What's the worst experience you've had with a Muslims, Islamists, and Arabs Sup Forums?
i've never knowingly interacted with one.
i had one lady in a full black burqa walk past me in a mall one time, she had a nice scent.
I spent the night at a friend's house and his parents called me a Jew and contemplated sending me home.
Prob that for me as well.
Also I interacted with them at school. They were hoity toity little prudes.
none , but their religion is a threat that need to be put down once and for all , the attacks that began against europe since the medieval age need to stop forever
Had quite a few of them at the college I used to go to. One of my professors was so scared that she was going to get assaulted by an Arab student (after she called him out for plagiarism) that she wanted me to hang around, just in case.
Afterwards, the administration didn't do shit to the Arab kid, and threatened the professor with punishment over the incident.
A feminist convert to Islam accused me of raping her after she orgasmed twice from riding my dick while I was black out drunk.
I am not kidding.
Moderate Muslims wants a Radical Muslims to behead you.
>be me
>long day, head is super foggy
>stop at local Muslim-owned gas station
>pay for $10 worth of gas
>forget to fill up
>drive off
>5 minutes later realize I forgot to actually fill up
>drive back
"excuse me, has anyone used the gas on pump #4 since I've been here?"
>"yes, you did"
>explain situation
>he laughs at me and rolls his eyes
>tells me someone used it
>tell him thanks anyway and start to walk out
>he yells something I don't understand
>I stop
>tells me he'll put 10 on pump 4, he believes me
Not gonna lie, I hate Muslims, but my one any only encounter with Muslims has been great. I appreciated that unnecessary act of kindness, and now I go to his deli almost daily and buy the majority of my shit from his shop.
When i used to live alone in BC sometimes i would go to the corner store a couple times late at night in just a t shirt and short shorts. The mudslimes would always harass me, follow me, be extremely creepy and make it obvious they wanted it gang rape me. It doesnt help that im a trap and as soon as they tried to rape me they'd find my penis. I stopped going out alone at night after the 4th time or so. I swear that muslim rape gangs just literally patrol the streets at night in some places
My french teacher, he's pretty lazy.
Literally the only muslim I have ever met.
Used to ride a bus to school when I was in 4th grade. These asshole Muslim kids would always fuck with my friend and I, for what I would assume was for being infidels.
>watching X-Men DOFP
>hear popping
>sheriff shows up ON MY FRONT LAWN
>just chilling with his shotgun out
>wave to him
>he waves back
>ok so he's not here for me torrenting X-men
>more popping
>he looks like he's shitting bricks
>realize that sounds like 5.56 and pistol shots
>news reports start saying shit is happening at night club 1/4th of a mile from me
you all know the rest
My worst experience was when a sand nigger killed 49 people 1/4th of a mile from me, and I heard it all go down.
saw a woman wearing a burka on the bus once. i was extremely offended. when I get on a bus, i take off my hat, i take off my sunglasses, i make sure my jacket hood is down. no one likes sitting on a bus with shady looking people. how dare she.
When I was in Japan, Kyoto specifically for adventures, we were come backing from this amazing jerk chicken ramen place a friend in tokyo recommended, got on the bus to get back to where we're staying, and some muslim obviously tourist pushes infront with a pram filled with junk and his kid being dragged behind by his wife, who looked like a kicked dog
They stank like shit, looked like shit and got on the bus from the front instead of the back like fucking retards. Took up a heap of room and acted like dumb cunts.
All the nips on the bus were avoiding looking at them. They were piggish.
Another one, in Kyoto as well, like the next day. We caught a train to Inari shrine, went up, saw it, came back down, and when we got on the return train, there was like a whole group of paki/arab looking cunts dressed all ghetto like, looked pissy and smelly, like 13-15 year olds. About 5 of them, sat infront of this lone japanese schoolgirl who had to be about 10-12. She was just staring blankly and sternly straight ahead into empty space not making eye contact.
She looked like an animal that was racked by fear and is pretending to be invisible. I honestly expected those guys to probably follow her off the next stop and rape her somewhere, it was getting dark.
I saw that shit and moved from the door and my seat and we went and sat down hext to her, I postured confidently and just kept throwing them stares while they now started looking at their shoes.
She got off at the next stop and they didn't follow her, I could tell they were going to.
Fuck dirty muslim cunts. Why were they even in Kyoto.
Personally, no bad experiences to report in spite of the fact that they make up a significant chunk of our population. They did stage an armed coup and tried to take over the country one time though.
>Not telling the story.
Phakkit. I hope she slammed her hips so hard your balls ached the next day.
I talked to a few muslim girls,small talk...
What really stunned me was how polite and respectful they were to me... more than any normal bitch would behave...
It was almost "unnatural" to be treated with that much respect by a woman...
Scary to be honest...
Do you look like one?
I had to sit on a 14 hr flight next to a mudshitw, and he smelled fucking terrible like took his armpit sweat and smeared it all over every inch of his body and all over his clothes, he reeked of B.O.
yea and I have a famous family