54 years old

>54 years old
WTF... how does he do it?

Scientology being the true religion

Do you think that chick holding his umbrella services his cock when need be?

what did be mean by this

He's rid himself of the Thetans that hold normal people back from achieving their potential.

Tom is a faggot according to most sources

Short people age slower because they have less cells to replace as they grow older.

Not exactly true BUT Scientologists do use true spiritual powers of the universe that they connect with, just like Pagans did and other ancient religions did.

So yes, they do have contact with true religious resources.

Thetans etc are 100% real, other religions call it by different names etc.

Based Tommy

Looks like Tara Reid

He must be on TRT. But then again that might go against his cult beliefs.

> A 54 year old man doesn't have the body of an early 30's
Well no fucking shit.

But look at his face? That's a face of a man that doesn't look 50 at all and his hair too.


the jacket

A healthy mix of Scientology, roids and plastic surgery.


He looks like a turtle you weird fag

HOLY SHIT he looks like he just finished the filming of Mission Impossible 2 with how young he looks


>12 posters

Bathing in blood of infants of his billion-year slaves in Sea Org.

cool bike desu


turbomanlets age incredibly well

Lots and lots of constant treatments and surgery.

>He doesn't believe in the truth
L. Ron Hubbard knew the truth of the spiritual powers that shape the universe. Did he also create his own stuff to go with the religion? Of course. But Scientology's essence is true, some of the leaders tho nowadays have abused some of its power but what those documentaries on Scientology keep failing to mention is that Thetans are real, souls are real, the universe has powers that when you mediate and connect with, it can help your health and cure you of illnesses.

Why do some Catholics get cured of cancer when they pray to Saints? It is because when they pray, they are connecting with these spiritual energies.

Why does Scientology have a cross as its symbol? Because the cross is a spiritual symbol: used in ancient Egypt first and some other ancient Pagan religions.

Where 2 join?

he was so into nicole kidman that he left scientology for years

Very powerful symbols

I never got the hate for Scientology. It's not like Islam where you get killed for leaving.
Just go to a center and check it out and if it's not for you nobody bats an eye.
Yet muzzies get treated like nobles while just stating you believe in Scientology gets you treated like a child murdering psychopath.

How is Scientology any worse than Islam?

Why is that Christian cross X-ed out?

he has the same body as vladimir putin

thats pure 100% strength tho, look at his bulk

Ah fuck off and read a book

People laugh at those who believe in Ancient Aliens which is what Scientologists believe in.

This is entirely true though.

Demons, Aliens, spirits are real and it is a shame that this Atheistic spiritless world ignores the truth.

I guess they just do not want to accept the truth and have their lives changed.

Cult slaves preparing fine cuisine and probably stem cells

I want to. How to start alien spirit chanelling?

>Christian cross
The Christian cross has roots in Ancient Egypt. It's an old symbol pre-dating Jesus.

Also money. Lots of money.

Start wearing a buttplug at all times, it makes you easier to anal probe and thus attracts ayys.

I think most people would age better if they stopped doing drugs and drink. He can probably afford a lot of additional help and healthy living with all of his money, moreover is the necessity for him to maintain his appearance for roles

>A crucifix


they represent different concepts too.

That's an ankh not a Christian cross, you stupid idiot.

I like the pause.
he's probably thinking in that moment like

"I could have fucked that up and paralyzed myself for life and ruined all my good shit I have"

I don't give a damn about dedication. Once you reach a certain monetary value it's just beneath you to risk your quality of life. You get some stunt double who needs to get paid by risking life and limb to do it instead.

>I want to. How to start alien spirit chanelling?
There are many darker sites that can introduce you into this but you gotta be careful with say curses, hexes.

I do not like that type of stuff and is reason Christians told people to stay away from Pagan stuff due to the ability to curse others with this power.

But what you should read up on first is the relationship with Ancient Egypt, Christianity, Paganism.

Surah 16:36 of the Qur'an states "every nation has received a messenger"

I take this meaning as that Pagan religions too have all truth in them and the actual books of say the Bible nowadays are corrupted.

When all faiths come together and we join as one: that is the day we will have true peace on Earth.

Until that day, ISIS and other damaging groups on the Earth will continue to murder and kill because they do not know the actual truth.

When you have studied all religions like I have, you will understand that we MUST join forces and unite together as one.




The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead has a passage of a Serpent Sebau Fiend who was chained up and is awaiting judgement day for going against the Gods.

Does this not resemble what happened to Satan in the Bible?

Actually study religion like I have to realize the truth of the similarities.

A lot of it is just genetics. I'm adopted so I'm genetically different but living pretty much the same lifestyle as my siblings due to shared upbringing, but I look noticably younger than them.

Just posting something that is wrong isn't a trick user.

Prometheus was chained up for giving humans secret knowledge of fire

Genies in Hinduism give people wishes

The Jinn in Islam are an Alien race God created alongside humans at beginning of time and humans bowed down to the Jinn to receive blessings and God despised this

WAKE UP to the true similarities of religion so we can join together as one

Actually, once you get inundated you're not allowed to see family members who reject Scientology, have to regularly pay for "audits" so they can suck le evil ghosts off of you, and if you share any of the church secrets or try to leave they send goons to sue and harass you. Scientology is nothing but a money making scheme for retarded goyim.

How do you fuck that up?

What is the Buddhist bible? Always meant to get into buddhism but idk where 2 start?

When will they learn?

ISIS's blood in the Egyptian Book of the Dead takes away sin and gives people eternal life.

kek'd and check'd


Fuck off

I love that picture

>Does this not resemble what happened to Satan in the Bible?

What happens to "Satan" in the bible? He's barely in it and nothing happens to him


That is ridiculous I have very regular contact to my family despite them not being in Scientology. And from a certain level of knowledge you audit yourself.

Yes you're not allowed to share church secrets.

>try to leave they send goons to sue and harass you
Completely ridiculous. Show me one case of Scientology suing someone for leaving the church.

You were only pretending to be dumb?

You cunt.

But the whole point of being rich is so you can do shit like jump dirt bikes instead of working. Might as well do it at work as well.

Because Scientology is a religion where you quite literally have to pay to advance in. People sell their family jewels, their cars, their houses and give all the money to the church to "level up". Where they prey on people who have bad confidence, are weakwilled, had a bad childhood or are rich, or hell anyone really. They also advise you to cut off any family member or friend that isn't a scientologist. And that's not even the worst parts.

basically it's a scam that ruins lives.

>t. Scientology goon lawyer shill
Just kill yourself my man, you're either too low level in the org for them to give a shit about you, or you're lying. Either way, fuck off.

>Yes you're not allowed to share church secrets.
So people aren't allowed to evaluate the religion you signed up for unless you're already deep enough into it that you can't back out?

No the body can do some amazing shit. It doesn't have anything to do with praying or spiritual shit or the universe.

You can always back out.

>show me one case
>yaddah yaddah excuses insults lies
Don't just blindly believe everything you're told user. Start looking up things for yourself


>53 years old

black don't crack

How many people have backed out after hearing the embarassing story of Xenu killing people with hydrogen bombs and volcanoes? The sunken cost fallacy is real.

>Blacks don't crack
>Blacks do crack
Are both true, fuck the English language.


The thing is, niggers are ugly no matter what age they are.

Incidents on the Time Track are not beliefs, they are auditing prompts which attempt to locate overts and withholds (per readings on the e-Meter). One can audit this material without believing that it is literally true. One can audit the material and have it run completely flat. One can audit the material and only react to certain parts.

The idea that Scientologists believe in science fiction space empires is entirely a misinterpretation of materials by non-practitioners and a bullying fedora mentality.

This is why neckbeards who were spoonfed false data by apostates can't be trusted when it comes to opinions and thoughts on Scientology. You just have not the first clue about the subject you're talking about. This thread is a ridiculous and embarrassing display of religious bigotry.