Is he really British? Why does he look so woggish?
Is he really British? Why does he look so woggish?
....or jewish
it's 2016, why are we still so hung up on this race bollocks?
Nice try shlomo
He's another british trying to push ANGLO agenda to destroy ARYAN civilization and race.
Because jews necessitate it.
Name any other mainstream, powerful religion on Earth that outright states that a particular race of people by genetic inheritance are God's chosen people, and that all other people are put on this earth to serve them.
You can't.
JEWS are the racists, and we're all along for the fucking ride, because they're dividing and conquering us goyim.
He doesn't look so different from Rowan Atkinson
He's a complete nobody in Britain. The only reason anyone here might have heard of him is through American posting his videos online.
If you can't tell the difference between those two men, you're blind.
Oliver is distinctly jewish, from eyebrows, nasal shape, jawline, and skin tone.
Atkinson is very obviously NOT Jewish. His facial features, particularly his bone structure, high brow, and square jaw are very much not Jewish features.
facts and reality line up with that. you're just mad you aren't part of it
I will have no part of a demon-worshipping Pharisic cult of talmudists.
Those Moloch-worshipping Ashkenazi fuckers treat REAL jews like second-class citizens, and wave around the seal of Solomon like a goddamn red flag that nobody's picking up.
Fuck this cunt
Much of the lower class of Britain are actually meds.
I hope not
The difference between dindus and whites is as noticeable as the difference between whites and Ashkenazis. Have you ever considered that you might just be chimping out?
I've been trying to redpill Sup Forums but you're not prepared it seems. The truth is that Anglos are not such, but slightly depigmented iberians
Is not a social status thing really
>implying I'm white
Don't worry, within my blood flows the veins of expert Jew and Muslim removers.
Why hasn't somebody gone up to him and said "Why should I care about what you think about British politics. You're a fucking white male"
Honestly, I don't think he's a subversive kike. He seems like he genuinely wants to be as beloved as Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. People pretend to like him solely because he's one of those "comedian news reporter" dudes; in reality, he's an unfunny nobody who panders to the unwashed masses because they'll lap all this shit up like mindless automatons. This is exemplified by the whole "Drumpf" shtick which is a total fail because no hot girls are wearing it.
Face it, when hot girls start wearing shit everyone wants to wear it. Look at all the attention whores wearing MAGA hats.
The Roman Empire reached Britain u realize