Find a flaw
I highly doubt Wisconsin or Illinois will go red this time around.
>Find a flaw
Found the most glaring and obvious flaw.
Sorry senpai, the map will look like this
Wew lad
>New Mexico
niggergedon has done its job. the media wont be able to change the end result
>not going this
No way josé
That's the 2008 map, Spongebob.
you guys have a republican governor and senator though
just need high downstate turnout and low chicongo turnout, probably not going to happen, but one could dream
>going red
pick one
>new york
Friendly reminder:
>Trump Will Concentrate on Only Four States
>Republicans looking at the electoral college map are not happy. Colorado and Virginia are probably already gone, although both Donald Trump and his running mate Gov. Mike Pence (R-IN) are appearing in Colorado this week. If the Democrats can hold onto the 18 states plus D.C. they have won in the last six presidential elections they have 242 electoral votes. Add in Colorado and Virginia and it becomes 264, perilously close to 270. Republican strategists say say their only path to 270 electoral votes requires Trump to win Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. Obama won all four of them in 2008 and all but North Carolina, which he barely missed, in 2012. Pennsylvania hasn't picked a Republican in decades.
>From a demographic point of view, Pennsylvania and Ohio are the easiest of the four, because many angry blue-collar workers live there, but both states have large black populations, and Trump's approval among blacks is close to zero. North Carolina has large rural areas that generally vote Republican, but the area around Research Triangle Park has a large number of high-tech and financial companies, as well as three major universities so the area has an increasingly large number of college graduates, a constituency that used to be Republican but supports Hillary Clinton this year.
>In addition to the difficult map, Trump is going to be outspent and out organized by Clinton by a huge margin in these states. In some of the states Trump doesn't even have a state team in place whereas Clinton has many offices in all of them.
Based on current polls, this would happen if the election were held tomorrow.
Are you retarded? The fire just killed 90% of the libcucks there
>Republicans looking at the electoral college map are not happy. Colorado and Virginia are probably already gone
Firstly, Tim Kaine isn't that beneficial to the Dems here because he was not a popular governor and oversaw a major recession in the state.
>but both states have large black populations, and Trump's approval among blacks is close to zero
See pic.
>but the area around Research Triangle Park has a large number of high-tech and financial companies, as well as three major universities so the area has an increasingly large number of college graduates, a constituency that used to be Republican but supports Hillary Clinton this year
Again, see pic. The college crowd are all asshurt Berniefags. They sure ain't gonna vote for Hitlery.
>In addition to the difficult map, Trump is going to be outspent and out organized by Clinton by a huge margin in these states
Now it gives you pause for thought that Hillary is frantically spending vast sums on OH and PA. Not the mark of someone who has confidence in winning those states.
Trump's support among blacks is very nearly 0%, user.
Hillary loses in this case
the black vote is irrelevant, they wont vote for hillary
Trump will not win Colorado, Illinois, Wisconsin, and any state on the pacific coast
So fucking what? Blacks will go right back to the lowest voting demographic without obama on the ballot. This is why polls that use 2008 and 2012 demographics are misleading as fuck. Blacks aren't going to turn out en mass to vote for an old white woman
Colorado fag here, he has massive support here. He will win the state for sure. People despise Shillery here.
CT should be red
IL should be blue