Was Joseph a cuck?

Was Joseph a cuck?

His wife's son was the Messiah.


care to explain how joseph is not a cuck?

It is secular belief that the bible is made up.


>I told him it was a virgin birth
>and he believed me!

>I keep praying for a girlfriend, but she never shows up! Ok I am an athiest now

Cucked by God. How the fuck do you even deal with that.


Fedora here.
Mary probably had an affair and covered it up by saying that GAAAWWWDDDD impregnated her lol.


Chick just didn't want to get stoned to death by not being a virgin.

Imagine if /r9k/ posters were alive at that time.
I would try to become a stone salesman and jew it up.

this is what jews say

I mean, if you had to get cucked by someone...

Get out shill. You have no power here.

>God sends you a living God and charges you with raising the lord of the universe.
>you then proceed to have many children of your own.
>some fag 2000 years later makes fun of you.
>that same fag raises his pet turtle and shit post on an anonymous image board so he can feel significant

That's seriously a theory? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I just concluded that by myself.

its just what jews say to mock christians


Jews have several theories to explain the existence of Jesus.

One theory is that the entire religion of Christianity was made up by Saul of Tarsus (Saint Paul the apostle). It's an odd theory, considering that in order for this to be true, Paul would have had to make up the existence of the other apostles, as well.

Jews will say anything to avoid confronting Christ.

sammy wants you to know that youre a faggot.
i agree.

Nah. Getting to raise the Son of God with the greatest woman who ever lived is uncucked as you can get.


Matthew 1:20-21 (KJV)

20 But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.

21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.

To be fair though the Bible does a whole lot of ridiculous X begat Y and so on in order to fulfill the prophecy

use a higher res pic you kike

Yeah, reading the New Testament can be a bit tiring with how the authors like to go on about how Jesus fulfilled a different part of the scripture every time he took a shit.

Its one of the reasons I really don't enjoy the New Testament at all. That and having three different people tell the same damn story. Talk about padding. There's so many great books cut out of the Bible but they choose to repeat the same story three times? Completely baffling.

I want to the read the story where Jesus kills a kid for bumping in to him, and the one where baby Jesus tells a dragon to fuck off.


Chad at the bar:
>So then I knocked up this guy's wife
>she didn't even fuck him yet
>and she got preggers with my kid
>so then I told one of my hype boys
>to tell them that the poor guy has to raise my kid
>but just to add insult to injury the cuck couldn't even enjoy sloppy seconds
>he had to take care of the girl, raise the kid, and the chump doesn't even get any pussy out of the deal
>and you know what?
>The sucker agreed to it
>what a beta.

>but just to add insult to injury the cuck couldn't even enjoy sloppy seconds

Joseph and Mary had children of their own.


>mfw jesus had brothers and sisters

Call the Vatican! Cover it up!

Technically yes. However, being cucked by the literal Lord God, Creator of All Time and Space can't be all that bad.

Best person to be cucked by if you have to be cucked.

Aye fuck god, nigga keep your cosmic dick in your pants and outta my bedroom.

The second I walk in on my girlfriend in bed with god almighty she's out of the house and on her ass. God can have her.


>and the chump doesn't even get any pussy out of the deal

joseph and mary had children, you stupid catholic

t. fedora man

>best person to be cucked by
Who else is in your top 5?


Obviously. The immaculate conception is one little girl's lie that went too far

>>Care to explain how joseph is not a cuck?
An angel came to Joseph and told him mary would bare the son of God.

Not a cuck.
He was informed.

A cuck has to be willingly cucked to be a cuck. Joseph had no choice.

you don't

you just lay down and die because you got cucked by the most powerful being in existance

Uh...yes he is? Its not like he had a choice so hes the worst kind of cuck. The kind that knew he was being cucked but couldnt do anything about it.

Oh man Zeus cucked a lotta denbt payers back in the day

>>couldnt do anything about it.
Why would he want do anything about it?
Joseph was born in a religious family.

So basically God told him "I'm going to fuck your wife."?

So he was submissive about it too. Worst kind of cuck.

God goes and fucks his wife and he approves. what a loser

>there are men of European descent ITT that unironically believe in a Semitic deity

Can you explain why an underage poster is violating board rules?

The bull informs the cuck that he is going to impregnate his wife, too. What's your point?

You do realize that was literally giving Joseph the task of raising god wrought in flesh, right?

Its more likely that he HINSELF knocked her up and borh invented it so her father did not killed him for fucking before marying


No. No sexual intercourse was involved.

Then how do you explain THIS quote?

>Then Joseph said to his brothers, "Don't speak to my wife or her son ever again!" But his brothers could not answer him, for they were dismayed at his presence. Then Joseph said to his brothers, "Please come closer to me." And they came closer. And he said, "I am your brother Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt. "Now do not be grieved or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here, for my bull sent me before you to preserve life.…

Seems pretty cut and dry to me.

>>Worst kind of cuck.
>> What a loser
Nice wordplay.

*Tip harder*

This is the problem with atheists. Most of you are just assholes. Not in a funny way... like how we all call each other a faggot, or whatever. But, you're truly, legit assholes.

You have the right to disbelieve... But, you can't just let it go. You have the right to believe whatever you like.. No one harasses you. But, you just can't help yourselves when it comes to mocking people. Your arrogance and ego just won't let you leave people to believe what they want.

There are exceptions though. As a practicing Catholic I have friends who are atheist. We have our discussions and disagreements.. But in the end we respect each other's positions.

But, atheists like you? You just genuine assholes. Miserable human beings with superiority complexes.

No he isn't. Mary didn't have sex to produce Christ. And Joseph is currently living in paradise in full glory having been the person trusted with guarding the Christ child.

>What's your point?
Can you read?
i clearly explained it.
or are you to dim.

Cucks are informed that the bull is about to dump his seed into their wives, too. In fact they get off on it just like Joseph did. You're just reinforcing the fact that he's a cuck.

Stop being so butthburt faggot. I have nothing against theists who keep their beliefs to themselves.

No, it is called "love" - look it up.

>>Most of you are just assholes
internet atheists
Real atheists i've talked to act nothing like they do.
internet atheists are just edgy kids and teens.

Bullshit... You go out of your way to insult. Why post on this thread otherwise?

Good point. This is the weekend so all the underaged posters are on in force.

But, what about the atheists who go out of their to remove our faith from every aspect of public life?


There's just nothing you can do about it, if God wants to plow your wench, you just let him.

Lol son I've been on this site probably longer than you've been alive... Not literally, but considering you're just an angst teen who cusses his own mother out for getting his way.. You get my point.

Nothing you can say will trigger me. I merely took the time point out what a shitty human being you are.

Cheers Bullwinkle.

So, imagine if you're married to your sister. You know she's your sister, because everyone is the direct descendent of Adam and Eve.

Your Dad, or I guess your great, great, great Granddad, enters into her womb, and has himself reborn as your little brother.

No, Joseph wasn't a Cuck. Just completely insane - probably some bad frankensense or myr.

This is actually a good theory. She probably had an affair or was raped and covered it up.

Seriously i think its their choice.
Nothing we can do about it.
The bible says many people will be mislead.
They Just want to be left alone.
Its seems older generations are making us, the younger generations of Christians look bad by trying to force them to be something they don't want to be.

you realize you're responding to a Canadian right? don't feed him

Good point....

This is true.. The worst troll on Sup Forums

Seriously i think its their choice.
There's Nothing we can do about it.
Jesus said many people will be misled.
They Just want to be left alone.
Its seems older generations are making us, the younger generations of Christians look bad by trying to force them to be something they don't want to be.

Garçon, listen here.

If you weren't triggered you would have been the better man and turned the other cheek. Now all you're doing is making unfounded assumptions based on your own hypocritical prejudice.

But they're not being forced in adulthood... I don't disagree with you.

You see, my problem is when they go out of their way to attack... They're not doing because mom and dad forced them to church when they were kids... They're doing it because they think they're funny... Or edgy... Or rebellious... Name your verb.

Instead of just saying... Yeah not my thing and moving on... They make it a point to be dickheads.

Mary was a whore. Jesus was a bastard. Joseph was a cuck

Im sorry but the entire religion of christianity is based around cuck apologism and roman jism entering semitic pussies. The jews couldn't handle it so they made a god out the sun of roman legionnaire. They thought finally some superior roman seed filling our women this great lets start a cult.


My point exactly lol


he literally got cucked by the Holy Ghost

Agreeing to being cucked still makes you a cuck. Also remember that Gabriel came to Joseph AFTER god had already raped his wife and told him he HAD to raise a child who wasnt his. Joseph confirmed cuck

are you saying god is a bull?

No hes a nigger. Literally raped mary without even giving her a chance to defend herself and made another man raise his child. Typical nigger behavior.

Reminder that Joseph was thinking of leaving his wife when he found out she was pregnant.

Imagine if God was an Aryan. Would you bear an Aryan child?

He was an very old guy taking care of a teenage girl that had sex with a roman solider and got pregnant.

What do you think?

Pretty sure Judeo-Christian god is just an ordinary simple war god, not a supreme being.

>Instead of just saying... Yeah not my thing and moving on... They make it a point to be dickheads.
Keep playing the victim card retard.


There's was a theory that Jesus' real father was a Roman who raped Mary.

Australians and Canadians... Britian was right.

why are they portrayed as light skinned?

everyone knows they were sand niggers

Turn the other cheek.
Like Jesus said.
I think people misinterpret his words.
Jesus was a pacifist.
He died for people,which is the ultimate pacifist.

Although he did say.“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36
And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household."

What does this mean? i believe it is a metaphor not literal.

"Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth." He knew people are sinners.Humans are naturally violent.
"I have not come to bring peace, but a sword." Words are powerful like a sword. Hence Christianity 2billion christians,We follow Jesus's words.
Next verse should answer your question.

That seems feasible.

So Mary claimed it was a virgin birth to spare herself the dishonour and probably a death by stoning for adultery.

at the time it wasnt uncommon for a man his age to marry a teenager


Thats the idea. Apperantly the god of the Jews was one among a pantheon which the Semites worshiped at the time. Which would explain the immense amount of jealousy that Yahweh displays in the old testament.

Then over the course of many many generations the knowledge of those other gods was lost and now it is assumed that Judaism was created monotheist when it was probably an offshoot of an ancient polytheistic religion.

retard he meant he was going to divide those who followed him and those who didnt. he meant that it would be shitty and youd lose a lot but keep the faith and ascend this mortal plain.

>>retard he meant he was going to divide those who followed him.

You don't believe in him.
Who are you to say what it means?