"I don't think it is right to equate Islam with violence. In almost every religion there's always a small group of fundamentalists. We have them too."
"I don't think it is right to equate Islam with violence. In almost every religion there's always a small group of fundamentalists. We have them too."
Kek, stupid unvelievers let us walk in, take over and defend us when we remove you.
It's going to be a great next decade for Islam. Convert now before the rush. Or don't.
At this point no organized part of Western 'culture' is even advocating any resistance. God is great.
he's right, you know.................
>christian fundamentalism is bad
>t. Pope
Fuck this guy.
Ratzinger pls come back
Come home white man.
Thank you for that valuable insight
Unbeliever stahp.
God is clearly on our side, not yours. Christ has been supplanted rightfully and with God's blessing.
We will own the next 2,000 years.
well he is not wrong , but he need to realise that islam is a current problem , christianity was a problem in the medieval age burning peoples left and right , but now they calmed down , hell the last terrorist act for christianity was in what..the 60's ? islam is the religion doing the most problems right now and we need to adress them and make a fucking reform in how it work
We are colonizing you, taking your women when we want, killing you when we want and your government defends our right to do so.
What do you have to laugh about unbeliever?
the biggest reform islam need is to have someone of central power like a pope instead of thousands of imam (any muslims can call itself an imam btw) and spread his own version of his ideology
Islam does not want or need your bullshit reform.
We are not interested in you, your way of life, your laws or your governments. You will not reform Islam...
We will reform YOU
Islam isn't a religion, it's an ideology.
the comments on the reddit post are so lame.
comment with 3x gold saying that Catholicism is as bad as Islam because of muh pedophiles
then you will have to take it from my cold dead hand shitskin
God corrected humanity again. Abraham did so once and the Jewish people lost their way. They began to argue, with God.
So God spoke to Christ and the covenant was passed onwards. But that was 2000 years ago and Christians have lost their way, allowing sin to flourish and prosper. Too weak.
And so God again passed the covenant onwards. To us. We are the chosen ones now.
Sure, of course. God commands it in fact.
Say goodbye to what you know as normal. Say hello to God's law.
>taking away freedom to go back to medieval age way of thinking is good
you are insanes , the heat of your desert have fried your fucking brains
Not even Catholic and this shit makes me rage. He is pissing on the graves of every catholic who fought and died to defend christendom from the muslim hordes
Apparently you've never heard of Malik Obama.
He's one of those peaceful Muslims we keep hearing about.
What are you even defending?
Your western 'civilization' is corrupt, fat, soft, weak, sinful and wicked. It offends the Most High.
We will no longer tolerate your wocked ways. Tell your friends, a new Age is coming, a just and ethical age where morality and righteousness shall be the new decree.
A future that is safe to raise human children in.
The West abandoned God. And so God has abandoned the West.
>an inbred Argentinian commie was elected to be the leader of my faith
how the fuck did this come to be
and no, I'm not a spic
the pope is just some heretic who thinks he has the right to rewrite the bible. does he have authority to undermine jesus and god?
nuns are women employed by the church. in the new testament women cant speak in church. the pope says gay marriage is ok and homosexuality is a mortal sin. he welcomes heritics into europe and demands every one house them
the pope needs to shut the fuck up about politics
So true. But the west will rise up when we have leaders who will address the problem. We haven't had a worthwhile threat for a long time now, so thanks muslims for bringing our spirit back.
Honestly it would be much scarier to be a muslim in todays world than a westerner. Every terrorist attack done is actually bringing their doom closer as well.
Dude this pope already said that muslims should mix with Europeans, how can he get any worse?
He should be executed for extremus diabalus.
God had abandoned you.
You let sin run rampant, what could you expect? We, the Muslims whom Mohammed prophesied to, will save humanity and redeem us all.
From you. You and your rot and wicked ways.
>what are you defending
>the right to eat and drink whatever the fuck i want without a stupid book telling me so
>the right to look at pretty girls without them looking like fucking trashbags
>the right to know that i am safe when i walk around and that my country isnt afghanistan when every single people could blow up at any moment
>the right to make choices in my life that will not result in death cause of a stupid fucking book
and so on and so forth , all islam do is destroy and never create , when i saw your fucking ideology destroying muséums and artifact trying to rewrite history its when i know you went too far , you may win battles but you will never win the war , europe have seen the darkest hours in humanity history and guess what , we will survive this one again
Listen to me unveliever. Do I sound scared?
If the pope's not talking about a holy crusade then yes he should shut up about politics lol. That's the only thing I would listen to him about and I'm not a practicing catholic.
The bs the other day with the world at war, then changing his tune to the cultural marxist war that every cunt spews out. If the pope calls for a crusade I will answer DEUS VULT!
you bet.
>stupid book
You have abandoned God. What, did you really think this world worked some other way?
I don't even know if you're a real muslim fuckhead. Besides we don't face complete destruction like the muslim world would if we turned on them with full force and relish.
If you leave the U.S to join your muslim brothers in the caliphate then enjoy the atomic destruction we'll be sending your way.
I remember the first time i dismembered a family member, end of december it was, pushed him into the stinking tub.
God is a lil bitch nigga
I am a disciples, a Mujahideen. And I live freely among you all. We numberin the millions, every Muslim man being one step away from joining our jihad.
Unbeliever listen, we walk with God. There is nothing on this Earth that we are afraid of.
the q'ran is shit Ahmed , i readed it to see what you fucks believed in , this shit is even worst than the bible , its written really poorly
and most of the claims in it are shit as fuck
theres a reason christianity and all other world religions calmed the fuck down , because they realised that most of the shit in their books dont make sense to do as the moral standart and knowledge of society rised
Wasn't there some prophecy about this Pope being a phony cunt and then the world ends or something?
Pope Francis confirmed for globalist shill.
I see why Benedict XVI may have quite now.
When will you Cathlicucks take the Protestant pill? Protestantism is the whitest form of Christianity. It was founded by Anglos and Germanics.
Benedict is the real Pope and will be until he dies.
This one is fake and there is some serious Satanism going on.
Your rebellion is your death sentence.
Who sits at the head of your most powerful city on the river Thames?
We do. God does.
but you live in fucking shitholes in the desert so of course you wouldnt know shit about knowledge and moral standards you were always outcasts to the rest of the world
Isn't he in Poland right now, telling Polish youth to support Islamic immigration?
until you taste the void.
behind that arrogance. is a mask of edge and insecurity.
if you werent afraid to die. you would have done it already. i know your kind all to well.
if you arent afraid. give me your address and fight me in real life.
unless your...chicken?
No. We live here in the Synagogue of Satan. We live in Rome, the great Whore of Iblis. We are all around you, all the time. Sobered, faithful, watching.
Waiting for the call.
> Tfw I'm Oriental Orthodox master race.
Feels good man
>having power
come back when you are PM, Sadiq Khan takes orders from a women.
also stop talking like its the 1800s. its cringy and i can smell your obese paki larping stench from here.
>waiting for the call
just try it fuckers , you are minorities , you will be put down so quick you will not fucking understand what got wrong in your plan
Fuck the pope. Go eastern orthodox. The true Christianity.
sounds like you are just a coward too afraid to do anything in real life.
Francis for Excommunication 2016!
Make Benedict Pope Again!
seriously this pope needs to fuck off
Is this guy the antichrist?
You stink of fear and impotence.
You both sit amongst sin and degradation and you wait for your sinful, degraded leaders to lead you.
But they do not. They dare not raise a hand against the Mujahideen. They dare not walk against the armies of God.
And so they let us take you, one by one every day and they defend US against YOU. You will praise Allah as the one true God. And you will testify that Mohammed, peace be upon him, is His prophet.
Or you will be put down mercifully.
When are you Catholics going to give it up? With proper application of the red pill atheism is the only thing left. Why do you still cling to sandnigger delusion?
>put down mercifully
yes because decapitation is the most merciful way to kill someone
fucking faggot , look at europe little by little its waking up , the right is on the rise , you are confident now cause our leader protect you but when the right will be in power little by little you will see europe fighting you back really soon
>pope says fundamentalists are bad
>the fucking pope
blah blah
less talking. more action.
do something. im bored over here. you going to get off your ass or just talk shit like you pakis always do.
>You will praise Allah as the one true God. And you will testify that Mohammed, peace be upon him, is His prophet.
some poor sap tried that a long time ago. he got a knife to his gut. some "mujahideen" he was.
To kill unbelievers is the duty of the Mujahideen. It is the most merciful thing that can be done for them.
Then don't worry about it :)
its not very convincing or intimidating when your god looks like a fucking cat emoji
Time to denounce Catholicism and embrace Orthodox Christianity.
Name one atheist army/nation that has won one battle throughout the history of mankind.
Only spineless cunts are atheists. Atheism can only lead us under the boot of islam.
Antipope when?
Can you not see how wicked, spiteful, irreverent and degrading you are now?
The West brings all righteous things low. Through mockery, through slander, through graven images.
You are the whisperers. Your evil could not be clearer.
the most souless are the most powerful.
become a machine. and know true power.
just remember that europe as always won against your kind , you conquered europe places yes but he the end we always took them back , you will never win
So they have you playing the part of the contentious wild donkey, too...
>Can you not see how wicked, spiteful, irreverent and degrading you are now?
that is the intended effect lad :^)
Roman Catholic Church = Roman Empire
Pope is just another Italian Dictator
Figures that last Pope was a Nazi, and the Vatican Palace is fit for an Emperor
This is why your people are degraded. In the whole of the Earth there are likely less than 500,000 true Christians.
The West is no longer Christian... it's you.
>Name one atheist army/nation that has won one battle throughout the history of mankind.
Why are people still Catholics? They brought Europe into the Dark Ages. Why do people believe that one man can have a direct contact with God? I don't see this anywhere in the Bible. 99% of Catholics are just Catholic by name. I went to a Catholic college and it was a fucking party school full of sluts. You never see that with a Protestant school.
>meanwhile muslims wageslave at kfc and have to serve the kuffar they so despise
>caring about a stick.
i worship Satan. hes the only one who gets shit done.
who wants to worship some goody little two shoes or eternally buttmad arab.
I take pleasure in all forms of Human suffering.
when i turn on the TV and see a terror attack somewhere. you know what my first thought is?
"this is gonna be juicy"
your Jihad is nothing but entertainment for me. so start dancing monkey.
blood for the blood god.
You don;t know fucking shit.
In 1933, prior to the annexation of Austria into Germany, the population of Germany was approximately 67% Protestant and 33% Catholic; Jews made up less than 1% of the population. A census in May 1939, six years into the Nazi era and incorporating the annexation of mostly Catholic Austria into Germany, indicates that 54% considered themselves Protestant, 40% Catholic, 3.5% self-identified as "gottgläubig" (lit. "believers in god", often described as predominately creationist and deistic),and 1.5% as non-religious.
After the Germans fucked the Soviets up their poop-chutes in the early stages of Barbarossa, Stalin turned to the Church for help. Stalin gave his unconditional support to the Church, and it was only after that, that the Soviets started winning.
Get rekt you spineless atheist bitch.
>This Turk actually thinks magic is fucking real
Typical for a low IQ nation
huehuehue it looks like a winged nigger
So when was the last Christian radical terrorist attack? Evil protest signs and street preaching?
>this nigger just robbed a convenience store to feed he mama kees.
You need spiritual guidance.
Demons are the ultimate power.
Light falls to darkness.
Evil over good.
also winged niggers
>Vote Madness 2016
sshhh, niggers dont know
Says liar who worships an actual graven image.
zitto animale
Catholicism is an abomination before God. Even the Bible will say this.
People don't want to admit how much damage he's doing. The left loves him more than congregants.
Yea but Europe was slowly losing its religion. Plus they treat themselves as a "USA" and think they are melting pot of cultures when they are all separate cultures. So it is easy to take over.
China and Africa's christian following has been growing.
>Muhammad would go from town to town killing and pillaging
>get more followers out of fear
>rinse and repeat
>Isis doing the same
I get Muslims aren't inherently bad, I have some neighbors that are Muslim. They keep to themselves and pray 5 times a day. But lets not pretend there isn't a huge movement going on in the name of Islam.
He's Peter the Roman.
Look up the prophecy of the popes.
>We are the chosen ones now
Haha, you low IQ faggot parasites can't even build a stable society on your own. Fuck, you can't even agree what "Islam" means (anywhere there are muslims, there are different flavors and they then predictably they start killing each other).
Plus, your shitskin women are complete whores for white dick (after they get shitfaced). They do it behind your back.
I bind you in the name of Jesus
He is right though. Papist filth are no different to Islamists.
There was a time that I liked this pope, because I was a dumb teen, Now I want him excommunicated.
>Christianity can be bad too
Well sure. The thing is no one ever admits that Islam CAN BE BAD.