>Not eating Latina pussy
>Not being aware that Donald Trump is a tool of the Jews to keep the white man from finding his one true love and staying in miserable realtionshits with white "women"
nobody cares lol
kill yourself stupid faggot
>I'm too autistic for a white girl to fuck me so I had to stoop to fucking the smelly natives
Ok Yeb...
Trump is such a bad idea.
¿Quién es este demonio de semen?
>eating pussy
Full beta.
Might as well get her a bull, too.
>posting the same thread everyday
get a life faggot
Who is this spermatozoa chupamamadabracabra?
>"Eating pussy"
>Not bending her over and eating latina asshole
It really is the greatest. Have done it to two chicks already. They love it.
ayy papi
what the fuck
i am latino you don't want to eat any latina's ass based on our diet, gringo
The first pussy I ate was latina
Was nice. I actually enjoy eating pussy but it usually makes me break out in acne for some reason
>not eating pussy
>not eating ass
you're denying yourself one of life's best pleasures because "muh betas eat pussy" which makes you a complete beta yourself. An alpha does whatever the fuck he wants in bed, if he enjoys eating pussy, he eats pussy.
>I actually enjoy eating pussy but it usually makes me break out in acne for some reason
maybe you werent enough for her...
I would scuba dive to the bottom of the sea on a tank of her farts.
Real Mexican girls are actually weirded out if you try to eat their pussy, it's not something they expect a man to do. I think that they see it as submissive and not at all sexy.
>Source: I've fucked Mexican girls
Also, protip: fucking a Mexican is only acceptable when you're on a severe drought. The ugly latina:hot latina ratio is even more severely fucked than the gooks'. Not only that, but dating a girl whose second language is English is ultra-easy mode for baby betas. The language barrier makes it easier to conceal flaws or faults, so both people make up positive mental images of the other person to fill in the gaps.
>the jews are trying to stop people from race mixing
Haha, this guy is never going to get his woman wet.
Enjoy your shitty dry fucks. A real alpha does whatever the fuck he wants in bed and the woman goes along because of his confidence.
What a fucking faggot. I mean, what kind of slimy shit would even write this out?
Spoken like a true beta.
> real alpha does what he wants
>is unable to get a girl off without becoming her bitch
Lmao. Does your cuckshed have WiFi?
>eating pussy
Disgusting. Oral sex is a woman's job.
They're okay at best. White women are still better.
Even the baby is ugly..
Is that a ballsack?
She had a puffy vag.
well that's what happens when you stick your dick in the bean dip.
More of this qt pls.
>eating pussy/ass
They're not the same girl, and I don't have anymore of her on this computer. I have pics of another ex though, if you want them.
very true
I dont know why. I guess its because slober and pussy juice
Spic broads do have the best pussy and they love to fuck.
Why are latinas being shilled here so much. Everyday, for weeks now, there have been threads about why white men should fuck spics.
My dick needed that picture, thanks
Its literally the same cuck faggot spamming the exact same picture
At least it's not the guy who would spam the 2 Latinas with their feet on the table.
>tfw having BBQ every sunday with la familia
>tfw kids and pinotas everytime
>tfw drinking pistellas with 'coz while GF cooks with other women
>tfw always shady shit happens in the background
>tfw pitbulls and 13 inch rims
>tfw GF preggo again and I can't take that fucking music anymore
>tfw fell for the latina meme
Wash your face???
hello darkness my old friend
Latinas. This is silly. The pussy, please. Let me lick it.
Any white man who would sleep with and have children with a non-white woman hates himself. He hates himself because that child can never be white like he is.
Eating pussy is for cucks.
That kind of shit is why women don't respect white men.
NIce b8 nigger
This Latina pussy is great.
Can someone pass the sour cream?
It's a submissive act, leafcuck.
The woman is supposed to submit to the man, not the other way around.
This pic always makes me hnggggg. I want to sniff this chick's ass so badly.
I'm not shill for multiculturalism or anything, but Middle Eastern women are honestly the superior exotic Caucasians. The Chileans/Colombians we have around here look like retarded hobbits, and those who don't are just like any Spaniard
wtf i am a woman now
Allergic to pussy juice maybe.
It probably smells like rotten tacos and raw sewage, you fucking degenerate