What happened to society when did we stop dressing classy?

What happened to society when did we stop dressing classy?

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Not often that you see someone who is just so visibly autistic.

Swag is for boys

Nigger culture happened. Now youths feel it's ok to be a failure and live disgusting lives following in their favorite rappers footsteps.

Whiter family than yours

You all look so fat, short and ugly

Dressing classy is for cucks who don't have any personality to back up their dress.

It's fun, yeah. Everyone likes wearing a suit and looking good. However, dressing up for the sole purpose of being "better" than everyone around you makes you look like a cuck.

You should check your privilege, sir.

This. It looks like this kid gets the cold, clammy hands when speaking to a girl and then wonders why none of them like being around him.

Lets see yours fag

Where have I seen this kid before?


sweet pic

i like reviewbrah now

Kid creeps me out a little, the fast-food review kid. Smart but creeps me out.

my buddy and i have been able to wear suits in our daily lives since 2010 like ballers. it's awesome when hillary supporters are like, wtf?

Was he born in a damn suit?

Jeb is a bishop?

Niggers and other degeneracy

Wow, he looks just like his mother, which I assume is the lady to his left (our right).

You sound insecure.

Because dressing up is an exercise in vanity.

This fucking scum started to exist. Seriously every decade before the 1960's (when counterculture became a norm), you see well-dressed, nice looking people. Then liberal counterculture became rampant and the rest of society stopped trying to look nice, because you had all these freaks running around like feral niggers.

He's one of us fucktard. Always take kindly to fellow redpilled Sup Forumsfags.
Probably much less autistic than your average leaf or sven too.

Suits are like the diamond engagement ring of the male world. They're unnecessarily expensive, serve no function whatsoever, and the only reason you want one is because marketers tell you they look good

Whats this guys yt channel again?

Would you rather wear a fucking suit and dress shoes everyday than something comfy like a normal shirt and tennishoes?

Suits are hot an uncomfortable.


When women entered the work force. There was no real equivalent to suits for men, so the casualness of their outfits ranged. This prepped the men to lose the jacket, then the tie, then the buttoned shirt.

Looks exactly like me when I was a kid. At least I was fortunate enough to grow into my head and grow a beard so I don't look like a fucking toddler.

Suits are super comfy if you get them tailor made.

he's r9k you fuckwit

Found the poor fag

*tips fedora*
People need to wear a higher class of hat, like me.

He was born in it molded by it, you merely adopted the suit. The first time he saw a pair of jeans it was BLINDING!!


Someone posted one of his replies in a video in which he says something like

>I visit Sup Forums often and I understand exactly what is happening in our world.

I wonder if it was photoshopped.

I'll wear a suit when appropriate, but there's no reason to go about your day to day in a suit, it's so much of a pain in the ass.

People actually got less autistic

What emotion does this face convey?

God why does he look so punchable? Not in the sense that he's a 'douchebag' or anything but sometimes when you're around extremely unassertive people you start wanting to just dominate them because they are in a sense asking you for it. This fucker gives those vibes

Yeah, I bet they're super comfy when it's 30C+ outside. If your job requires it then do it, but dressing up like that just because seems rather pretentious and unnecesary. Besides you need to dry clean them all the time instead of just using a regular washing machine like normal people.

Nice quads though.

>My feet hurt.

>that review of the lofthouse cookies
I could feel his disgust through the screen desu

Suits are too hot and finding one that is reasonably priced AND fits is hard to find.

A simple button down and jeans looks good, normal, and affordable.

I wish review brah would stop buying these oversized goodwill suits and use the money from his channel to get a decent wardrobe.

You're probably a latent rapist

if he removes it... will he die?

drunk uncle feels

We didn't, you're probably just poor.

>tfw during the summer live in the Hamptons in the winter live in Pelham
Feels good being a rich white male.


It's not often that hot up here.
Maybe in Mexico, it's worse.

his sister


Uhh... guys!??!?

Did you all just fucking forget what went down in last nights thread?

Wait, is Reviewbrah actually here? Where the hell did the family photos come from?

If you are here, keep it up brosky.

Photo from the thread

The canadian just fucking walked into his house and filmed reviewbrah while getting into an altercation with him.

Jesus fucking christ, the leaf was the stalker all along...


Give him a break, he is just a little autistic. He is ONE OF US after all...

More pics

The fucker made the brah cry

You wanna know what happened?
Some cana-nigger named Gavin McInnes started a faggot magazine called "Vice" and he told all the weak minded beta faggots that looking like a lumberjack will make you manly.

Add in the whole "geek chic" craze and there you have.
Nerds/geeks/gamerfags can't dress worth shit.
Yet everyone is trying to emulate them...........

It's the fault of beta faggots who never figured out fashion sense.

Thank cana-nigger and beta faggots.


>Yeah, I bet they're super comfy when it's 30C+ outside
Oh, sorry bean, we were speaking as white men who wear civilized garments of wool, living in climates suited for Europeans. None of this applies to Monkeyland.

Im from rye my nigga

Wait what the fuck?

like removing the shell from a turtle

Actually this. In Europe, where the climate is more or less comfortable year round, suits are a perfect fit. In New England, even, which is a little chillier, but still coastal, suits are pretty solid. But in greater America, a suit is a fucking death sentence for 80% of the year. Either you freeze your ass completely off with a loosefitting suit, or you bake yourself alive in a fitted suit. Hence, we developed our own clothes that better fit our climate. Unfortunately for the rest of the white world, places like California, the Deep South, and Cascadia managed to export their fashions and styles, irreparably damaging European culture.

Heh, shit. They look the same.

Canadians needs to be gassed.

Reviewbrah did nothing wrong

You made the best Youtuber quit

No I stole it from his house.

Does anyone have the photo of reviewbrah making kinda stank face/ choking face at the dinner table, Whenever I see it I fucking cry.

>his clone

Have you niggers asked if he likes Trump?


link it

Jesus christ ahhahahah thank you

>cana-niggers need to be gassed
I fully agree.



>no one posted this yet


mods please delete this thread.

that's fucked up. I loved watching this guys videos.

Link it fagget
You leave for one day and shit goes down

Reviewbrah with female attributes

Post the video or you're a liar.

We need to know what the review was for the Canadian bully who barged into his house and made him cry

That, hippies, and nigger culture. Just look at the average 5th-12th grade students shoes. They're all Jordans or any other ridiculously expensive shit shoe. In grade school you're a fag if you don't wear either nigger clothes or skater-douche stuff.

he likes trump.

he posts on here as /user/ he has said multiple times.

the quote was something like

>yes i frequently go to Sup Forums, i know what state the world is in, and where it is headed

It's like living in an episode of the X-Files.

Damn. You go to the PGA at all?

>last nights thread

Wew was that fun

Kids going to an hero any day now

Sup Forums



Suits don't have to be dark wool. His dad really was smarter.

How can I volunteer to be reviewbrah's bodyguard? He's the only reason I have left to live, I know some karate from my anime shows.

Look mate, he's a cool guy.
You might find this to be stupid, but Asperger's is not bad. Females are unattracted to it's traits, but it leads to logicality and deep-thought.
Some Chads might think that is ridiculous, because they'd rather prance around like man-whores than contemplate the universe and acknowledge their own existence.
Asperger's is not Down Syndrome, nor Autism.
It's rather frustrating, but it leads to complex thought, in all honestly, I believe the majority of Sup Forums to be Aspies, because they're Nat-Soc, not Skin-heads.
Skin-Heads are Autists. Nat-Soc are Aspies.
Learn the difference.

I mean, he directly talks about a fucking stalker in his latest videos and subtly mentions he's scared for his life for christ sake

Uh guys, just found this


what's so special about this beta cuck in a suit who eats fastfood in a minivan??


That's really fucked up, honestly. You are an autist if you defend breaking and entering some faggot's house just to torment him and take pictures. That's just fucking wrong.

The kid did nothing to deserve that.

So very underappreciated