Where were you when this little gay twink destroyed Sargon of Akkad and the alt-right ideology in a single video?
Where were you when this little gay twink destroyed Sargon of Akkad and the alt-right ideology in a single video?
But Cuckgon never shuts up about how he's a liberal.
>destroyed Sargon of Cuckad
>and the alt-right
considering that faggot is anti-alt-right, you have to choose.
also, not watching your 99% guaranteed boring af video
Because Alexander the Great Bisexual was the greatest warrior ever known
>Sargon "Give the Black Momba to your Momma" Akkad
Sargon isn't alt-right
You can't be a bloody race egalitarian and be alt-right
lol butthurt
Oh fuck off m8
>caring about Quadroon of Mossad at all
Find a hobby.
>implying Sargon speaks for the alt-right
w..wow! drumpf btfo!
Sargon is a lib.
I think you mean buttbliss
>call Sargon a hypocrite because he doesn't like Anita
>pick on misspellings and poor grammar in internet comments
Does he actually make an argument? Because I don't feel like watching past the 5 minutes I just wasted of my life if he never makes an argument.
Incidentally, I don't care much for Sargon. He's a lefty. He has more in common with this homosexual than with anyone here. But that's the political left for you.
don't see any #retking just a poor attempt at trolling.
Omg this guy talking is such a faggot! Sargon if cuckaad isn't perfect but this guy misrepresents so badly it almost seems like a parody .
>Sargon isn't alt-right
shame you don't speak Spanish or Portuguese I'm watching a brazilian novela would love to watch it with you, the cuckening is real qt
He doesn't make an argument. And Libertarian Socialist Rants is featured in the video.
As bad as Sargon is, this guy has all the trappings of a dumbass. So I'm going to assume he's pretty dumb.
kek - the quadroon of mossad
>Over 90% of academics and professors identify as Liberal
>just populist scare tactics to assume there will be a bias to the equivalence of the Red Scare
>maybe if I put in air horns I'd win
Sargon's a retard though. So it's pretty easy to mock him.
There are literally documentaries being made about him specifically as an alt-right leader. Go back to your shillery and hatch some more shills, shill.
Can you people stop using the term "alt-right" like that? It's completely meaningless by now.
That's honestly one of the worst videos I've ever watched. I'm not a fan of Sargon, but literally all they did the entire time was make fun of him and the faggots that signed the petition. They didn't make one argument that I can remember the whole video. They even showed his debate with Kristi Winters which really had nothing to do with the petition just so they could make fun of hin more (even though that "debate" was cringeworthy as fuck). And I'm pretty sure one of those voices was that Libertarian Rants or whatever he calls himself. The pimply faced teenager who made pretty much the same video trying to attack Black Pigeon Speaks. He's a Marxist defending Cultural Marxism by saying it isn't Cultural Marxism, which raises some red flags. He's also a fucking moron. Bottom line, that video was really really bad
his pettiton is fucking stupid, this video is pretty funny, but i only watched a few minutes
His debate abilities are horrible, generalizes so hard, unless its that tool from minority report
but he covers good news stories, finding out about TYT being funded by fucking Qatar was hilariously sad
nothing to see here
also alt right? u focking wot m8
Sargon really isn't Alt-Right.
It's cancer going the way of gamergate when reddit took up the cause and needs to die.
link you fagoot
"documentaries i sware" what some youtube videos? the fuck are you talking about m8
He is to everyone except 5 neonazis on Sup Forums.
>anti alt-right
he literally agrees with millenialwoe on 95% of all things and the only differences are just because sargon literally refuses to "believe" some things.
>thinking it's hard to beat Quadroon of Mossad
This is why centrist cuckies like him will never be able to compete with hardcore SJWs.
MW is also kinda cuckie, the only alt-right I trust is the good folks at TDS and TRS.
Quite literally, he does not like the Alt-Right. He is sympathetic and friendly with "Trump culture" but he is not Alt-Right.
>Fuck Me
H.Bomber needs to just go back to making videos about video games.
His Fallout Review was intersting, but I just don't care about what he thinks about Sargon, if he really wants to make Political videos he should make another Youtube Channel
>taqiyya on Sup Forums
I bet it works on 70 year olds in dailymail comments, huh.
how is mw cuckie? he is the most sincere alt because he chuckled at a joke of ramzpaul on a stream. this guy is the incarnation of alt right.
>"Trump culture"
Sargon isn't alt-right because he holds anti-scientific views on the reality of human genetic diversity and racial differences in IQ. This is hugely significant, and it's why Sargon isn't alt-right.
it's just fence sitting or perl clutching or whatever the term is. he will come straight sooner or later even if he would not call himself alt right.
>he will come straight sooner or later
Don't bet on it, he's 1/4 black and therefore may not allow him to acknowledge the intellectual inferiority of blacks.
Sargon is proof that Americans will listen to any idiot so long as he has an English accent
Sargon is uneducated, cant argue his way out of paper bag and has to constantly pander to his "Center-Left" audience for patreon bucks
This is what the alt-right says every time someone on the alt-right gets BTFO. No true scotsmen.
I will keep referring to the debate between mw and cuckadon. in the end cuckadon had to agree to almost everything except some details he couldnt agree to and not because reason but believe.
and even if. it's irrelevant. white nationalism and race realism is only a part of it. if you only focus on race then you are just a nazi and on a low intellectual level senpai
Isn't Alt-right essentially fascist? Sargon of Akcuck doesn't seem very fascist.
>doesn't have a central trait of being alt-right
>is therefore not called alt-right
There's no 'no true scotsman' being committed here, fuckhead. see
not necessarily. I just want my country and Europe free of niggers and muds. call me patriotic white direct democrat,
>if you only focus on race then you are just a nazi and on a low intellectual level senpai
Nice strawman. Genetics account for roughly 80% of intelligence and many behaviors. It's hugely significant.
>racial differences in IQ
top kek
of course. however, there is so much more to it and focusing on race is silly. in the end it's a common goal that unites us: get the niggers out.
Sargon isn't alt-right.... He's firmly left wing
So talking about ecelebs, what does everyone think of the tantrum atheism is unstoppable is going on now?
"The alt-right is the new left" - Richard Spencer
inb4 Spencer isn't alt-right
>Listening to a remainer
>"Niggers aren't fucking stupid"
Why are you even here?
Sargon of Akkad is pro brexit and there's no use lying about it seeing as he is the best known and most beloved leader of the Alt-Right.
Both of these idiots are fags.
You're thinking of thunderf00t
I was referring to the video maker, he seems very pro-remain.
I can't believe this is what the rationalist community has stooped too.
that guy's political opinion shouldnt even be entertained. he should focus on science and leave politics.
>racial differences in IQ
Virtually all of modern genetic science research proves exactly this.
But Sargon is a liberal, not alt-right.
>g-get out of my safe space!
Fuck off Satan
Thunderf00t is a significant leader of the Alt-Right Youtuber Community. Do you think he will ever reach as many people as Sargon of Akkad or do you think Sargon will whack him to keep his grip on the Alt-Right Youtuber Community? I'm not accusing anyone of anything but there's a lot of Paytreon money floating around...in the Alt-Right Youtuber Community.
Nice evil trips. Checked.
>Half the beginning of the video is just giggling
Saged and reported
How is Sargon anti-Alt right? He's subscribed to Ramzpaul and Sargon has said that he likes Ramzpaul's videos.
Enough shilling sargon you fucking faggot
He's endorsed traditionally progressive principles (i.e. Social safety net, strong support of civil liberties) on more than one occasion.
>no argument
Okay then.
Watch his """""debate""""" with millennial woes. He goes off on the """"alt-right"""" at the end of it.
Dude, sargon has half as many subscribers.
The dude also likes Kevin Logan who is a known sjw, by your logic he's a feminist.
But quite a lot of the alt-right ideology is about hating SJWs and Feminism which Sargon also does.
that's just the genre of "feminism take down videos". nothing to do with being alt right and everything to do with subscribers and shekels.
On his political compass test he was a left libertarian...
Frankly it's actually a little frightening how much my views align with his.
Sargon is a pussy faggot
AiU or bust
Regarding Murray and Herrnstein's claims about racial differences and genetics, the APA task force stated:
There is certainly no such support for a genetic interpretation...It is sometimes suggested that the Black/White differential in psychometric intelligence is partly due to genetic differences (Jensen, 1972). There is not much direct evidence on this point, but what little there is fails to support the genetic hypothesis.
Regarding statements about other explanations for racial differences, the APA task force stated [emphasis added]:
The differential between the mean intelligence test scores of Blacks and Whites (about one standard deviation, although it may be diminishing) does not result from any obvious biases in test construction and administration, nor does it simply reflect differences in socio-economic status. Explanations based on factors of caste and culture may be appropriate, but so far have little direct empirical support. There is certainly no such support for a genetic interpretation. At present, no one knows what causes this differential.
Please tell me more about how "virtually all" of the scientific evidence points to IQ being genetics based.
I watched few of this guys videos
Hes insufferable keeps making non arguments and snickering, thinking he has intellectual high ground
Sorry, I was thinking of the Amazing Atheist, not Sargon. There are so many chubby, bearded Alt-Right leaders in the Youtube Community you get mixed up sometimes.
>E-celebs threads
>supporting a known sjw
>alt right
dont go full bananas now :^)
What else would it be?
When you take into account IQ reputability
Could you re-cap? I've been out of the loop.
what a dumb fucking cancerous video holy shit, anyone who actually watched the full length sargon videos the guy uses in his video knows what a dumb fucking cancerous video this really is.
fuck this dumb nigger shitlord and fuck op for being a little cuck nigger shitfaggot
t. buttblasted humanities major
Some Sup Forumsack threatened to kill his parents, he has every right to throw a tantrum
I watched the video. It's shit. The author misses the point that SJWism is harming University. Social Justice is causing the destruction of youth as well as western civilization.
Sargon is a cuck without a doubt, but on this I agree. The petition will do nothing, but that doesn't matter because ratings, reviews, and controversies have destroyed several Universities already and have planted seeds for conservative Unis to spring up.
He sounds triggered
>Its mean therefor its wrong
And in his recent video he took down here banned a shit ton of people for liking trump
Also check his twitter. He's pulling a Steve shives.
Has more to it than that goyim.
Except Sargon has debated alt-righters concerning their fundamental beliefs. You're either dishonestly claiming the fallacy or you don't know what it means.
He is an anti-anti-feminist and an anti-anti-SJW, and makes his videos as annoying and ADHD as possible. I don't like Sargon. This guy is deflecting from SJWs and feminists being an issue in Academia. Genuine cuck.