Some individuals are so stupid they can't control themselves.
For example, people who are addicted to cigarettes, weed, fast food or the like, simply cannot control what they put in their own mouthes.
Convince me these people should be allowed to live in civilized society instead of just being shot in the back of the head.
Leo Martin
And people who are addicted to Sup Forums or little anime girl cartoons need to be shot as well since they cant control what they put in their brains
Robert Hill
They should be allowed to live. Can't take away those rights. However, they should also have to pay for their idiocy with their bodies. Nowhere in the constitution does it say you have the right to free healthcare.
Lincoln Perez
>>my grandparents kidnapped children and used them as sex slaves while subjugating china and the Philippines. now i want to continue murdering people different than myself
you don't have the right to do anything to people whom are not upto your standards
Ian Diaz
Vegan straight edge til death
Thomas Cruz
aint no degenerate
Zachary Jones
i bet her shit tastes like cookie dough
Easton Davis
I want to put those cheeks in my mouth desu. suck in her meat, let it run along my teeth and form to the shape of my lips, biting down and pulling back. then unzip my dick and show her my meme
Michael Edwards
>1 post by this ID
How much is CTR paying per thread these days?
Jaxon Johnson
Maybe they really hate it. Maybe they hate themselves so much they want to die. You don't need to tell them about it, I already know I'm a loser.
David Long
>Nowhere in the constitution does it say you have the right to free healthcare. except we do in Canada :)
Grayson Green
Japan has the highest rates of smokers in the world.
Start shooting tough guy.
Gabriel Gomez
>smoke is degenerate. All smokers should die >Lives in the most advanced technological nations with the highest rate of smokers.
Why are you people so stupid and misinformed??
Shoot yourself OP. For being really fucking stupid
Jonathan Williams
I agree, The worst kind of people are the ones who can't control their sneeze. Like fuck those people spreading their bacteria everywhere
Asher Lewis
This. Higher intellect individuals are more likely to develop an addiction.
Angel Carter
That's pretty hot, desu.
Asher Walker
OP flag says "Japan", but he's talking stupid like a cana-nigger would................
Julian Cox
Way to cover up the fact you are a useless NEET who couldn't pull off a leach because "insects only bite people of higher intellect". Addiction is for faggots and if you can't stop smoking you should bite the barrel of a shotgun and pull the trigger with your toes
Robert Davis
>Convince me It doesn't matter what you think because you, and your opinions are irrelevant. Thread over. kys
Ethan Lee
Alexander Fisher
>Nowhere in the constitution does it say you have the right to free healthcare. hurr durr look at me I follow the constitoooshun! We'll just pass it thru congress, and threaten any of the people who stand in our way. The constitution is a quaint list of suggested laws. We are bigger than it. Look at us now. And there isn't a goddamned thing that you can do about it.
Angel Perez
>cigarettes >Japan
What will you do when Nippon is depopulated?
Andrew Morgan
Sorry, Hideki. Not everybody is a robot, like in Japan.
Dylan Hall
Yeah I smoke cigarettes, what are you gonna do about it you manlet chink
Samuel Harris
tobacco is a sacred herb you racist butthole
Parker Jenkins
Personally, I like to blow smoke in their faces. My favorite moments are when a non-smoker is innocently sitting next to a public ashtray and I can really let them have it.
It's my cultural heritage! I'm 1/2342342 indian and I'm pretty sure I had an ancestor with a Tobacco plantation.
Liam Hill
Your bait is weak, leaf. Go home.
Ryder Kelly
America's little brother is jealous of the American constitution, haha.
Joshua Miller
I was able to meet some people you so much adore. They are cancerous hell, descending into the abyss,fucking feminists.
Alexander Nguyen
kek I love seeing assblasted non smokers, like get the fuck away from me if you don't want to smell my smoke. Most of the time I move away from everyone anyway, anti smokers are some of the worst people on Earth.
Alexander Murphy
>OMG I'm going to get cancer from your second hand smoke!!!
>I didn't get cancer from my 1st hand smoke
It's fun. I have heard about the prices you guys pay for smokes in Aus. Do you have Indian reservations or tax free areas or something to make it easier?
Leo Stewart
Why are you so angry? What happened in your life to make you this way?
Jose Allen
>Indian reservations or tax free areas or something to make it easier?
Absolutely not, I pay about $14 for a packet of jps blue which isn't too bad, or I'll pay $20 for 20g of Winfield blue rolling tobacco. Apparently the prices are going up, who knows I might try and quit soon.
Adam Young
Did you ever consider that some of us enjoy a legal product that provides jobs and tax revenue?
It's not quite as degenerate as when you stuff yourself with Doritos and mountain dew.
Ian Turner
Convince me we need Japan and that the West couldn't just make their own cars and electronics again and we shouldn't just nuke you for the lols.
Juan Johnson
That's kind of where I'm at. When I started smoking it was $1.25/pack USD, and now it's gone up to $6 in red states, $10-12 in blue states. You can get them duty free or on Indian reservations for a lot cheaper but it's shit tobacco.
Honestly, it's more trouble and money now than its worth, but pissing off non-smoking libs makes it totally worthwhile for now. I don't know if they realize that I would probably quit if I didn't get so much satisfaction from their vocal animosity!
Luke Diaz
Let people make their mistakes, it is the only way we will learn
Gabriel Bennett
But where would we get our used panties, cartoon porn, and wasabi KitKat from?
Truly, japan contributes much to our world culture lol.
Sebastian Baker
These type of people are the very spine of the economy.
Just think of all the shit they consume. They are motivated by convenience only and can be persuaded like a herd of cattle.
One who is smarter and in a position to be able to recognize these patterns and set up a business is able to cash out on the gentiles.
if you believe you are better than that type of person, play your cards wisely and you'll start to see them as your investment since they are your source of income. Those who are powerful and wise protect their investments. This is why we allow them to exist.
Ian Sullivan
The secret to success is to capitalize on people's weaknesses. I think OP should invest in or buy a fast food joint or smoke shop. Just spitballing ideas.