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dwan is a fucking faggot
negreanu is /ourguy/

>I'm in, and for that reason, I'm out

Funny enough both are ovbious faggots.

Post the turn and river, it'll probably end up two Qs.

The only thing less entertaining than playing cards is watching other people play cards

t. brainlet

>He doesn't remember the poker boom

*blocks your ear canals with incessant talking*

>he doesn't play poker
Absolutely pathetic

I just don't enjoy sitting at a table and staring at my fucking hands all night.

Dwan, the poker chips

I love watching Negreanu read people

But I bet you do sit alone in your room and stare at a screen all night don't you you fucking loser faggot

>calling me a loser faggot when you like poker



>sit down at the 5/10 table at crown
>high as fuck on ecstasy
>only one not wearing sunglasses at fucking 2am
>be chatty as fuck, these fat autos a cant talk about anything other poker
>play loosest fuck and btfo out them with balls and luck for 2 hours
>take all the chips of fat, balding Manlet #2
>"wait here, I'll be back!"
>Pile my chips into carriers and leave right after he leaves

Thanks for the $3,100 you fucking losers

Stare at this dubs, mutha sucka

What's the name of this haircut?

Negreanu is a literal homosexual. Not judging, but you called Dwan a faggot.

I can understand someone like you not enjoying a game requiring you to be around people let alone having to strategize and read off their emotions


Anyone who likes Negreanu in 2017 hasnt played poker outside of 20$ homegames and is clueless about poker.


If that's what you were doing then it's obvious why you weren't winning.

>he doesnt like to take free money from retards

There is an underground club where I live where I can waltz in and earn on average 200$ an hour because people are literally clueless. I dont go there often though, maybe once every 3 weeks, because they dont like good people who are there and win all the time. Last time I was there I won 1200$. Its a nice padding in addition to normal wage.

was craig bonds casino royale 100% responsible for the poker boom?

More rake is better though


This is now a Tony G thread.

>MFW they bring out more Russians.


im willing to bet you fucking suck


How to get good at poker?

Just be yourself.

Nice trips.

based tony g is a real life shitposter

I had trips.

just bee yourself

It probably helped, but the televised poker tournaments were becoming popular before that film, and I think that subculture gaining popularity was one of the reasons it was changed to it from Baccarat for "modernizing" the Craig version.


Learn about probability.

practice until you are a calculator from memory, i.e you know average percentage chances of winning based on your hand and the table at all times

and then DONT play like a calculator, because better players will catch you out, however playing the odds against scrubs will usually give you victory

never get angry
be patient, if you feel your emotions starting to flare, its not the time to be making risky bets

Thanks RNGesus

But I thought the game has been solved and all the best players are human calculators now

Poker in the front liquor in the back

For some reason almost all televised poker is tournaments. Cash games are much more interesting and actual real poker.

RIP High Stakes Poker ...

if you play like a calculator and people clock on, you will never win big hands because people always know when you have good cards and won't bet loads against you

Could this realistically be even more cringy?

Who was in the wrong here?

>be me
>final table
>other dude goes MAULIN
>try to do chip tricks
>try to see his poker face
>forget I'm wearing my hoodie and I sinched the hood tight to the point of being unable to see
>just start sweating and ask them to give me hints to what cards they have
>"don't tell me the suit...but what color are they?"
>"are they high or low numbers?"
>dude won't budge
>get pissed
>just start screaming at him to tell me if he's bluffing
>I fold my two kings in a fit of rage

Fucking chads need to go back to football and stay away from our table games


There were plenty of Russians at PokerStars in Sochi (no kidding)

Look out for Vlad Troyanovski, Pavel Shirshikov, Kakmazov and Bubnov

Dwan is also a homo. I called it when he first got rich at 21 and he moved into a mansion with his male "friend."

wow what a baby, who knew you could make a Canadian cry by just talking to them

I know in Canada the NHL having a season long lockout led to basically poker being shown on tv all day long cuz we had nothing else to watch.

Short-stacked heads-up poker has been solved. With big stacks or multiple players, no.

Someone post the video where that model rekts the pro player.

This is what happens when you think with your penis.

>"don't tell me the suit...but what color are they?"

Also wtf that commentator is creepy af.

think it's more anyone with a computer having access to online poker and thinking if they can win $50 there they are ready for high-stakes poker in Vegas.

Poker heels are the best reason to watch, sad the cards didn't keep Kassouf in longer that year.

Short stack/big stacks?

But then you could take everyone with an insane bluff and start winning pots

I only used to watch poker to see helmuth get bad beat, the salt was real.

Usually 50 big blinds or less is small stack, 200 and over big stack / deep stack

So they use more decks in big stacks? Or is it just because the longer the game goes on, the harder it gets to solve computationally?

Blocks your hand

Just one deck. The thing about short stack poker is that there's too few chips to make complex moves or bluffs. It's essentially bet, flop, all-in ; so in general playing only good cards means you win.

*checks your chips*

Then you're not playing like a calculator

>implying there is no math behind bluffing

You don't want to play like that because you become obvious to opponents. Also the retards that wear glasses and conceal their faces should be banned from playing. Shit is retarded, if you don't have the nerve to conceal what kind of hand you've been dealt without resorting to wearing sunglasses/big hats or a burqa then you shouldn't be playing at all. Fuck them, they also tend to be ugly muffin heads.
There isn't, not really, it's just hope that no one will realise that you've got a crappy hand and it shows that that player has a gambling addiction. Fix yourself.

>There isn't, not really

Mixed strategies is like the second thing you learn in a game theory class.

you are trying to come off as a super smart autist right now, but if you actually had any kind of knack for mathematics you would understand why the point you are arguing in favour of is absolute bullshit

now fuck off runt

Explain it to us then, professor.

he's right though
it's why most longtime poker players get beat out by rookies in tournaments eventually


The dealer for not checking if he asked for clock after the two stipulated minutes of waiting.

i hate that filthy guy

Thanks for that. Worlds do collide.

Vicky is so t h i c c

>this guy


It's great that Vicky has won so much in tournaments. It funds how badly she plays in cash and how much I've won from her.

elaborate on this convo

She's a good player but not the best, she's too fat and she's married a really ugly guy.
So we've gone from "playing solely like a calculator" to "mixed strategy".

Are you high right now? I'm arguing against one play style because it leaves you vulnerable. Besides poker is boring, I gave up playing that shit a while ago. Sometimes still watch or play the odd fun game online but it's a bore, full of smelly people that smell bad and look greasy. You know that I am correct.

Very nice

i never say this but this is an underratted post

Just once I want a poker championship tournament where everyone goes all in on the first hand

It's literally all luck
People can screech like autistists all day about tells and body language but if you don't have good cards you will never win and the cards are all luck.

> can't tell if trolling or just really really stupid



Haha nice blog post bro *subscribes*

jesus christ so much shitty advice.

professional live poker player here, living in LA, playing full time.
i really dont care if you dont believe me, just ignore this.

if you have any questions shoot them my way -- ill keep the thread open.

sorry about the pic, its all i had handy

wrong. its all about probability in the long run. If you play the odds correctly, the numbers have to work out over time.

so while you may experience short term bad / good luck, the numbers always work themselves out

How many times a year do you go north and hide your big chips against an amateur?

No; the replacement of baccarat with poker in that movie was a result of the boom, not the instigator of it. The FBI's decision to treat poker as a game of skill and not to try too hard to enforce the laws against online gambling were the chief reason it grew. The sites making money off of it plowed it all into sponsoring poker TV shows to get more users.

It worked great. Then the FBI shut them all down and suddenly poker was completely off television and consumer interest was gone within a year.

are you referring to the alec torelli thing? it's a weird spot, because im not sure he would even give a shit enough to try angle shooting like that , but at the same time someone with as much experience as him should just keep those large chips visible as second nature...

so not sure what really happened there.

but no, i do not intentionally do that