Conspiracy thread cont...
Conspiracy thread cont
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Do you have any evidence for your conspiracy theories, OP?
It depends on what you mean by evidence, if I would have conclusive evidence then it would not longer be a theory but a fact, so no I dont have any conclusive evidence for NWO or finders cult, that's why I say "I believe" when I talk about conspiracies.
However, there is a lot of evidence and information that is pointing in that direction and making me open to the possibility of them being true.
The conspiracies I believe in is NWO , finders cult and CIA/American black ops around the world.
Communism is still trying to take over the world
Global warming is not man made
I dont know if hillary has ties with the devil but i wouldnt be impressed if she did.
Many canadian shitposters are americans using proxies just to mess with us. Just fucking admit it amerifats
The word Nostalgia is a jewish construct to make goyim believe it has always been worse as compared to today
Is there only one brunette woman in the united states?
>Communism is still trying to take over the world
Not on my watch.
theyre always the ones doing the A fucking leaf combos and the flag shaming. its them using proxy. fucking admit it
>Global warming is not man made
reasking because it wasn't answered in the other thread
redpill me on global warming and how it's not manmade, from what I recall from schooling, most scientists agree that man has some affect on the greenhouse effect
I hereby summon the shills.
Oh wait, I see they have already arrived.
(Just kidding m8. I see a resemblance, but it's fine if you disagree.)
My buddy told me Call of Duty and other fps were made to train the next generation for war. I have no evidence and this is purely speculation, but it really made me think.
Why was Kennedy killed Sup Forums?
Personally I think Johnson arranged to have him killed because he wanted to be in power.
>It sounds like you suffer from solipsism syndrome and grandiose delusions. Did you spend a considerable amount of time alone as a child? And second, you might be entering into the beginning stages of schizophrenia.
I'm in my mid thirties, I would imagine I'm way too late for the onset of schizophrenia, I've never heard of the other condition, but i'll read up on it, I doubt my theory is remotely related to any mental illness however.
I was the eldest child so I rarely had much time to myself as a child, I do spend the vast majority of my time alone as an adult however.
don't worry, it's actually close to a valid interpretation of quantum mechanics (see the many minds interpretation)
That's Vicki Soto's sister: Carlee Soto.
If anyone mentions Sandy Hook I will be triggered. I have read and have notes on the entire police report.
The only 'actor' that day was Gene Rosen.
What was the plot?
I'm just genuinely curious since it doesn't hold up as solid evidence. If their faces weren't contorted with crying and they looked the same it would be believable. But as it is it can be taken either way.
CIA did it. They're pretty much pure evil Luciferians and Bush Sr had very strong ties to both the CIA and Luciferianism.
captcha: miq lincoln
Russia hacked the DNC emails
Did someone mention Sandy Hook?
>In my theory, I consider myself to be the quantum superposition for this reality, a reality that exists solely due to my own observation, this explains why despite many dangerous situations I've found myself in I've always walked away unscathed, in another version of reality where you are the quantum super position I might well be dead or crippled, but in this reality I'm functionally immortal
That sounds really mentally ill. If that came from anyone but yourself, you would agree.
how many more years will i have to stay alive until the truth comes out about ..
>sandy hook
and all the other shit that i know they're lying about
google quantum suicide, the dude has a point
I find quantum mechanics really interesting ever since I first became exposed to the theories, but I don't pretend to know enough about them to know if my personal little theory is consistent or not, only that it fits to my own observations.
The 97% scientist consensus is shady at best, deliberate lie at worst.
The whole climate change stuff is based on computer prediction using arbitrary parameters. Reminder that a computer is still horrible at guessing tomorrow's weather. Imagine asking him to guess the climate in a few decade which 100x more complex to do. The predictions they did back in the '90 are ALL wrong. The planet is much cooler than their most enthusiastic prevision.
Definitive red pill on 9/11
You could at least fix the fucking typo.
whats the pw
Opposition to Operation Northwoods. Literally says this in the Wikipedia article. This is babbys first red pill.
I don't necessarily believe it but I strongly suspect that "scientific materialism" is a conspiracy to prevent people focusing on any religious self-development type activity aimed beyond the grave. In other words, convince everyone that they only have one life, that brain death is total death, and nothing lies beyond. I'm not sure WHY but I also think they are covering up proof of rebirth/reincarnation.
Not only is there no global warming, there's not even a globe.
Or at least, that's what some people believe. And yes, many of them are idiots. But theoretically FE has surprisingly reasonable explanations for a lot of things, I find (yeah I'm that guy from last thread, I don't know too much but probably more than average so ask me shit if you want.)
So basically Zero Hour General, except shittier?
Either way, it's a good conditioning method and "hitmarkers" are basically a household brand applicable to drone and smart weapons
World elite are plotting the world's destiny at the Bohemian Grove while engaging in homosexual orgies and human sacrifice
JFK was the last (and possible only) good Democrat.
RIP, fucking LBJ.
I don't think I would, honestly. For me to consider it mental illness, it'd have to be provably false and I don't think it's provable either way.
Literally not even a conspiracy theory, just politics.
Considering all my money goes 100% towards more content just pay Jew.
If you want the free significantly less informative version watch "war is always by deception" on YouTube but because it is 8 years older it doesn't have all the new research which mostly is FBI reports regarding the Israeli role.
The same fbi reports used by the Senate investigation which showed the Saudi government role in the "28 pages". Which btw this film showed with 100% accuracy when it came out in November.
Excerpt from film regarding the 28 pages
Did you find out how they would explain the curved earth surface? I am open to a lot of things but earth being flat is really hard for me since I have studied physics.
Also you said gravity is not real according to FE guys? If that is so, then how can they explain that it is proven by the scientific method, meaning that anyone doing the experiments anywhere will get the same results?
Its not proof but have you notice the cult-like behavior of 'pro-climate change' people ? When you disagree with them they immediatly panic and rage? It's very weird. This thing is like a religion I swear. There's even an occasional lunatic that want to make ''climate change denial'' illegal a little bit like the holocaust denial.
>I'm not sure WHY
Convince everyone that space as we know it is real, and you effectively remove God.
Why would they care so much or want to do that? Well, if you believe the NWO is behind it you should also be aware of those elements' beliefs in the occult. There's your answer.
Anyone with a rifle can prove this wrong stop well poisoning it only serves to help the government in keeping real conspiracies buried in an ether of stupid
if only that was an actual quote.
Today's "Jews" are actually a separate race of Satan worshipping monsters that control our entire civilization. The real Jews/Hebrews of the Bible are the people that became Christian after the coming of Jesus.
Look up who is James Holmes' father.
This isnt even conspiracy, its just examination of the facts.
This is pretty ordinary political manoeuvring or gamesmanship, hardly conspiracy material.
I'm not sure what you mean exactly by "explain the curved Earth surface." Does this help?
>meaning that anyone doing the experiments anywhere will get the same results?
Well, gravity is a big issue for both FE and GE so I don't know enough about what either side officially believes. This is just my own reasoning here, but I'm not sure I believe quote-related proves the theory of gravity.
but why?
why bother when pretty much everything posted on Sup Forums is tinfoil anyway ?
WHAAAA? no fucking way
>I'm not sure what you mean exactly by "explain the curved Earth surface." Does this help?
I mean what I wrote in the other thread about the sailing ship and seeing the tip of the sail first of an oncoming boat. How can they explain that the surface is clearly beant like a sphere would if it is supposed to be flat?
About the gravity, yeah modern physics have not really figured gravity out yet, but didn't you link a picture in the other thread where they just tossed it out of the window? Cant remember sorry if misstaken.
anyone know of any theories related to buddhism or is it legit?
I was going to save it then I saw the flag. Now I'm not so sure.
>people still unironically believe the Flat Earth meme
>people still haven't been redpilled on plasma filaments, electric universe, and the Gods
my favorite conspiracy - david crowley
explain yourselves burgers
There is absolutely no credence to FE considering anyone can easily debunk it through Various methods.
Such as practical experiments like
It is however classic government modus operandi to advance outlandish "conspiracies" to poison the well and paint everyone as the same retards.
Hell, if you're rich enough pay the Russians to put you in a Soyuz rocket and see for yourself.
Considering we live in a world where someone with enough money can see the earth from orbit I don't see why FE is still a theory.
He was probably behind it.
solipsism is literally psychology's take on Descartes "I think therefore I am". Psychology is such a piece of shit field.
>How can they explain that the surface is clearly beant like a sphere would if it is supposed to be flat?
I'm not sure how they explain that. I'm at the point, however, where my question is how do GE explain the fact that water is always level?
I'm not prepared or invested enough to debate you guys on this point but from what I've seen my opinion is that it's not that easily debunked. I can understand thinking it's completely crazy; at first, that's exactly how I felt (and still do, to a lesser extent). And I get not wanting it associated with Sup Forums. But it's really not that outlandish if you look into it. Not that there couldn't be certain individuals pushing the more outrageous aspects of the theory for nefarious purposes, as you have suggested.
I have the truth on Sandy Hook for you.
They, as in Connecticut, tried to cover up the fact that they had a faulty emergency system. Sandy Hook doors could ONLY be closed from the outside. In the event of an emergency, their lockdown protocol demanded that a custodian, Rick Thorne on that day, would run to every door in the school and lock it. Rick Thorne has signed a gag-order as he has never been interviewed or appeared anywhere near a camera.
Naturally, this is a retarded security plan and is a large factor in explaining how the shooter gained entry to classrooms even though he was wandering about for a full minute before deciding to enter classrooms.
On the media: The mainstream media arrived at slightly before 11 AM. The shooting had ended at around 9:40 and children were evacuated between mostly 10:00 and 10:30. Mainstream media and police were working together to give the media some 'action' scenes. The chase into the woods and a lady being loaded into the back of an ambulance was all fake. Those events had happened about an hour earlier.
Basically, the media reporting that the police had arrived AFTER a shooting had taken place that killed 26 would be a big problem for the police. It would also mean that the media would have nothing useful to broadcast other than some random interviews with lingering parents and children.
The real conspiracy is gungrabbing liberals, the Connecticut officials and the media to only report on 'military-style rifles' and 'gun control' when the School security system was highly flawed.
A headline that reads: 'Shooter killed 26 because of faulty security system' vs 'Shooter killed 26 with deadly precision using a military-style rifle. One of them leads to public outcry in demand of better security protocol and resignation of Connecticut officials. The other is used for gun control.
Lebensborn genetics are being used in an Antarctic Nazi base. Hitler and some generals escaped the Third Reich and set up a Lebensborn program that produces healthy, racially pure Aryans.
anything on the Spire Law Group? they must be getting threats at the very least
Sup Forums flags were random back then
and there were only 5 of them iirc, nazi, israel, libertarian, commie, "austerity" (that was ours) and lgbt
It's level because the human eye can't see far enough. The earth only looks flat when looking short distances.
Communism isn't a movement, it's an inevitability
How far can the human eye see, exactly?
Also there's this image, although it's flawed: my own limited googling yielded no proof to the claim that the statue is indeed visible from that distance, sans multiple sites which all shared a certain bias simply claiming that it is. However, I did find evidence it's viewable from something like 30 miles. And even from that distance it should still be 56 feet below the horizon. Can you explain that (I ask because you said you've studied physics and I've actually been wondering about this for a couple days now, as /sci/ either couldn't or didn't care to debunk the 56 feet thing.)
You forgot the Rebel Alliance flag.
if it was, it probably would have worked out by now. Oh wait, it did, and all your monies were given to the establishment you hate.
get fucked, shill
>How far can the human eye see, exactly?
The human eye doesn't have a set limit to the distance it can see. It depends on whether or not light can travel to it, and then on whether it can resolve it ( you can still see a blurred image if it's too small and far )
You can see stars that are light years away because they are bright and large.
Also guys, aliens, here or not?
Also what do you guys think about ancient human history? I mean the theory that human civilization goes much further back than official records only much of it is lost under sea due to the last ice age melting?
One guy recommendend me this:
That picture is hard because the statue of liberty is not at sea level, while a ship sailing twoards you would be at sea level(as would you if you where standing by the water)
Don't get me wrong I have only studied Physics 1 and 2 here in Sweden, is not university level physics, but still enough so I can prove the earth is spherical.
You're thinking in much too short of a time frame. But it will happen eventually
60 miles? My only experience is that I forecast weather and we're told to never tell people visibility is further than 8 miles. That's a totally clear day. No fog/clouds then you're seeing horizon at 8M. I've seen other agencies say 10 and my bosses laugh at them.
Any conspiracy theories for William McKinley's assassination?
According to Marx's theory. He isn't necessarily wrong or right. Time will have to tell.
>Solipsism (Listeni/ˈsɒlᵻpsJzəm/; from Latin solus, meaning "alone", and ipse, meaning "self")[1] is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist. As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside of the mind. As a metaphysical position, solipsism goes further to the conclusion that the world and other minds do not exist.
You're wrong on both parts.
And by this I mean the eye can see light coming in from very far, after 7-'10' miles the curve of the earth is too much and what you see drops off
Conspiracy theories are based on fear, the fear of not knowing,which is why you should always have an open,yet sceptical mind
I honestly don't know, I'm agnostic on this one.
I'm open to belief if I saw strong enough evidence.
Get fucking triggered then. Post crime scene photos of dead children or its bullshit.
Much of the "news" is totally fake.
Much of what is put in movies is actual reality.
Many "people" on TV are not actually real people but computer simulated. Lots of actors in the fake news stories are sims as well.
Many famous people & politicians have been cloned.
Chemtrail planes are not planes at all but holograms created by orb technology. Our government knows this but cannot do anything about it. They are sprayed by a machine intelligence that are terraforming the planet.
on a clear day I can see a large transmitter mast 20 miles from my home.
wtf i hate conspiracy theories now
looks like im a rationalwiki fan
>will happen eventually
people will never stop being greedy long enough for it to work
>How far can the human eye see, exactly?
After some reading about it, I must admit that I lied to you earlier. The water is actually leveled because the earthes curves after 3.1 miles, and then you only see the sky.
If took the time to read the entire police report and all other sources available, you might realize that there is indeed a conspiracy. Just not on the retarded level of a 'hoax' or 'actors'.
We are watching Boys for sale
I thought it was 8 inches per mile traveled times the square of the distance. Or some shit.
We dont have inches nor miles in Sweden so I cant answear you. What do you mean? I was only quoting the link.
Switzerland has nukes and the meltdown in Lucens was only a cover up.
Oh mammy