>You support Trump? Are you a racist?
You support Trump? Are you a racist?
Other urls found in this thread:
>"no, but I want my people to survive and thrive"
>goes over to my friends and have a jolly good time
Race realist or racist for short
So yes
>Mexican and Muslim aren't a race.
>You support Hillary? Are you a thieving, murdering, lying racist?
I support trump cause I am truthist
Where am I? Why am I at a party full of degenerates?
>mfw everyone here supports trumps literally except tumblrbabbies and mexicand
"How is Trump racist?"
tell me how trump is racist
Go on.
I realize that race exists but i only base people on their actions. Guess what blacks do a lot...
>tfw incredibly attractive and can say whatever you want and still fuck 3/4's of them
If you support Hillary do you exist?
Mr. Trump has not done anything to suggest he is racist while Mrs. Clinton has.
Then i have fun playing beer pong and making out with my girlfriend before sloppy walking back to her dorm.
That's how life actually works home boy.
You can post dank trump memes all you want on Sup Forums but for your own social wellbeing don't talk about it in real life.
y-you too..
y-you too
Yes, and Yes.
I support Trump and will be voting for him. I am a race realist, so by definition, I am a racist. Do I care? Nope.
"Yes, I am."
>drinking a beverage from a red cup
I think people thought I was autistic cause I would just slam my face with a bottle of whiskey instead of drinking whatever the fuck the party host had.
I always had a bottle of Johnnie Black in my backpack. I didn't really know what I was drinking back then
Now... well, pic related.
WTF i love hillary now
Don't make me kick out your friends Sally.
You'll get your punishment later if you're good.
"Because,like, he hates black people and wants to,like, get rid of all the Latin's and his sexist! Did you know he went bankrupt? LoL u want him as a president loL?
that depends on the context. At an informal social event like this, I'll go ahead and shoot the shit about politics and throw bantz at cucks who use basic bitch low-info talking points to signal against trump.
The main fear is showing any sort of pro-trump sentimentality at work, where offices are usually dominated by HR liberal cat ladies and other yuppie cucks. And the consequences here are that you could lose your job and get blacklisted.
Yes. Which is why I wouldnt fuck any of you half-breeds anyway.
Are you a racist, goyim?
>yeah I suppose I'll vote for him, whoops I'm at the wrong party
you have taste.
thank you for supporting good alcohol.
Bullshit Frenchie, my state was blue AF but since Trump came along I see people not afraid to voice their opinion. A great majority of people support Trump or despise Hillary for stealing the nomination from Sanders.
This party would not look at you like that for liking trump.
Tons of sororstitutes love Trump.
"I'm hispanic. Check your privilege, white bitches."
That's the stuff from nightmares.
I guess if that's what you want to call it.
"How does he hate black people?
He only wants to deport illegal immigrants.
He's not sexist.
Yes he did go bankrupt and recovered as many successful businessmen have."
Yeah I am
*teleports behind them*
*Slices black man with katana*
*not so tough now, are you?*
I like how trump supporters never actually admit they're racist. And instead calls the people who call for equality racist.
I'll never understand the mental gymnastics.
0.02 shekels have been deposited in your account
>Racist? Eww.
Are you kidding me?
Are you kidding me? Just google it lmao
>Mexican aren't a race
Neither is "Hispanic" but who gives a fuck
>all them daily shoah buzzwords
calm down, enoch. nobody knows youre secretly seth rogens twin brother.
>I like how trump supporters never actually admit they're racist
I'll admit I'm racist, and for good reason. But that's beside the point. I am racist, but nothing Trump has said or done is racist.
>And instead calls the people who call for equality racist.
>I'll never understand the mental gymnastics.
Here's the part that you'll tell me that giving jobs and college enrollment to undeserving people just because they're black is totally about equality and fairness, right? And our country being taken over by mexico from the inside out. That's about fairness as well?
"How about you Google Mrs. Clintons record on gay marriage, she was against it right up until it was legalized in which she hypothetically gave her approval. While Mr. Trump has always been in favor of gay marriage, I'll wait for you to Google that."
Thanks m8.
I actually used to host a lot of parties once my roommates and I got a nice condo duplex.
I used to buy a keg of O'dules and have any freshmen pussy faggots drink out of the "FROSH" keg.
Good times. I would constantly kick people out. One of my roommates put a scale next to the door, so he would have chicks stand on it. He would measure their height and read the weight. If too fat, see you later. We weren't even in a Frat.
People loved our parties though...
Except my cucked gay roommate that stayed in his room and played WoW all night.
thanks mr. skeltal
>You support HRC? Are you a CUNT?
>they don't all look like this
those girls are much more likely to have pro trump view t b h
You seem like one of those fags who thinks whiskey is "le classy beverage" or some shit. Kill yourself and stop ruining it for the rest of us.
People who support race neutrality in the law: Not racist
People who oppose race neutrality in the law: Racist
fuk forgot image
The other night I was at a little get together at a friend's apartment. Out of the probably dozen people who were there, 100% were between the ages of 19 and 22, 100% were white, and 100% supported Trump. You're hanging out with the wrong crowd.
>Yes. What you gonna do?
What the fuck?
I didn't say I brought a fucking snifter to the fucking party. I slammed that shit right to my face. I'm drinking a fucking $50 cab right now. Whoa dude.
You want to know "classy?" Fucking Armagnac.
I'm a native Mexican and I support trump, why the hell should illegal immigrants (not all of whom are Mexican) get citizenship just by crossing the border. While to be legal you have to study, learn ,and recite oaths and take a test on U.S. law and history. Why should china be able to screw us over by manipulating their currency with no repercussions or have us pay tariffs while we don't make them pay. Why should we take in refugees that have proven that they don't want to leave behind radical dogmas or embrace the laws of the land they want to reside in.
LOL, Idk mane. I was at my sisters graduation at Georgetown a few months ago. She had some really hot friends. The bros loved the fact that I didn't give a fuck about wearing my MAGA hat. In fact, they loved it. The chicks however... they just got triggered. I was at a party and there were a bunch of chicks in the kitchen... I walk in with said hat, and they look at me with disgust. I even open up my bag and offer them some "craft" beer. Nope, they all just leave. So I just filled the fridge with beer and continued to drink with the bros.
>mfw the whole night
Sup Forums is a cesspool of white racist Trump supporters just as the BLM is a cesspool of racist Hillary supporters and Obama had the New Black Panthers supporting. So racists in the Trump camp is no big deal. Trump gets my vote because he's more conservative than Hillary.
zitto animale
>And you support a lying, unfair, war starting crook.
The only proper response to this is to attack the black guy
A good chuckle my friend.
we should have never allowed women to vote.
Trump enjoys trolling people. For that alone, he's got my vote.
I literally cannot even
I'm racist. As a racist, I can tell you Trump isn't racist. I'd like him a lot more if he was.
Are you seriously asking me to explain my point of view that has been brought into question?
yes. Im here with the gestapo as well. Loud degenerate music and alcohol is banned in the 4th reich you know?
> Are you a racist?
of course i do why are you anti-semetic or something ?
>You support Trump?
>Are you a racist?
WOW I just can't.... like WOW
I'm literally shaking
Hell no!
Hell yes!