>London has a Muslim mayor.
Post true statements that 20 years ago would have seemed inconceivable
Trump is the savior of western civilization
>People believe there are more than 2 genders
Is that a goddess or a mirage?
>Canada would have a gay PM
there kinda is though. not literally but people can be predominantly female or male regardless of actualaly being male or female
america has a woman president
>America is more left-wing than Russia
Donald Trump is Leading a Nationalist movement in the United States of America.
tumblr is that way -->
for now
jet fuel can melt steel beams
Autists on an Aboriginal cave painting board have more political awareness and online influence than 99% of internet users, so much so that political donors are funding attempts to distort and destabilize their organization and discussions
Germany is trying to appease fanatical, violent invaders
read the first two pages of chapter 1
Make The Patriarchy Great Again!
Europe becomes third world.
>1996 was 20 years ago
Socialism triumphs over capitalism.
Republicans could fuck this up in just 8 short years.
nignogs are people
Girls have penises. Calling a girl with a penis a "boy" will result in a quarter million dollar fine in New York, because girls have penises.
kek wills it thoughand i meant that physically there are two genders but mentally there can be many genders
A third of the US population thinks forcing Christians to bake cakes for gay people is more important than national security.
Fledgling dot-com start-up Amazon.com dominates retail.
But the consciousness is significantly influenced by an individual's biology. What you are describing is not a mental gender but instead a wide variety of personalities.
I have read the first 2 pages and it doesn't go against the fact that a male is a male and a female is a female
It does say there are exceptions, examples of people having a bit of feminine traits while being males, but it does not prove that they are more females than males. Exceptions actually prove nothing.
Please seriously consider suicide
>black american president
>france and germany are now arab states
Illegal alien speaks all Spanish onstage at the Democratic party's convention. Rather than being arrested, the audience applauds.
>mentally there can be a load of dumb bullshit
Sweden has the 2nd most rapes in the world
stop repressing your urge to suck cocks its unhealthy
>but mentally there can be many genders
Yeah, its a severe mental illness.
aren't you that cuck from the other thread that keeps posting bullshit? have you always been left wing? will you ever grow up?
>Trump will save western civilization
Are you memeing?
>a fucking leaf
Not even nice dubs
OP said true statements.
>liberals will literally defend this
>america has a muslim negro president
egalitarianism is dead.
the point is we all have female inside of us. make you laugh like a fag sometimes maybe you get excited about shit. these are all female traits. some people just have more than their physical gender
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of these United States, Barrack Hussein Obama."
0 is keks truest form. as a 0 symbolizes a circle and the entire world is made from circles. fibonacci
What's your fucking point?
>mental illnesses are now considered hip and people are encouraged to become mentally ill
Yes, and ?
I still can't believe it.
what happened to her?
Sweden is the rape capital of the Western World
nope. There are only two then also mentally ill people.
>(POSSIBLE TRIGGER WARNING) Autigender: a gender that can only be understood in the context of being autistic
here's your (you)
Subway overtook McDonald's as most profitable fast food chain, until their spokesman got v& for possession of kiddy porn.
We're debating what bathrooms trannies should use
The president is threatening to withhold federal funding from any states whose schools don't recognize little children's desire to LARP as the opposite sex as legitimate.
It is now considered racist to have borders
Also this. All I knew about him was "oh, he's that reality TV show douchebag"
Germany lets in 1,5 Million Refugees just like that
Total open borders
German state TV broadcasting in Arabic
Islamic terroristic attacks
Are you projecting? You appear to be very sexually confused. Two genders, science 101. got it?
I only suck cocks sometimes asshole
saved, thank you
top kek
black lives matter
Black lives matter because without black lives, crime would have no home.
I have two.
-The US govt is so pathetic, even the Turks are willing to flex at us.
-The second Cold War has started
You can play pokemon on your phone
And he want to suck dicks, its preatty clear.
Dick. Ultra alpha white American dick happened, user.
how does having a "feminine laugh" make you part female? that literally makes zero sense. it's just a guy with a trait that society describes as girly. that doesn't mean you're a mixture of man and woman, wtf
My older brother went to WSU in the early 90's and according to him his psychology professor was already pushing the whole gender identity thing
Men wanting to be women.
Nerds hate the last Pokemon game
Maybe in your own tumblr world but not in the real world. Here's that (you) you requested.
UK has left the EU
Europe can't go one day without a terrorist attack. Literally.
If you only know Trump from reality TV, you need to get the fuck off this board.
Trump was a real estate powerhouse for countless years, and you babbys just spout "HURR TV STARRRR"
Fucking faggot, did you think Trump Tower came from reality tv?
>mentally there can be many genders
you guys are in denial there are so many trans and gays that think they are female its bc they predominately are. their organs are male but everything else is more female then male. there brainz
Damn kids and their Pokemon go
When did they bring back unknown
9/11 wasn't Islamist
> Leaked emails will prove Alex Jones right
The demand for ultra male vitality was pretty low back then.
Please leave and never come back, Tumblr.
any more pics like this?
their will be a terrorist attack on US soil greater than anything we have ever seen and will completely change the way we see muslims and the world in general. 2 wars will occur in the middle east killing around 5,000 US soldiers and marines and their will be a black president and that donald trump is running his way into the white house. Oh yeah school shootings and terrorist groups are really popular now too.
If I was the 8 year old in 1996 I would never believe any of this
The government IS watching everything you do
>anarchist support the government
>lefties vote for a globalist sock puppet
The US thinks a person's privilege is more important than virtuous character.
>Argentina is white
>germany will ruin Europe and the whole world yet again
>the new Hitler was already born
>the eternal anglo* will ruin Europe and the whole world yet again
There, fixed it for you, chocolate.
this desu
>I've been proven wrong about something
>You are the ones in denial
Liberal logic everyone.
Flying your country's flag is offensive to minorities
This is actually a really good one.
20 years ago if you told some one that the government was spying on its citizens they would have told you to go find your tinfoil hat.
Stopped reading right there
lmao that slippery slope
Not unless you are an hermaphrodyte.
>The two candidates for POTUS are shitposting at each other, 140 letters at a time