason. You will pay in the end, if death doesn't come to you outright. Leftists are living in a fantasy where they believe they won't be punished for blatantly making moves against western civilization.


Feels good man


Why don't US liberals promote my right to bare arms

If they wanted to be citizens, they wouldn't claim they are Muslims first, and they wouldn't be using their title as Muslims to deface the nation and attack a nationalist candidate while supporting a globalist warmonger in bed with the Saudis. Fucking eat shit, you're either American or you are not.

I'm seriously ready to start impaling and skinning leftists alive. Not even joking, I am in bed awake all night in shock at how traitours and insane leftists have become.


YES IM hate!


memes aside, he obviously meant "right" as it is used colloquially; he meant that Khan has no just reason to be able to say what he did about Trump other than being a paid sHill.

This is retarded liberal shilling, twisting his words around eat cock



But the right side of HERstory

>my right to bare arms
Keep your arms covered, slut.

Hitler was on the "wrong side of History" yet you faggots haven't stopped talking about him for 70 years.

If it means killing six gorrilion of you traitors and kikes before being forever remembered as a villain... I'm OK with that.

Your deaths will not be pleasant ones.

>no right
>not knowing it's a simple expression
there is a difference between "you have no right to detain me" and "you have no right calling me a liar".
shills are gong hard tonight

Well jihadi John is in Britian soo...
>wtf are rights.

This is not free speech. There is no evidence that Trump had never read the constitution.

This is a lie to further improve a negative propaganda against Trump

No, he has not the right to attack Trump without evidence.

wtf I hate gold now!

actually the supreme court ruled it is